Author Archives: Luke Ford

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (

Why Did The Biden Administration Give Trump Incompetent Security? (7-14-24)

01:00 Media underplays stories that go against their narrative, Veteran journalist David Samuels says the news media is the propaganda arm of the Democratic party, An Apocalyptic Security Failure (Ep. 2286) – 07/15/2024, Secret Service had abundant … Continue reading

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Joe Biden & The New Class

Rony Guldmann responds to my email: Hey Luke, I have been pondering your question about Biden’s cognitive decline, even though that issue appears to have been at least temporarily superseded by the events of this weekend. As to what’s going … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Shot – Why Did The Secret Service Operate With Reckless Disregard? (7-14-24)

01:00 The Secret Service’s Reckless Disregard For Donald Trump’s Safety, The case for forcing the mentally ill into treatment, Charles Murray. The collapse of the social sciences in the West, Trump ASSASSINATION Plot Details REVEALED1:44:00 I Wish … Continue reading

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We Learned Everything We Needed to Know About Biden in 1988

Alexander Stille, a professor of international journalism at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, writes in The New Republic: Biden was preparing his first run for president in January 1988, his closest aides made an emergency trip to … Continue reading

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The Secret Service’s Reckless Disregard For Donald Trump’s Safety

The Secret Service operates with reckless disregard for Donald Trump’s safety. Yesterday they allowed a killer to scale to the top of a building just 140 yards away from Donald Trump with a clear shot to the former president, and … Continue reading

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