Outrage Over ‘America Was Never Great’ Hat (Video)

Minorities are going to find fault with the majority culture. It is basic social identity theory. It’s true for blacks, for Jews, for Muslims in America.

The core of America has always been white Christians. Others have felt on the margins.

Outrage Over ‘America Was Never Great’ Hat (Video)


Krystal Lake caused outrage on social media for wearing her “America Was Never Great” hat while on the job at a Home Depot in Staten Island, New York, (video below).

Lake’s cap, a play on the “Make America Great Again” slogan of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, went viral on the web this week, prompting praise and threats.

“The point of the hat was to say America needs changing and improvement,” the 22-year-old woman told the Staten Island Advance. “I don’t think it’s a positive message to say, ‘Let’s look to the past.'”

Lake was surprised when a picture of her wearing the hat at Home Depot on May 14 took off on the Internet.

“Everyone kept asking me if I was on Facebook or Twitter, which I hadn’t been, and then I saw how many people were sharing [the picture] and that it was going viral,” Lake recalled. “I was honestly shocked. I didn’t expect any of this to happen.”

Lake added that she did not get in trouble for wearing it.

Home Depot spokesman Stephan Holmes told the news site: “We appreciate and understand the concerns of our loyal customers. In terms of the message, our associates are not permitted to wear items that reflect political statements. Unfortunately, no one on our management team saw her wearing the hat — otherwise, they would have had her remove it immediately.”

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Make Yourself Great Again! A group of millennial bros find salvation in the teachings of Donald J. Trump.

I have experienced this too. Over the past eight months, I’ve felt a surge of energy and drive. I’ve doubled my income. I’m doing more than I thought possible. Every day, I wake up happy and full of drive and it keeps pumping all through the day.

From Politico:

On a morning in March, a 30-year-old computer technician named Nathan was tapping at the keyboard in his Pittsburgh home when he had a breakthrough with his support group. He wasn’t in rehab. And this wasn’t exactly AA. Nathan told me that for years, he’s fought alcoholism and an addiction to crystal meth, without much success—until he discovered the online self-help network that changed his life, a Donald Trump-themed discussion forum on the website Reddit. It was there that, two months ago, after weeks of reading messages of self-improvement and positive visualization, Nathan declared he had been saved, pecking out a message of hope and encouragement to his group under the title: “Quitting Drugs Because of Trump.”

“Trump has inspired me,” he wrote. “I’m getting sober and doing my bit to Make America Great Again. Thank you Donald!”

Nathan, who did not want his last name to be used for this story, is one of a substantial number of young men tapping into a growing informal online network: A dedicated denomination of self-improvement, built on the “teachings” of one Donald J. Trump. From his books, public statements, and general attitude toward the world, they’ve extracted a highly motivating philosophy of positive thinking and the virtues of self-love and brazening things out, as real men do. Their numbers are unknown, but the trend exists in the form of dozens of their posts flourishing online, bouncing across Trump discussion threads and Twitter and the right-wing blogosphere, peppered with buzzwords and moments of epiphany. “Donald J. Trump has already won, and changed my life,” declares one poster. “How Donald inspired me to be a great American once again” proclaims another. And many more: “Trump inspired me to change my life.” “Story of how Donald Trump changed my life around.” “Donald trumps campaign has changed me.” “Trump saved my life!” “Hey Brigadiers, stop wasting your time and learn what this is. Make Yourself Great Again!

In a phone conversation, Nathan told me that he had been able to turn his life around thanks to Trump’s “high energy” persona, his refusal to give in or be pushed around—and his declared abstinence from alcohol, tobacco or drugs. “I’ve had an ongoing fight to get off drugs, but this is the most successful I’ve ever been,” he said. “I was given the strength and the resolve of spirit to not buy drugs again.” He took a deep breath. “Through the Trump campaign.”

When Nathan posted his message to his Trump discussion thread last month, he was smothered by a wave of positive responses, each a variation on a familiar theme. “I’m also quitting booze for many reasons, Trump being one of them,” commented one user. Wrote another: “It might sound lame, but trying to be more like Donald has led to positive changes in my life.” A commenter described his own years-long drug habit, chiming in, “After reading 2 of Trump’s books I decided it’s time to quit.” And then, about two-thirds down, the prevailing leitmotif appeared:

“I just tell myself ‘it’s time to make myself great again.’”

In gargantuan, all-capital letters: “MYGA!”

MYGA, of course, stands for “Make Yourself Great Again,” a riff on the Trump campaign slogan that appears frequently in these posts. Nathan’s message, and dozens like it, are appearing as a new strain of Trumpism on forums like Reddit and 4Chan, and echoing on darker corners of the Internet like the white nationalist forum TheRightStuff. Posters take turns soliloquizing on the lessons of self-reliance and perseverance from Trump’s life story, from his childhood and adolescence, to his early days as a struggling businessman, to his seemingly constant high energy as a 69-year-old man who refuses to drink or smoke (and who required the same of his children).

