Category Archives: Education

Steve Sailer: NYT Dumbfounded by Higher Suspension Rate of Black Students

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The idea that they’re not devoting enough time to raising awareness about racism at a school of education is gut-bustingly funny. My ex-wife described having to listen to hours and hours of lectures about racism, … Continue reading

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The Long Crusade: Profiles in Education Reform, 1967-2014 by Raymond Wolters

I interview historian Raymond Wolters Tuesday evening. He is the author of The Burden of Brown: Thirty Years of School Desegregation (1984), Du Bois and His Rivals (2005), The New Negro on Campus: Black College Rebellions of the 1920s (1975), … Continue reading

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Who Needs Standardized Tests?

Comment to Steve Sailer: University makes submission of standardized test-scores “optional” for applicants. It seems likely this game will catch on if, as expected, the Supreme Court’s decision to re-take the University of Texas case results in a ruling against … Continue reading

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Help The Smart Kids

The dumb kids aren’t going to help us much. So we might as well concentrate our resources on the smart kids. National Geographic reports: Why This 14-Year-Old Kid Built a Nuclear Reactor In his quest to better the world,Taylor Wilson … Continue reading

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A Scene From Education Graduate School In The 1980s

A black student who’s failing in every class comes up to my Jewish friend and says, “It is imperative that I pass my exams so that I can elevate my community in my profession.” My friend’s professor asks him to … Continue reading

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