Category Archives: Germany

Top German Journalist Admits Live On Air National News Agenda Set By Government

A diverse society has to become more censored or it will implode. From Breitbart: A retired media boss at a major German state broadcaster has admitted his network and others take orders from the government on what — and what … Continue reading

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Cohesion Vs Diversity

You can either have a cohesive society with high social trust or a diverse society filled with distrust. The only way to run a country with low social trust is with lots of laws and regulations. As America has become … Continue reading

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What Drove Germany To Two World Wars?

There is nothing that is human that is foreign to me. There is nothing Hitler did that is not inside of everybody. For instance, most people wish that their enemies would simply disappear. Israelis wish that Palestinians would simply disappear, … Continue reading

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Comedian Harmonists (1997 film)

I begin Friday reading this New York Times article: Israel, Mired in Ideological Battles, Fights on Cultural Fronts JERUSALEM — There have been fights over books, music, plays, funding for the arts and academic awards. This being Israel, they have … Continue reading

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NYT: Obama to Honor Americans’ Wartime Efforts to Save Jews During Holocaust

Some things just seem off about this story from the New York Times: WASHINGTON — In a German prison camp 71 years ago, Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds stared down the barrel of his Nazi captor’s pistol and refused to say … Continue reading

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