Category Archives: Barack Obama

The Popularity Of Peace

Joe emails: For the first time since I can remember, the Prime Minister of Israel is more popular, and wildly so, in Israel, than the President of the US. Netanyahu, who is now presiding over a country unified in its … Continue reading

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The Obama Doctrine

Joe emails: We have had the Monroe Doctrine, the Truman Doctrine, the Reagan Doctrine, and the Bush Doctrine. We now have the Obama Doctrine. The Obama Doctrine essentially is that U.S. must, unfortunately, project force. It has to do so … Continue reading

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Will Rabbis Take Up Obama’s Healthcare Challenge?

How many rabbis will be able to resist the urge to pontificate during the Days of Awe about matters on which they know little? Noam Neusner writes in the Forward: In the hands of Obama the potter, American Jews are … Continue reading

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Evan Sayet Is Not Suggesting The CIA Assassinate Obama

Evan Sayet writes on Facebook: To the pros at the CIA…use your power to take down Barack Hussein Obama. He’s out to get because he hates America. You love America, that’s why you became heroes. Take this enemy of the … Continue reading

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Obama’s Priorities

Evan Sayet writes on Facebook: "Obama pardons Black Panther thugs but threatens America’s heroes in the CIA. If you doubt what Obama’s plans are, there’s but one more piece of evidence." "If you don’t know Obama’s position on an issue, … Continue reading

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