Author Archives: Luke Ford

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (

New Yorker: Work Sucks. What Could Salvage It?

Harvard historian Erik Baker writes in The New Yorker, May 1, 2024: New books examine the place of work in our lives—and how people throughout history have tried to change it. There’s a line in one of my favorite songs … Continue reading

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Decoding Culture (5-6-24)

01:00 Where does culture come from? Literary critic Terry Eagleton, My favorite songs, American Hearts by Air Supply15:00 Work sucks – what could salvage it?, Simon Kuper: Europeans have more time, Americans more money. Which is … Continue reading

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NYT: Just How Dangerous Is Europe’s Rising Far Right? (5-5-24)

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Decoding The Anti-Israel, Pro-Palestine Campus Protests (5-5-24)

01:00 My analysis of campus protests: National Review: Since When Does Criminal Law Not Apply to College Campus Protests?, New York Times podcast on campus protests, Journalist Lydia Polgreen, Victor Davis Hanson: Radical Far-Left Palestine protests threaten … Continue reading

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Pro Palestine campus protests at UCLA (5-3-24)

President Joe Biden said protest is fine but disruption is not. The essence of these campus protests has been disruption. The only reason these protests have captured the attention of the news is because of their disruption. Pro-Palestine speech is … Continue reading

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