Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Is There An Ideal Chair?

Raquel Baetz writes: When my repetitive strain injury became too painful to ignore anymore, I was using a top-of-the-range ergonomic chair, specially designed for computer use. I still got injured. Why? Because no chair can prevent musculoskeletal disorders such as … Continue reading

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Text Neck Can Hurt Your Kissing

BLOG: The Science of Kissing, What Our Lips Are Telling Us by Sheril Kirshenbaum says “A good deal of the scientific literature speculates that kissing may have evolved to help us choose a suitable partner, or to realize when a … Continue reading

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Teacher ‘used Alexander Technique’ On Boys

REPORT: A MARRIED schoolmaster has insisted he did not grope young boys and was simply using the Alexander Technique to help them relax. David Lowe, 61, said he learned the therapeutic method while studying at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, … Continue reading

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Tony Robbins Hoarse Voice

I have spent over a hundred hours listening to Tony Robbins talks and he always has a hoarse voice. Looking at his recent interview with the New York Times, it is easy to see why. He tightens and compresses his … Continue reading

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How Do You Release The Jaw?

Some tips from a FB thread of Alexander Technique teachers: * I’ve heard things like free, releasing away from the skull, down and away… * The head’s going forward and up is preventive of it’s going back and down to … Continue reading

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