Category Archives: Facebook

More Problems At Facebook: Anti-Feminist Pages Getting Unfairly Suspended

LINK: We received a message on April 8th from the owner of Anti Feminism Australia (44k+ likes) about his page getting taken down. We did not take it very seriously because, as far as I can gather, they were the … Continue reading

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Immigration Hawks: Facebook Engaging in Deliberate Suppression of Our Content

Julia Hahn writes: In the past week, there has been much discussion about the allegation that Facebook is censoring its “trending” news stories based on political ideology. However, advocates for curbing immigration into the United States say that this is … Continue reading

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Facebook’s algorithm only as unbiased as its creators

Washington Times: It turns out the algorithms that govern the internet can be as biased as the people who create and update them. That may be the most surprising takeaway from the political bias scandal that has enveloped Facebook after … Continue reading

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How Facebook Shuts Down Right-Wing Discussion

REPORT: The liberal media are all over one part of the Facebook scandal story – and ignoring another. Generally, media have covered the accusations that the social media site is censoring conservative news and sources from their trending news feed. Coincidentally, this … Continue reading

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Conservative news sites lash out at Facebook over bias claims

Politico: Conservative news sites are lashing out at Facebook after a report on Monday alleged that contractors for the social media giant were told to minimize links to their sites in its “trending news” column. In statements to POLITICO, several … Continue reading

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