Category Archives: Immigration

Coulter: Fox News Is ‘Indistinguishable From George Soros’ On Immigration; ‘Implacably Pro-Open Borders, Anti-Trump’

From Breitbart: Conservative columnist and eleven-time New York Times best-selling author Ann Coulter is blasting Fox News. “When it comes to immigration, Fox News is indistinguishable from George Soros,” the popular columnist wrote Thursday. The “Rupert Murdoch enterprise,” Coulter writes, … Continue reading

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What Does National Review Stand For?

Ellison Lodge writes: Goldberg’s self-congratulatory conclusion: “My job—our job—is to write and say the truth as I see it.” But while National Review portrays itself as bravely taking unpopular positions out of its devotion to timeless principles, the plain fact … Continue reading

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Rape Refugees

From the Chateau: Another drearily familiar rapefugee news story contains a portentous subtext. All over Europe, women are suffering the consequences of the Muslim invasion disguised as a refugee crisis, and one reporter’s encounter was captured on video. A group … Continue reading

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How Did Nate Silver Miss The Rise Of Donald Trump?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s really very simple! Best forecasting is able to remove most personal biases. Nate knows it very well. Alas, it is very hard to do in practice. There is no defending him on this: he … Continue reading

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Sweden in shock as Somali muslim ‘refugee’ rapes girl to death, then continues after she died

(via JewsNews) — A 34 year old immigrant from Somalia was arrested for savagely attacking a woman next to the parking garage of a Sheraton hotel in Sweden. The woman died while being raped. Police say the perpetrator continued to … Continue reading

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