Author Archives: Luke Ford

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (

Larry McMurtry’s Struggle Against Anti-Gentile Prejudice

Here’s an excerpt from the new biography, Larry McMurtry: A Life by Tracy Daugherty: She [McMurtry’s literary agent Dorothea Oppenheimer] gave [Editor Michael Korda] an earful about how East Coast reviewers just didn’t get McMurtry though to be fair he … Continue reading

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Irony and Outrage: The Polarized Landscape of Rage, Fear, and Laughter in the United States

Political scientist Dannagal Goldthwaite Young writes in this 2019 book: * In their 2014 book The Outrage Industry, Jeffrey Berry and Sarah Sobieraj chronicle the growth of a new genre of political programming through the 2000s; programming that places a … Continue reading

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The Women of the Far Right: Social Media Influencers and Online Radicalization

Here are some highlights from this 2023 book by sociologist Eviane Leidig: * In May 2019, then twenty-three-year-old Canadian Lauren Southern posted on her website,, a farewell message titled “A New Chapter.” In it, Lauren 1 stated that over … Continue reading

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My Favorite Songs

That’s the beginning number of my Youtube music playlist.

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My Favorite Movies

* A Man For All Seasons (1966) * Chariots of Fire (1981) * Cinema Paradiso (1988) * A Perfect World (1993) * Legends of the Fall (1994) * Big Fish (2003)

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