Category Archives: Barack Obama

Rabbis Talk To The President About Health Care Reform

I love this! These rabbis make me so proud! Such tough questions they asked! From The Washington Jewish Week: Moline noted that in the lead up to the president’s address, as the rabbis waited on hold, "there was a lot … Continue reading

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Evan Sayet Compares The Obama Administration To The Nazis

From Evan’s Facebook status update: Harry Reid: "These are nothing more than destructive efforts to interrupt a debate that we should have, and are having," Reid said. Simple question to those who aren’t terrified by the Nazi-style take-over of our … Continue reading

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Why Was Joe Biden Included At Yesterday’s Beer Summit?

Conservatives do not have a clue. You have to be a liberal to understand this. If Joe Biden had not come along, it would’ve been two blacks (Obama and Gates) and a white (Crowley). The President wanted the colors equal … Continue reading

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Israelis Don’t Regard Obama As A Friend

An editor of the left-wing Israeli newspaper Haaretz writes in the New York Times: Six months into his presidency, Israelis find themselves increasingly suspicious of Mr. Obama. All they see is American pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to freeze … Continue reading

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What Professor Gates Did to President Obama

Joe emails: What Madoff did to sully the otherwise sterling reputation of Jews in money management is nothing compared to what Professor Gates has done to make Obama look like a total zero. If you want to know how middle … Continue reading

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