Category Archives: Google

Union of Jewish Students of France Pushes Hate Speech Laws

I hate to see Jews at the forefront of restrictions on free speech. The Forward reports Oct. 24, 2014: A little over a year after a French court forced Twitter to remove some anti-Semitic content, experts say the ruling has … Continue reading

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Who Runs The Internet?

I found this list online of Jews running internet companies. I don’t care that the list comes from an anti-Jewish site, I am only interested in what is true. I don’t think Jews need to hide Jewish successes. Google, Facebook … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Facebook, Google, Islam, Jews, Steve Sailer | Comments Off on Who Runs The Internet?

I Hate Gmail

Over the past 36 hours, about 15 routine emails I’ve sent out (including to some people I’ve exchanged email with previously at these identical email addresses) have been rejected and returned as spam. I get this response to each failure … Continue reading

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My Google Page Speed Nightmare

On February 13, 2013, I got an invitation to try out Google Page Speed service. I did. I reconfigured my servers. I was excited to triple the speed for readers of my website. And then the thing just turned into … Continue reading

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My Online Alexander Technique Kingdom

If you Google “Alexander Technique,” you’re going to quickly run into numerous essays, websites and videos of mine. Is this because I am one of the world’s great Alexander Technique teachers? No. It’s because my work shows up well in … Continue reading

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