Category Archives: Barack Obama

Will Obama Be Good For Israel?

Bruce Epstein writes: "You paint Jewish opposition to Obama as having “little to do with his policies or his political ability”. You are correct that this opposition is not based on Obama’s policies, since he has never done anything. Therefore, … Continue reading

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Is The End Nigh?

Daniel Pipes writes: Ali ibn Abi-Talib, the seventh-century figure central to Shiite Islam, is said to have predicted when the world will end, columnist Amir Taheri points out. A "tall black man" commanding "the strongest army on earth" will take … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Blurbed Bill Ayers’ Book

Bill Dyer writes: From an authoritative and comprehensive post at zomblog (don’t even think of suggesting that this is a photo-shopped fake, because you’ll just make an utter fool of yourself if you do)(h/t Ace), here is a photograph of … Continue reading

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If Obama Loses, Is It Racism?

Dennis Prager writes: If Barack Obama loses the 2008 election, liberal hell will break loose. Seven weeks before the 2008 presidential election, liberals are warning America that if Barack Obama loses, it is because Americans are racist. Of course, that … Continue reading

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Obama Holds Conference Call With 900 Rabbis for the High Holy Days, Says His Volunteers Are Blowing Shofars of Action

Jake Tapper writes: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., held a conference call with over 900 rabbis this morning to wish them and their congregations a Happy Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year (year 5769, for those counting) which begins at sunset … Continue reading

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