“Instead of an AA meeting, what you’re seeing here are good habits being broadcast as popular. It’s cool to make yourself better, to be trying to improve yourself, because of Donald Trump,” Jon Sharpe, a 36-year-old lawyer in Columbus, Ohio, told me. After seeing a tide of inspirational Trump-themed messages, Sharpe formed a Reddit group and called it MYGA, intending to vacuum up the people and posts espousing the philosophy. (His other Reddit adventures include moderating the forum HottiesForTrump.) He later spiked the idea, partly for lack of time, and partly for redundancy, citing the esprit de corps that already exists organically on Reddit. “You get the satisfaction that I’m part of this club,” Sharpe explained. “I’m doing something because of this, and everybody’s around to pat you on the back and say, yeah, this is awesome. Make yourself great again.”

MYGA posts cover topics as wide-ranging as they are banal: Themes include going to the gym, asking out beautiful women or asking for a raise. In one post titled, “Life Tips I’ve Learned from Watching Trump!!” an Illinois man lists a dozen areas of personal improvement in which he looks to Trump, including “Being a great parent” and “NO DRUGS AND NO ALCOHOL.” In a now-deleted post, a user noted that watching Trump inspired him to get into the “gym 5 times a week from 0,” adding, “no more pot, cigs, cut drinking a lot.” Finding Donald Trump, writes another poster, “inspired me to become the high-energy person I used to be,” adding, “I decided that I want to get back into running 10k races. … Remember guys, you can’t make America great again without feeling great yourself.”

“We take Trump’s energy and just magnify it,” Nathan told me. “We’re constantly feeding on each other’s energy. It’s great. It’s fantastic. It’s positive.”

The most common thread in the world of MYGA is a feral obsession with Trump’s domineering maleness. In posts and interviews, MYGA writers express varying degrees of the idea that the Trump campaign is helping them become real men—in similar terms as their understanding of Trump’s unapologetic, aggressive vision for the country.

“He’s this alpha kind of guy, and I do think that resonates with young men,” a 21-year-old professional athlete from Idaho and a MYGA poster who uses the name HighlyVenomous, told me. (He didn’t want me to identify his event, but instructed me to describe it as “extreme sports.”) Sharpe said the same. “He comes across as an alpha male. He’s sure of himself, and whatever flaws he does have, like his hair, he doesn’t care, and he runs with it,” he said. “Mainstream politics requires that sort of demure attitude, you have to almost apologize for whatever good you have. Trump doesn’t do that.”

“The Apprentice really showed me what a world class alpha male looks like and operates,” writes one poster in the Reddit thread LifeProTrumpTips. “As a group of dominant alphas you can achieve impossible things.”

As the MYGA crowd’s open obsession with dominance, manliness, and alpha-status suggests, the gospel can quickly turn down a dark corridor. The deeper one ventures into the strange world of MYGA, the more the country’s problems become laced with an array of white-male-themed anxieties—men are apologizing for their maleness, the users say; policies are lifting up the weak and punishing the strong; and culture at large is becoming more feminized. Go deep enough, and you’ll hit the so-called alt-right movement, an online waystation where MYGA has thrived most principally as an ideation of male virility. (The world of the alt-right is best known for creating the “#Cuckservative” hashtag—a racially tinged portmanteau of cuckold and conservative, created to call out those who are insufficiently far-right.)

Christopher Cantwell, a controversial anarchist-libertarian blogger from New Hampshire who has also credited Trump with helping him treat his drug addiction, is one of the denizens of this site. “There’s certainly an attitude toward the striking back against the emasculation of men,” Cantwell told me. “Let’s promote rugged masculinity—and that would be striving to be a more dominant strong, assertive person.” In an hour-long conversation, Caldwell riffed on the MYGA theme to describe his frustration that transgenderism isn’t treated as a neurological disorder; why taking the stigma out of mental illness was misguided; and how he was fired from his job as a radio host when his boss worried he was insinuating that other races are genetically inferior to whites. All such things, he suggested, violate the principle of MYGA. (He also, in a Trumpian effort to grab the initiative in our interview, recorded an introduction that tried to frame the interview as a “conversation,” as if I had been a guest on his online radio show, and told me he’d release it if I misquoted him.)

