Category Archives: ADL

JJ: ADL hosts discussion on coming out and fitting in

There’s nothing in the Jewish tradition that says Jews should fight for gay rights, but Jews, more than any other ethnic or religious group, have been behind the push for gay rights. Why? Because leading Jewish organizations such as the … Continue reading

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WP: Why We Have To Stop Telling Jewish Jokes

A Christian writes this tripe. David Lehrer (formerly of the ADL) has a smarter perspective. I assure you Jews won’t stop telling Jewish jokes, well, maybe the dumb frightened ones will stop. Chaim Amalek writes: “When Moshiach comes, the goyim … Continue reading

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If Jews don’t prescribe the limits of speech, who will?

ADL: “Last month, ADL announced the release of a series of Best Practices designed by a working group of top industry leaders, including Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter, to address cyber-hate.” Chaim Amalek writes: “When Moshiach comes, no goy will … Continue reading

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Listen Up Goyim!

ADL: On a daily basis—in the lunchroom, at the grocery store, in school hallways and even at home—people hear and sometimes use words and phrases that demean, ridicule or demonstrate ignorance about people from different groups and backgrounds. Regardless of … Continue reading

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Are You Anti-Semitic?

Comment: Here is the poll, with 6+ yes answers making you an “antisemite” according to ADL: Jews stick together more than other Americans. Jews always like to be at the head of things. Jews are more loyal to Israel than … Continue reading

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