Category Archives: Facebook

WP: Ex-Facebook staff say social network buried conservative news, raising new questions about its political influence

Washington Post: The great irony of the tech blog Gizmodo’s revelation that Facebook’s trending topic curators weeded out stories about Facebook or about issues popular with conservatives is that Gizmodo’s story therefore won’t end up on Facebook’s list of trending … Continue reading

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Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

Since its inception, I’ve noticed that Facebook highlights stories that tend to slant left. I never recall it highlighting something that would make a right-wing politician or pundit look good. It prefers instead to bash people such as Donald Trump … Continue reading

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Facebook Vs Trump

I’ve long noticed that Facebook tilts left in the stories it promotes. Gizmodo: Facebook Employees Asked Mark Zuckerberg If They Should Try to Stop a Donald Trump Presidency This week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared to publicly denounce the political … Continue reading

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Mark Zuckerberg Criticizes Donald Trump For Building A Wall

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Mark Zuckerberg, Tech Leaders Urge Supreme Court to Open U.S. Labor Market To Illegals

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are key members of the treason lobby. They want to replace American workers with foreigners. From Breitbart: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and a coalition of tech and business leaders are joining the administration’s call for the … Continue reading

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