Category Archives: ADL

ADL Diversity!

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Anti-Defamation League Chief Faces Challenge Trying To Renew Civil Rights Activism

Comments: * Here’s one to file under “It’s Always 1963!”: yesterday’s Morning Edition thumbsucker “Anti-Defamation League Chief Faces Challenge Trying To Renew Civil Rights Activism. Earnest Minnesota boomer Tom Gjelten is flummoxed by his discovery of emerging tensions between two … Continue reading

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ADL Report: KKK Declining in Stature and Significance

ADL: Only 3,000 Klan Members in Small Groups With No Central Leadership New York, NY, May 11, 2016 … Despite efforts by Ku Klux Klan groups to gain publicity by exploiting the presidential election and distributing hate literature, the Klan … Continue reading

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ADL: Anti-Semites Spearhead Attack Campaign Against Jewish Journalists

ADL: White suprema­cists and anti-Semites have been bom­bard­ing Jew­ish jour­nal­ists with anti-Semitic tweets, par­tic­u­larly if the jour­nal­ists have been crit­i­cal of pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump or his fam­ily. Anony­mous tweet­ers whose back­ground is unknown have also joined in the attack. … Continue reading

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Yoav Shamir’s Movie Defamation

Yoav: The motivation for Defamation actually started with Checkpoint, when Checkpoint was released. I started out making Checkpoint approaching it more as a filmmaker than an activist or a leftie or anything like that. I was drawn to this human … Continue reading

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