Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Jewish Observer Warns About Blogs

Rabbi Asher Meir writes:   Gil brought my attention to a recent article by Zvi Frankel in the Jewish Observer warning about the dangers of blogs, and asked if I could make some comments (Zvi Frankel, "Blogs: Transgressing a Major … Continue reading

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Crown Heights’ receding hemlines

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes: Returning to Chabad headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, for a Shabbat is an exhilarating experience. Lubavitchers are arguably the most alive people in the world and there is a pulse and electricity in the air that … Continue reading

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About Half Of My Friends Are Orthodox Jews

Orthodoxy has made for the majority of my social life since I moved to Los Angeles in 1994. I compare notes with a friend who says: Yes I’d say that percentage too, although due to the vast amount of social … Continue reading

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Opening Up Orthodox Judaism

Steve Lipman writes for The Jewish Week: In a small classroom across Broadway from Columbia University, Moshe is having a meltdown one recent afternoon. Moshe, in his late 20s, is reluctantly unburdening with his rabbi about his drinking problem. Depressed, … Continue reading

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Rent A Hasid

Worldly men rent vagina. Godly men rent Hasidim. Oh, how it makes my Modern Orthodox heart sing when I can pray with the haredim. Just like it used to make my Reform heart dance when I could pray with black … Continue reading

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