Category Archives: Germany

Modern Times by Paul Johnson

I’m rereading this book (revised in 2001): On 5 April 1940 , four days before the Nazi invasion of Norway began the European phase of the war in earnest, Goebbels gave a secret briefing to selected German journalists, one of … Continue reading

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Why Did Conservatism Inc (National Review et al) Move Left?

From comments to Paul Gottfried: * I’ve noticed that how influential any given ideas are tends to have a lot to do with how much money is promoting them. There was Big Money behind Jaffa, just as there is Big … Continue reading

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A Hostile Elite Push For More Third-World Immigration

Who opposes these healthy German marches against Islamization? The same folks who push for more third-world immigration to America: Earlier on Monday, business leaders joined the swelling chorus against Pegida from established political parties, the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, … Continue reading

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When American Jews Don’t Consider Themselves Part Of America

I’m reading a 2007 essay by Marc B. Shapiro: The Torah im Derekh Erez philosophy [Torah with the way of the land], which was shared by virtually all German Orthodox Jews in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, began … Continue reading

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German Nationalist Marches Grow

REPORT: “The German PEGIDA movement held its largest meeting yet last night to protest what they call the ‘Islamisation of the Western World’, despite stiff opposition from all sections of Germany’s elite including politicians, media, and the arts.” I read … Continue reading

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