Category Archives: Economics

Is The Mortgage Crisis Good For The Jews?

A concerned L.A. mom emails: How will the Morgage meltdowns/housing downturn affect the Jews in our community? I have seen many many Jews in my community (Fairfax-La Brea) turn to the "equity" in their homes to pay for tuition, weddings…trips … Continue reading

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Trust Can’t Be Copied

Kevin Kelly writes: When copies are super abundant, they become worthless. When copies are super abundant, stuff which can’t be copied becomes scarce and valuable. When copies are free, you need to sell things which can not be copied. Well, … Continue reading

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The Economics Of Ecstasy

William Watson writes: If you think at all about the economics of love this Valentine’s week, you’ll probably think about the market for chocolate or roses or greeting cards — the industrial implications of romantic love and the material demands … Continue reading

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Economists Dissect the

I align myself with the economists on this story from the NYT: WASHINGTON — You can kill a horse to make pet food in California, but not to feed a person. You can hoist a woman over your shoulder while … Continue reading

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Lender Lobbying Blitz Abetted Mortgage Crisis

Glenn R. Simpson writes: During the housing boom, the subprime industry succeeded at more than just writing mortgages. It also shot down efforts by some states to curtail risky lending to borrowers with spotty credit. Ameriquest Mortgage Co., until recently … Continue reading

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