Category Archives: Immigration

The Case For Immigration Insurance

Steve Sailer suggests that immigrants to America should have to buy insurance before coming here so that the country is protected from their misbehavior. Comments at Takimag: * The problem with the insurance angle is that insurance companies would not … Continue reading

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Why comparing Syrians today to those fleeing the Holocaust is a false analogy

Joseph Puder writes: Speaking at the National Achieves in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday (December 15, 2025), President Barack Hussein Obama compared the Syrian refugees now flooding Europe with Jewish refugees during World War Two (WWII), a comparison that is an … Continue reading

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An Open Letter To Mayor Bill de Blasio On Syrian Refugees

If you discovered poisonous snakes in your bedroom, would you hate the snakes or the people who put them in your home? No, I am not arguing that any people are inherently poison. No group, no religion, no race is … Continue reading

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Jewish Journal: Donald Trump’s American dream

Danielle Berrin writes: Just for fun, I decided to take Donald Trump at his word. After the Republican presidential candidate responded to the San Bernardino terror attack by calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United … Continue reading

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The Republicans Get The Simple Life

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Life becomes immeasurably simpler for Republicans if they come to terms with the fact that they’re the White People’s Party, or as Steve puts it, the Party of the Core. Trump is leading the party … Continue reading

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