Category Archives: Immigration

Tucson Rabbis Ask Ducey to Rescind Refugee Ban Proposal

From Arizona Public Media: The Tucson Board of Rabbis this week sent a letter to Gov. Doug Ducey asking him to reverse his stand on barring Syrian refugees from entering Arizona. Nancy Montoya talks with Rabbi Samuel Cohon of Temple … Continue reading

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America and the Nexus between Free Speech, Minorities and Refugees

Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzhock Adlerstein write: There is no gene for hatred. Youngsters learn it from others—from parents and peers; from sermons and social media. So Americans would do well to heed calls to oppose hateful barbs aimed at … Continue reading

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What 1,000 Rabbis Should Have Said in Syrian Refugee Petition

Marc Dollinger writes in the Forward: Kudos to the more than 1,000 rabbis who signed a petition calling on the United States government to welcome refugees from Syria. An impressive feat, even in the digital age, to gather such a … Continue reading

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Who doesn’t have Canada envy sometimes?

I know it constantly afflicts me, no matter how much I pray to HaShem. I just think that these sponsoring rabbis and congregations should be forced to house these Muslims in their own homes for life. Let them experience the … Continue reading

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Thinking About Immigration Insurance

Steve Sailer writes: A commenter replies to my latest Taki’s column proposing that all immigrants be required to have immigration insurance against any harms they may visit up Americans: This is what I did for a living: design insurance and … Continue reading

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