Category Archives: Economics

Maybe The Bailout Worked?

I want to grind my teeth every time I think about the U.S. government bailing out banks, but this Washington Post article says the thing has worked: Sure, you can question how the money was used — many of us … Continue reading

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The Trillion Dollar Meltdown

Remember the Spring of 2007? Everything was great with the economy. Consumer spending was strong. The credit markets looked strong. Sure, the real estate bubble had burst. I am reading this 2008 book by Charles Morris, "The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t Newspapers Doing Adsense Right?

The Los Angeles Times, for instance, could multiply their Adsense earnings by five or ten times if they simply did it the same way I do, blending the ads with the content (not setting them off in different colors, shadings, … Continue reading

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A Mechanic’s Perspective On Gas Prices

I see my mechanic a lot because my car is always breaking down. I spoke to him this week about the effect of gas prices. He lives in Sherman Oaks and works in zip code 90035. He said that a … Continue reading

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I Appraise The President’s Speech

I thought it was solid. He had a tough sell. Is it anti-semitic to oppose the bailout?

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