Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Ultra-Orthodox Find Unorthodox Ways Of Screwing Around

Truly shocking news from the New York Post: It seems everyone is cheating nowadays. Even Ultra-Orthodox Jews are flocking to a new site made for Kosher cheating: Apparently God did not make the commandment “Thou shall not commit adultery” clear … Continue reading

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Did I Join A Cult And Not Even Know It? II

When I asked Chaim Amalek, he said: "You joined a cult years ago and didn’t even know it." So I’m in shul Friday night piously studying the week’s Torah portion in the Artscroll Stone Chumash and found this culty commentary … Continue reading

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Making Conversion To Orthodox Judaism Easier

From The Jerusalem Post: United Torah Judaism’s rabbinic leadership is expected to meet on Wednesday night to discuss a possible compromise in proposed conversion reforms that would allow the party to join the government coalition. The meeting is slated to … Continue reading

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May A Convert Serve On A Bait Din For Conversion?

From Hirhurim: May a Convert Serve on a Bet Din for Conversion: A Short Halachic Review, Some Halachic Thoughts of My Own and a Concluding Halachic Remark Guest post by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde In a Op-Ed in The Jewish … Continue reading

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Child Brides On Pico Blvd

Walk Pico Blvd near Robertson Blvd on Shabbat and you’ll see some Orthodox women who look about 16 pushing baby carriages. These are Orthodox girls around 18 years of age who’ve married young and started having kids. In my experience, … Continue reading

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