Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Bais Yaakov Girls Gone Wild!

Heshy Fried writes: "Bais Yaakov Girls Gone Wild" has been in my imagination since I was 15. I never thought there were any other sick yeshiva guys like myself, but I have been surprised again and again by the search … Continue reading

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Should The Orthodox Ordain Women?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: On Sunday March 21st, 2009, Rabbi Avi Weiss conferred Yoreh Yoreh ordination on his congregational intern, Ms. Sara Hurwitz. The official certificate does not use the term rabbi but instead Rabbi Weiss invented a new … Continue reading

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Orthodox Women Rabbis

Moshe responds to the argument that there is no objection in Jewish law to a woman becoming a rabbi: You mention the Rav, which is ironic since it’s well documented that he objected to women even being shul president, let … Continue reading

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A Bais Yaakov Girl Who Converted To Catholicism

Report: …Sara, a third year law student who lives in Michigan with her husband of five years, together with their young daughter and two pets. Sara is a former Bais Yaakov girl from a moderate yeshivish family who stopped being … Continue reading

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Almost A Female Orthodox Rabbi

From Hirhurim: See the interviews with Sara Hurwitz, Blu Greenberg and Judith Hauptman in minutes 2 through 6. I’m still withholding my comments until further review: Reb Yidl writes: "I don’t see how such half measures will please anyone on … Continue reading

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