Category Archives: Germany

The Genius Of German-Jewry

From page 58 of Anti-Semitism Before the Holocaust by Albert S Lindemann regarding the 19th Century: Jews in German lands were, at any rate, around ten times more numerous than in Britain, and the interplay of Jew and non-Jew was … Continue reading

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Jews & Germans

Chaim Amalek: “The Jews of Germany certainly were not harming German national interests when they were a powerful presence in Wilhelmine Germany. It was not they, but the WASP elite of Germany (along with some Roman Catholic elites in Austria), … Continue reading

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The Last Leader Of Europe

Paul Johnson writes in Modern Times: If post-war history took the new nations of Africa and Asia down a series of blind alleys, often terminating in horror and savagery, Europe’s experience offered more comfort. This was unexpected. The prevailing mood … Continue reading

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‘Germany Abolishes Itself’

This 2010 book by Thilo Sarrazin has sold nearly two million copies in Germany. Why hasn’t it been translated into English? Is there something in English-language publishing that does not want to publish some books? Are there people who still … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The NYT Warns of the Impending Nazi Shortage: “Why Old Nazis Are Still Useful”

Steve Sailer writes: Germans are good at technology, so they should drop everything to find a technological fix for keeping old Nazis alive so we will never live in an age without trials of Nazis. Find some 86-year-olds who were … Continue reading

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