Much as it resembles the generally anodyne subgenre of Internet self-help, MYGA is also driven by a current of the aggressive politics that underlie a Trump rally. For starters, much of the posting is an uninhibited gush of patriotic intensity. At long last, I was told repeatedly, Trump has finally made it politically viable to say how much you love America. “It’s really a lot about pride,” says Sharpe, the Columbus lawyer who started the MYGA page. “We don’t hear a lot of people who champion a nation that we love very often. Trump kind of oozes it.” As one Reddit MYGA writer from Kansas put it: “Trump’s campaign has rekindled the fire of American patriotism in my heart, and the sense of purpose in my life. Trump and all his supporters Make America Great.” For many, incipient notions of self-betterment are linked to love of country. “This group reaffirmed that by staying off of drugs, I was doing something to help our country,” Nathan told me. “And that by helping ourselves, we helped to make America great again.”
And bound up in patriotic obligation is the greater moral duty to fight political correctness. Again and again, I heard, Trump’s refusal to bend to the whims of “social justice warriors”—an all-purpose designation for liberals, feminists, professors and other identity-sensitive types—is the stance desperately needed for a self-indulgent country obsessed with its victimhood status. “So fucking tired of the political correctness that has stiffed this country,” one poster writes. “WRONG. That is the kind of attitude that has poisoned this country.” For many, it seemed, Trump’s triumph over and above the basic decorum of politics served as an analogue for their own self-confidence.
“No longer into sluts. Looking for a good Christian girl,” writes one poster, in a now deleted 4Chan post titled Trump has inspired me to change my life. A discussion in another post is revealing. Commenting in the discussion Donald Trump’s campaign has changed me, a user writes, “I see [Trump] as our last hope, standing up to degeneracy,” and posted a video that plays a depraved pop-song parody, “Like A Degenerate,” alleging liberal responsibility for cultural decadence. “You want to lay me? Get in line / Abort my baby, spend my time getting high,” a voice sings, as video images of women activists marching and public dancing flash onscreen. Later: “You’ve got this culture cowed / Be gay, get AIDS, be proud.”
The imperative of the strong to dominate the weak is the moral structure hiding in plain site on MYGA. “There are such things as shills, weak people, and losers,” one post reads, Life Tips I’ve Learned from Watching Donald Trump. “Weak people get in the strong people’s way. If you’re weak, work to be strong, don’t bring them down.” The male connection is not far removed here; Cantwell referred me to an essay, How Strength Training Saved Me From Being a Cucked Leftfag, a rambling synthesis of male self-loathing whose main conclusion, apparently, is that leftism is anathema to weight training. “It was right and proper that the weak feel shame if their weakness is of their own making,” the author writes of his time in the weight room. “It’s a small but important part of becoming the man that you are meant to be, not only physically, but in every other way as well.”

There’s no reason to think the entire high-energy MYGA crowd shares Cantwell’s obsessions with cuckoldry and weight training, but then again the young-male-righty Internet is a messy place, where personal chest-puffing can easily bleed into race resentment and misogyny. Whatever the motives, the subtext of the movement seems clear: Society taught us to behave one way. Then Trump came into my life. Now I can be a real man.

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Mr. Trump, explain why America First requires eliminating the U.S. Department of Education

Michael Scheuer writes:

One of the more daunting problems Trump would face in implementing a comprehensive America First orientation in the national government is the Department of Education. Under both Democratic and Republican presidents, the leaders and personnel of that department have, for more than thirty years, developed and provided anti-American curricula to the nation’s schools and have used their control of an enormous budget to force their acceptance and implementation. In particular, their target has been the alienation of young Americans from their own republic’s history, which, with a common language, a common faith, and allegiance to the rule of equality before the law are all Americans have ever had to hold themselves and their Union together. The Democrats and the media already have destroyed the first three unifying commonalities, and so the republic’s history is the final target in their quest to divide and conquer America’s diverse regions and populations, and then establish one-party, authoritarian rule in the United States. In this task, the Department of Education has the leading role.

The product being delivered by the Department of Education is just what the authoritarians want, but it cannot for a moment be deemed a truthful, fair-minded education in America’s history. The Department’s product is more accurately termed the deliberate distorting of US. history, which is applied in an indoctrination of America’s students that leaves them all but ignorant of U.S. history. It also leaves them deeply infused with a near-fanatic belief that the United States engages in evil whenever it puts America’s interests first and manifests a durable preference for the republic’s survival over extravagant and always wasted and war-causing funding for the welfare, Westernizing, and democratizing of poor, suffering, oppressed, diseased, or otherwise unfortunate foreigners – especially, as the saying goes, those “of color, which has come to mean anyone who is not English-speaking and white. At home it means, legal, financial, political, and media preference for any group – no matter how reprehensible, felonious, slothful, or deviant — that reliably votes for the Democrats.

