Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Kids’ clothing retailer defends return policy singling out Orthodox neighborhoods

Different people have different gifts. Businesses should treat different types of customers differently. Many traditional Orthodox Jewish communities in America currently abuse return policies. From anecdotal reports, it seems to me that Orthodox Jewish kids tend to cheat more in … Continue reading

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The Key To Understanding Why Some Jews Will Vote for Donald Trump

J.J. Goldberg is my favorite left-wing intellectual. He makes an effort to understand different points of view and when he makes an argument, he usually treats the other side fairly. He writes in the Forward: We Americans aren’t who we … Continue reading

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Esther Jungreis, Orthodox Jewish Outreach Pioneer, Dies at 80

She had a gift, she had passion, she was a mighty warrior for her people and she did all her campaigning within the strict confines of Orthodox Judaism. There can be a public role for women in Orthodox Judaism. Esther … Continue reading

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What Orthodox Women Wear to the Beach Is No Different From a Burkini

The beach is a key part of Australian culture. If you won’t go to the beach and have a swim, you’re not a real Australian. I guess the ancient Greeks said that anyone who does not compete in the nude … Continue reading

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Orthodox rabbis condemn Donald Trump’s ‘hateful rhetoric and intolerant policy proposals’

LINK: We the undersigned are a group of American Orthodox rabbis, speaking as individuals, who have come together — in solidarity with other religious leaders — to make this statement on a matter of grave religious import. We believe that … Continue reading

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