Category Archives: Author Interviews

An Interview With Historian Edward S. Shapiro

He’s the father of controversial historian Marc B. Shapiro. I call Dr. Edward Shapiro (author of Letters of Sydney Hook: Democracy, Communism and the Cold War, We Are Many: Reflections on Jewish History and Identity, The Oys of Yiddish: Essays … Continue reading

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Novelist Tamar Yellin

Tamar’s published two books: The Genizah at the House of Sheper and Kafka in Bronteland and Other Stories. I interviewed her this week via email. * When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew … Continue reading

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Who Has Time To Read Blogs?

Daphne Merkin wrote on Jewcy: "Does anyone other than a late-rising member of the chattering classes‚ anyone who is gainfully employed, say, in drilling teeth or writing up legal briefs‚ have the time to read, much less write these things?" … Continue reading

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I Don’t Know What To Do About My Feelings For Daphne Merkin

For how long can I love a woman who ignores me and scorns my medium? I loved Daphne’s essays so much that I read her novel Enchantment, which is a complete snooze (ala Jim Jarmusch). I twice sent her a … Continue reading

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Interview With ‘The Jewish Century’ Author Yuri Slezkine

Here’s the audio (part two). Luke: “Are there are any ways you would refine your book [today]?” Yuri: “I would explain in greater detail Mercurianism and Apollonianism…where human beings end and metaphors begin.” “I would say more about Judaism the … Continue reading

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