Category Archives: Barack Obama

Obama Unleashes His Black Self

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It is ironic that everything Obama is doing is going to end up hurting the black community. Letting black criminals go free, allowing them to get away with whatever they want in school and stripping … Continue reading

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Another Amazing First For Our First Lady

New York Times reports: Michelle Obama has been on the cover of many magazines, including Vogue and Time. To go along with her latest appearance, she has also had a bigger role behind the scenes. In a first for a … Continue reading

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NYT: For Michelle Obama, Talking About Race and Achievement, and Making It Personal

Peter Baker writes for the New York Times: CHICAGO — She looked around and saw herself three decades ago, young and uncertain, from a part of town where success is a struggle, not a birthright. She knew what they had … Continue reading

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Does Israel Have The Right To Exist?

Michael Scheuer writes: This writer carries no brief for Israel. All that is written and argued about “Israel’s right to exist” is nonsense. Neither Israel nor the United States nor any other nation has a right to exist. A state’s … Continue reading

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Still Keen On President Obama?

Dennis Prager writes: 1. President Obama refuses to identify the greatest world evil since Nazism and communism. We all know it is a variation on Islam, whether it is called “radical Islam,” “Islamism,” “Muslim extremism” or “jihadis.” But the president, … Continue reading

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