Category Archives: Barack Obama

Obama’s Muslim Faith

From Lion of the Blogosphere: The ridiculous Washington Post article about Obama’s alleged “Christian faith” inspired me to view the video above. I think it’s a pretty weird slip of the tongue. Who would say “my Muslim faith” by accident? … Continue reading

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Why Obama Must Reach Out to Angry Whites

A black Southern journalist writes: The conventional wisdom might say the current U.S. president should visit places like Chicago and Ferguson, where decades-long racial disparities are at the heart of recent bouts of unrest. Or that he should visit San … Continue reading

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Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is sociopathy in political form

Just Not Said: Community organizer Saul Alinsky published Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals in 1971. We’ve all heard his name, and we’ve all heard that Barack Obama is an Alinsky-ite, so it’s instructive to take a look … Continue reading

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Bergdahl: Taliban asked me if Obama is gay

New York Post: Although watching over Bergdahl was a high honor, the guards were often bored and would pass the time by making videos of him, interrogating him with ridiculous questions or shaving his beard into shapes they found amusing, … Continue reading

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WP: “The quiet impact of Obama’s Christian faith. Why the president’s convictions led him to believe he could unite a divided country — and why he failed.

Comment: Is this an MSM attempt to temper the growing belief that B. Hussein Obama has pro-Islamic (and anti-Western) tendencies by trying to grounded them in Christian charity, i.e. “I know a lot of us are angry at the Muslims … Continue reading

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