Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Can Working On A Bail-Out Bill Be Considered Saving A Life?

In Jewish law, you are allowed to break the Sabbath to save a life. Rahm Emmanuel invoked this when asking his rabbi if he could make a phone call on Rosh Hashanah for the sake of the bailout bill. Rabbi … Continue reading

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It’s Too Easy To Condemn Modern Orthodox Racism

Gary Rosenblatt, the Modern Orthodox Editor of The Jewish Week in New York writes: Last Wednesday, the day after the elections, Elliot Prager, the principal of Moriah, a Modern Orthodox day school in Englewood, N.J., was approached by a 9-year-old … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Blacks, Gary Rosenblatt, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Race, The Jewish Week | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on It’s Too Easy To Condemn Modern Orthodox Racism

How Open Is ‘Open Orthodoxy’?

I think the proponents of "Open Orthodoxy" mean well. They are the part of Orthodoxy I find most easy to hang with, but "Open Orthodoxy" is a contradiction in terms. "Orthodoxy" means one truth. How open can you be when … Continue reading

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The YCT Rabbinics Student Whose Wife Didn’t Cover Her Hair, Her Knees And A Whole Lot More

Mark writes on Hirhurim about Modern Orthodoxy (MO): I’ve encountered numerous people who claim that they’re MO and while sometimes they share similarities, many times they’re worlds apart. For example, I recently encountered a young man and his wife in … Continue reading

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The Age of the Earth

Rabbi Aviner writes: While there is still a difference between the dating of the world between the Torah – 5769 years – and scientists – 15 million years (this conclusion is reached through radioactivity in rocks, salts in oceans, etc…), … Continue reading

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