Category Archives: Barack Obama

Barack Obama – Man Of Mystery

Charles Krauthammer writes: Barack Obama is an immensely talented man whose talents have been largely devoted to crafting, and chronicling, his own life. Not things. Not ideas. Not institutions. But himself. Nothing wrong or even terribly odd about that — … Continue reading

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Why Are People Excited About Barack Obama?

He can read a nice speech but he has no accomplishments. He has no new ideas. He strikes me as a con man. Mickey Kaus writes: Obama Speech React: 1) A little flat, and not just because of it’s now-required … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘By The Time I Was 47, I Had Achieved Ten Times As Much As Barack Obama’

From today’s radio show: "Did you notice that Hillary said nothing about why you should vote for Barack Obama?" "Nobody has any reason to vote for Barack Obama because he hasn’t achieved anything in life." "Republicans have it wrong. They … Continue reading

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The Liberal Dream Team

Fred Barnes writes for the WSJ: Democratic Sen. Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s choice as his vice presidential running mate, may be the most well-liked person in Washington. He’s affable and gregarious and nice to everybody, including the press and Republicans. … Continue reading

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Did Obama Have A Nose Job?

Link: Compare and contrast. Yes. I know we posted this already, but it is worth repeating. From the Washington Post:

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