Category Archives: Germany

Germany Abolishes Itself

Comments at Steve Sailer: * There are no “Europeans” in Europe. There are Germans, French, English, Italians, Hungarians, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Dutch and the like. There are only Europeans in the United Sates, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and wherever else … Continue reading

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When Eichmann Met The Haganah

From episode five of the TV series Hitler’s Bodyguards: TV: “The Haganah made contact with Himmler’s SS to facilitate further Jewish immigration to Palestine… They eventually met in Cairo on November 10, 1937. The Haganah agent attempted to enlist Adolf … Continue reading

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Jews & Germany

Comments: * Today, we look at the relationship Jews had with Germany through the prism of the Holocaust, and believe it was nothing but painful and acrimonious. But up until the Third Reich, Jews had a fairly good relationship with … Continue reading

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Rehabbing Nietszche

Steve Sailer writes: In recent decades, the reputation of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) has been largely rehabilitated despite the unfortunate events of 1933-1945. (In contrast, Francis Galton is today widely considered to be a progenitor of the Holocaust.) … Continue reading

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Dr. Space: The Life of Wernher von Braun

Bob Ward writes: “The Germans were ideal alien residents. Maj. Joseph Sestito, U.S. Army…later observed: “They seemed to have a group spirit, based on the idea that on each one’s model behavior rested the glory of the Reich.” Steve Sailer … Continue reading

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