Category Archives: Rabbis

She Calls Herself Rabbi

The Jewish Week’s Elicia Brown reports: As an egalitarian Jewish woman and a chronicler of the Orthodox feminist movement, I would have been thrilled if the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale’s Rabbi Weiss had ordained Hurwitz as a rabbi (as rumors … Continue reading

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JB’s Taped Conversations

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. David Holzer published a fascinating book of his many taped conversations of R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, titled The Rav Thinking Aloud. R. Holzer was R. Soloveitchik’s assistant for a few years and carried around a … Continue reading

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Jeffrey Goldberg Analyzes Newsweek’s Top 50 Rabbis

Read here. The Jewish Journal reports. Mother Nature Network reports: These days, religious environmentalism is nothing new. It’s been five years since the "What Would Jesus Drive?" campaign and Evangelical Climate Initiative brought climate change into evangelical communities, and even … Continue reading

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Inside Northridge’s Conservative Shul Ramat Zion

The Jewish Advocate of Boston reports Dec. 30, 2004: WHEN Congregation Mishkan Tefila of Chestnut Hill gathers next fall for the High Holy days, Rabbi Michael Menitoff will not be leading their services for the first time in 13 years. … Continue reading

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Should The Orthodox Ordain Women?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: On Sunday March 21st, 2009, Rabbi Avi Weiss conferred Yoreh Yoreh ordination on his congregational intern, Ms. Sara Hurwitz. The official certificate does not use the term rabbi but instead Rabbi Weiss invented a new … Continue reading

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