Category Archives: Rabbis

Is It The Job Of Kashrut Rabbis To Make Sure That Workers Are Fairly Paid?

Nobody has the wisdom to decide what is fair pay outside of the employer and employee who come to a deal. If an illegal immigrant will work for $2 an hour, then that is fair pay. Nobody is putting a … Continue reading

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Sperm Donation To Single Women ‘Cruel’

By Kathleen Gilbert JERUSALEM, August 15, 2008 ( – A rabbi at a religious conference said Wednesday night that a woman "who decides to have a baby out of wedlock by means of a sperm donation is unbelievably cruel," reports … Continue reading

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Agriprocessors Is Only A Pretext

I don’t know any rabbi who’s taken a public position on Agriprocessors who’s done much work verifying the facts of the case and conducting a thorough investigation. Instead, Agriprocessors is a pretext. For the chareidi, it is another example of … Continue reading

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The History Of Mixed Seating

Rabbi Shlomo Brody writes in the Jerusalem Post: The controversy over mixed seating was undoubtedly one of American Jewry’s most controversial and divisive issues. Since both the Orthodox and Conservative movements claim allegiance to ancient practice, some tried to resolve … Continue reading

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Rabbi Hillel Goldberg Finishes His New Book On The Vilna Gaon’s Thoughts On The Mikveh

From the Rocky Mountain News: It’s Sunday morning in the rabbi’s office, and in his hands Goldberg holds his new 494-page book, Hallel Hakohen. Goldberg has written other books. As editor of the Intermountain Jewish News, he writes all the … Continue reading

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