Category Archives: Orthodoxy

The complex, secret path to becoming an Orthodox Jew

Jewish Journal: Esther lives in the Pico-Robertson area with her Israeli-born husband and three children. She wears long skirts, speaks fluent Hebrew and has mastered the use of a fedora as a head covering when she goes to synagogue. But … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbi Philip Esformes Charged in Unprecedented $1B Medicare Fraud Case in Miami

BACKGROUND: “Nursing Home Baron Rabbi Morris Esformes: “Beside the fact that they’re anti-mental health and anti-black, they’re probably anti-Jew because I’m an ordained rabbi”” NEWS: The largest ever criminal health care fraud case surfaced last week when Justice Department officials … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘Can You Spew Sexism and Homophobia and Still Lead the ‘Most Moral Army in the World’?’

The rabbi has simply said things that are basic Torah. If you condemn his statements, you are condemning Torah. Torah is not the same as western liberalism. These are two different outlooks on life. The Torah is homophobic and sexist … Continue reading

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Does Rabbinic Key Card Ruling Mean Shabbat Has ‘Lost the Fight Against Technology’?

No Orthodox Jew fully lives up to the demands of Orthodox Judaism. A lenient ruling here means there’s one less thing Orthodox Jews are doing that breaks the Torah. If you won’t use a key card on Shabbat, you are … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Man Hangs Self — 26th New York Orthodox Suicide in Year

Forward: Brooklyn’s Orthodox community is mourning the apparent suicide of 22-year-old construction worker Yakov Krausz, whose body was discovered Wednesday in an elevator motor room, the Daily News reported. His death marks at least the 26th suicide of a young … Continue reading

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