Category Archives: Immigration

Islam and the West: An Irreconcilable Conflict?

Pat Buchanan writes: “I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here … and … around the world, that there is a ‘clash of civilizations.’” So said Hillary Clinton … Continue reading

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Syrian Refugees Bringing Flesh-Eating Disease into U.S.?

Pretty sure my hippy friends are already busy crafting a homeopathic remedy that will keep us safe. From Breitbart: JERUSALEM – There is a risk that Middle Eastern refugees entering the U.​S​.​ could be infected with a flesh-eating disease that … Continue reading

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White Dutch Men Storm Site Of Planned Asylum Center

“Deputy justice minister Klaas Dijkhoff responsible for managing Holland’s intake of refugees, called the protestors ‘un-Netherlanderish’.” Comment: The elites are at war with their own nations yet still presume to define the national identity. Comment: “Riot in Netherlands. 2,500 rioters … Continue reading

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Dutch Men Drive Out Refugees

Comment: A bunch of politicians in Gedermalsen, Netherlands got together with a bunch of Muslims to discuss building a giant “refugee” complex for them. Out of a total population of 10,000 for the town, about 2,000 very able-bodied young Dutch … Continue reading

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Syrian educational system: “The Jews are cancerous”

Stephen Steinlight writes: “Further proof, if any were required, why the LEADING ROLE taken by Jewish organizations to bring tens of thousands of putative “Syrian” “refugees” to the United States (there is no way to ascertain how many are either … Continue reading

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