Category Archives: Education

LAT: Why Iowa’s graduation rate is so much higher than California’s

Such a mystery. I just can’t figure it out. From It’s hard to know exactly what’s going on with the numbers, Howard said. “We gotta dig deep to figure out what’s at play.” I went to Wikipedia and looked … Continue reading

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Readin’, Ritin’, ’Rithmetic — After Waves of Immigration, Millions of Americans Lack Basic Skills

Reihan Salam writes for National Review: How have decades of immigration transformed America? Shedding light on this, the Pew Research Center has released a fascinating new report, which finds that the current foreign-born share of the U.S. population (13.9 percent) … Continue reading

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NPR: In Houston’s Gifted Program, Critics Say Blacks And Latinos Are Overlooked

NPR: Ford found that both Hispanic and black students are underrepresented in gifted programs and that black students are missing out the most. She also found that about half the seats in those programs go to higher-income students, even though … Continue reading

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Using Education To Develop Civilization

Robert Weisberg writes: For over a half century government has spent billions to eliminate the race-related academic achievement gap and all to no avail. Paralleling this educational failure has been a similar frustration to reverse the pathologies plaguing the black … Continue reading

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LAT: Achievement gaps widen for California’s black and Latino students

I wonder if IQ has anything to do with this? The average East Asian IQ is 105, white IQ is 100, hispanic American IQ is 90 and African-American IQ is 85. Howard Blume writes: For more than a decade, state … Continue reading

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