Category Archives: Google

‘Yuri Kochiyama was a Marxist, Maoist Asian Black Nationalist & Muslim convert who loved Osama bin Laden. Thx Google!’

Source. Comments at Steve Sailer: * “By now, Google is as well-known for its snarky, anti-white male celebrations and doodles as it is for its search functions.” * “I don’t think it’s impossible that the Google Doodle is all just, … Continue reading

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Google Proclaims Today: ‘Proud supporters of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia’


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Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House

They can tweak search results to shift elections. From WSJ: Search giant averages a White House meeting a week during Obama administration. WASHINGTON—As the federal government was wrapping up its antitrust investigation of Google Inc., company executives had a flurry … Continue reading

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Happy American Couple

From the Chateau: Petition to rename Google to Spoogle, to better reflect the company they have become: A rePOZitory of the hoariest antiWhite, pro-globalist elite propaganda you will find this side of the race cuck Hajnal line. Google spooges its … Continue reading

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Google Denies Deal With Israel To Police YouTube For Incitement

Forward: Google has denied an Israeli government claim that it has agreed to jointly monitor YouTube videos that incite attacks on Israelis. Google, which owns YouTube, denied that it had made such an agreement at a meeting last week of … Continue reading

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