In addition, the Department’s prescribed indoctrination demands the mandatory awarding of empathy, sympathy, and limited liability to foreign nations, organizations, and individuals that deliberately attack America, as in U.S. soldiers and Marines not being allowed to fire on the enemy before being fired on; the lack of retribution for Saudi Arabia’s ongoing responsibility for generating the Islamists’ war against the United States; official U.S. silence over Israel’s intentional aerial attack that wrecked the U.S. navy’s ship Liberty and killed or wounded many of its crew; and bipartisan acquiescence in the undeclared but vicious war the Mexican government is waging against the U.S. economy and America’s sovereignty, independence, language, and social cohesion.

For several generations of American students – from which have come most teachers at all levels of U.S. education – the idea of “America First” has been directly and intentionally defined by the Department of Education as American selfishness, racism, isolationism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and a mean-spirited lack of sensitivity to always-worthy foreigners. While examples of this Department of Education-inculcated, anti-America mindset are legion, several recent ones are worth noting.

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Wealth Of Los Angeles Jews Is Limitless?

Comment: Steve, have you ever read about this? It was a mini-scandal in Los Angeles back in 1988. Memos leaked to the L.A. Times revealed that two Jewish political consultants gave a Jewish city councilman running for mayor some frank advice on how to defeat Tom Bradley.

Los Angeles Times:

One of the frankest parts of the memos urged Yaroslavsky to capitalize on his close ties with the Jewish community to raise money.

The two advisers said they were not fund-raising experts, “but what we do know is that Jewish wealth in Los Angeles is endless. That almost every Jewish person who meets you will like you and that asking for $2,000 is not an unreasonable request to people who are both wealthy and like you.” At one point, the memo said, “The Yaroslavsky campaign becomes the United Jewish appeal.”


[Republicans who voted for Bradley] are racially tolerant people who are strongly pulled to Bradley because of his height, skin color and calm demeanor. They like voting for him–they feel less guilty about how little they used to pay their household help.

“To beat Bradley, you must be intensely, thoroughly and totally committed to your vision of L.A.,” they said. “It is the way you overcome the racial tug many Jews and non-Jewish liberals feel toward Bradley. It is also the way you overcome the possible Republican preference for the conservative black over the Jewish kid friendly with the Waxman-Berman machine.”

The consultants dwelt at length on the politics of blacks and Jews, major political forces in the city. “Bradley can and will excite black voters to outvote the white electorate especially if there is a runoff where his mayoral office is seen as jeopardized by a perfidious Jew, and/or most Jews and tree huggers will be, simultaneously, happy with both alternatives or distraught with having to choose between the two alternatives and therefore will turn out at their normal rates.”

(A few months later, Yaroslavsky dropped out of the race.)

Shades of the ’16 Democratic primaries: Hillary, the (honorary) black candidate, the heroic defender of Obama’s legacy, excites more black voters than Bernie, the (perfidious?) Jew.

And how many moderate white voters were TelePrompted to vote for Obama in ’08 because he was a tall, soothing, non-threatening black man with an Ivy League pedigree?

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New York Times Reporter Jonathan Weisman Retweets Harsh Attacks On Jews

I wonder if Jonathan Weisman has ever studied Talmud? There’s nothing in his twitter feed more shocking than what you will find in the Talmud.

I’m not hurt and upset and discombobulated when Jewish texts contain anti-gentile sentiments. Ever said Aleinu? Why should Jews be upset when gentiles have anti-Jewish sentiments. We’re all competing for survival and for the prosperity of our respectives peoples. Nothing is personal. Life is all about survival and propagating your genes and bringing up kids and helping your people.

SPLC tweets: “NYTimes reporter @jonathanweisman is retweeting antisemitic tweets from Trump supporters and trolls. It’s ugly. We’ve seen it for a while.”

Jonathan Weisman tweets:

* Better to have it in the open. People need to choose sides.

* Don’t worry about me, friend. Just airing the filth.

* Flabbergasted that antisemitism in the Trump voter ranks isn’t getting more attention, at least from the @RJC.



Jonathan Weisman, deputy editor at the Times’ Washington bureau unleashed hell when he retweeted a Trump supporter (the tweet has since been deleted): 

Weisman spent the next eight hours retweeting missives that he has received throughout the day: 

Finally, Weisman bade farewell to his followers and legions of anti-Semites: 

This was not the first time criticism of Trump by Jewish reporters has resulted in anti-Semitic backlash. On Tuesday, Melania Trump, the wife of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, suggested that journalist Julia Ioffe “provoked” the anti-Semitic abuse she faced from Trump fans after publishing negative profile about her.
“I don’t control my fans,” Melania said in an interview with DuJour. “But I don’t agree with what they’re doing. I understand what you mean, but there are people out there who maybe went too far. She provoked them.”
Ioffe, who is Jewish, received calls from people playing Hitler speeches, told that she “should be burned in an oven,” “be shot in the head,” and was sent photoshopped images of her in a concentration camp uniform.

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