Category Archives: Orthodoxy

She Calls Herself Rabbi

The Jewish Week’s Elicia Brown reports: As an egalitarian Jewish woman and a chronicler of the Orthodox feminist movement, I would have been thrilled if the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale’s Rabbi Weiss had ordained Hurwitz as a rabbi (as rumors … Continue reading

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Biblical Criticism Vs. Orthodox Judaism

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: Dr. James Kugel responds to Dr. Moshe Bernstein’s opinion piece about his speech at YU (link to Dr. Bernstein’s, link to Dr. Kugel’s). In my opinion, Dr. Kugel’s letter is disingenuous because: He implies that … Continue reading

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Orthodox Harvard Student Takes On Barney Frank

Watch the video on the left: CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (myfoxboston) – It all started with a question: "How much responsibility, if any, do you have for the financial crisis?" Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) and a conservative Harvard law student debated over … Continue reading

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Comedian Robert Cait Is Kosher/Not Kosher

After watching Robert Cait‘s new comedy DVD "Kosher Not Kosher", I interviewed him at the hovel Friday afternoon. Luke: "Robert, when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?" Robert: "A comedian or a … Continue reading

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Ban Dropped On Women Delivering Eulogies

From The Jerusalem Post: A rabbi in northern Israel who came under attack for what some called blatant male chauvinism agreed this week to stop reproaching women for eulogizing their deceased loved ones. Haim Adani, Rabbi of Elyachin, a town … Continue reading

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