Category Archives: Immigration

Steve Sailer: National Immigration Safety and Quality Board vs. the Farook Family

Steve Sailer writes: “An idée fixe of mine is that there should be an independent National Immigration Safety and Quality Board to investigate spectacularly screwed-ups results of the immigration process and issue advisories on how the system can be reformed … Continue reading

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Jewish Organizations Lose Their Minds On Immigration

The insane and ever-booming communal demands for more immigration are in a small part an attempt to get Trump to lash out at Jewish orgs doing this. He won’t though, and they are tantrumming that he won’t give them more … Continue reading

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Mark Zuckerberg Funds Destruction Of America

Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros have a lot in common, such as hatred for Western civilization. From Politico: Zuckerberg immigration group launches 2016 reform blitz is renewing its push to overhaul immigration laws after a failed effort two years … Continue reading

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Their Rabbinic Letter Means: ‘Please Kill Me And Please Kill My People’

A tiny number of radical but influential Jews have a hatred of the West so deep (a tribal addiction not limited to Jews) that they will stop at nothing to destroy it. These organized activist Jews want to flood the … Continue reading

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The Collapse Of Japan

Steve Sailer writes: “As we all know, Japan is an economic black hole with a stagnant, aging, unvibrant population. Except as various graphs by Jason Bayz suggest, Japan has been doing a pretty good job keeping the Japanese at work.” … Continue reading

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