American Judaism’s Most Pressing Concerns Today

1. Jews losing their Jewish identity.
2. Intermarriage with non-Jews.

Many nationalists have similar objectives for their people.

I could take most famous nationalist texts, be they Japanese or Tibetan or Jewish or white, and by just changing the terms for the good guys, these texts would read the same.

Every people sees itself as the center of the universe fulfilling a transcendent destiny.

An important purpose of Jewish law is to separate Jews from non-Jews. The kosher laws limit the ability of Jews to socialize with non-Jews. If you can’t drink with non-Jews, you are less likely to sleep with them and you are more likely to preserve the genes and culture of your own people.

Other groups also wish to preserve their genes and culture:

Japanese nationalism is the nationalism that asserts that the Japanese are a nation and promotes the cultural unity of the Japanese. It encompasses a broad range of ideas and sentiments harbored by the Japanese people over the last two centuries regarding their native country, its cultural nature, political form and historical destiny.

Every nationalism has a victimology. It stokes anger against the other. Every nationalism contains the capacity for genocide.

For black nationalists, whites and Jews are the enemy. For white nationalists, Jews are the enemy. For Jewish nationalists, the bad guys are variously aryans or nordics or arabs or Muslims.

Most forms of gentile racial, religious and national pride contain some hostility to Jews, just as when Jews become stronger in their Jewish identity, they are more likely to hold negative views of non-Jews.

The most basic form of social organization is us vs them.

Review below by Richard E. Sherwin (Bar Ilan University, Israel)

David G. Goodman, Masanori Miyazawa. Jews in the Japanese Mind: the History and Uses of a Cultural Stereotype. New York: The Free Press, 1995. xi + 360 pp. $24.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-02-912482-6.

Published on H-Antisemitism (March, 1998)

I find this a good and important book, clearly written and argued, interesting both in its details and in its implications for current theories of antisemitism. Professor Goodman presents a complex pattern of relationships between Japanese allosemitism and traditional Japanese xenophobias, a good part of which is based on the admirably thorough historical research of Professor Masanori Miyazawa of Doshisha Women’s College, Kyoto.[1] The book traces the chronology of Japanese antisemitism, its development, impact on Japanese culture, and present status. I list chapter titles below to help the readers of this review follow the book’s chronology, and to free me from the task of summarizing the details or the cast of characters involved in developing Japanese antisemitism. The book requires and deserves careful study. What follows is not strictly speaking a book review. While I try to do justice to Goodman’s work, I am also conveying some of my own thoughts, hunches, and speculations suggested by a reading of his text. No doubt, I hypothesize more freely here than a more formal review might permit.

The Chapters are:

I. What the Japanese Think of Jews and Why Anyone Should Care (p. 1)

II. Momotaro as Antisemite: The Cultural Roots of Japanese Images of Jews (p. 16)

III. God’s Chosen People: Jews in Japanese Christian Theology (p. 37)

IV. The Protocols of Ultranationalism: The Rise of Antisemitism Between the Wars (p. 76)

V. Jews as the Enemy: The Function of Antisemitism in Wartime Japan (p. 106)

VI. Identification and Denial: The Uses of the Jews in the Postwar Period (p. 135)

VII. “The Socialism of Fools”: Left-Wing Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism (p. 183)

VIII. Signal Failure: Recrudescent Antisemitism and Japan’s “Spiritual Condition” (p. 220)

IX. Japan’s Jewish Problem: Implications in a Multicultural World (p. 252)

The goals of Jews in the Japanese Mind are as follows (pp. 14-15):

1. “(T)o describe and trace the development of Japanese ideas about Jews, to explain the twin phenomena of antisemitism and philosemitism in a country that has practically no Jewish population.”

2. “(T)o show how Japanese ideas about Jews, which are relatively insignificant taken in isolation, relate to and reflect the major intellectual and political currents of their time.”

3. “(T)o explore the political and intellectual implications of Japanese ideas about Jews for our understanding of the quality and potential of contemporary Japanese culture.”

At least the first two goals are nicely realized. My reservations about the success of the third do not in any way diminish the book’s achievements, and its far-reaching implications for current theories of antisemitism are even more important, I think, than Goodman claims.

Chapter 1 is full of absorbing details, interesting as sociology in themselves and presented I presume to convince us that antisemitism DOES exist significantly in Japan. Here is a striking example. Between 1937 and 1962 Jews ranked consistently low among the least attractive or desirable humans to marry. During the 1930s, Jews fought it out with superior Africans and inferior Russians near the bottom of twelve ethnic groups. In 1946 Jews were deemed inferior to Russians and superior to Africans and Koreans. In 1962, the Chinese had replaced the Russians as number nine, but Jews were still number ten, Africans number eleven, and Koreans number twelve.

However shocking this might seem to Jewish readers, it was not all that unusual. Charles Stember (in Jews in the Mind of America, New York, 1966) reports the Gallup Poll answers from 1936-1945 to the question: who are the most dangerous to American democratic traditions and values? Jews were ranked first except for 1942 when the Japanese displaced them, presumably the result of Pearl Harbor. After the Holocaust, Jews either ceased being number one, or the question became too embarrassing to ask, publicly.

But not in Japan. Perhaps, at least one reason the Jews did not win greater Japanese approval after the Holocaust was that, following Hiroshima, the Japanese had already constructed a myth that made them the true innocent victims of World War II, a role they were unwilling to give up to six million Jews. According to Goodman, the acme of Japanese sympathy for and with Jews was reached and passed in the mid 1960s; so there was sympathy, but of a strange sort. It was displaced onto figures like the dejudaized Anne Frank who was further metamorphosed into an image of the Japanese themselves.

On the positive side of the allosemitic coin, meanwhile, some Japanese–innocently or otherwise–were identifying themselves as “Jews” or “Jewish,” in the image of hustling successful businessmen, modern and international; or in the Christian theological image of G-d’s chosen people, perhaps in the Japanese tradition Goodman cites of propitiating, tolerating, and imitating the powers of foreign demons. (I ignore the few Japanese men of honor, memory, courage, and decency who fought these currents of displacement, erasure, and cooptation, that is, against the policies and fashions that led to success in their culture. Goodman tells their stories well, details the prices they paid, and concedes that they did not succeed in changing antisemitism much.)

Chapter 1 thus presents the paradox of a deeply allosemitic country, with not many more than a thousand Jews. Unlike many European countries, Japan does not even have a history of a once significant Jewish presence. This by itself, I would think, supports Gavin Langmuir’s theory–which Goodman cites–that antisemitism seems based entirely on hearsay and fantasy.

Chapters 2 through 4 present an historical survey and analysis of the origins of Japanese antisemitism as a powerful demonology. Antisemitism allowed the Japanese to displace the frustration at being unable to isolate themselves from foreign influence. Forcibly members of an international network of commerce, politics, culture, and ideology, they feel their identity, their very survival as a nation, to be threatened. Influences undermining the comfortable aspects of a homogeneous society, or their mythos of it, so vital to their sense of well-being, rendered the Japanese vulnerable to antisemitic myth.

Japanese concern over the “health” (read unity, optimism, satisfaction) of their culture began before the foreigners arrived. Goodman shows that as early as 1825 (I suspect but cannot prove, even earlier) there are texts prophesying the occupation and destruction of Japan and its culture by “foreign occult” groups. After Commodore Perry coerced the opening of Japan to the West, and the modern world, this foreign cult was identified with Christianity as the enemy. Soon afterwards, in a very subtle alteration with what I consider multiple benefits to Japan, the target became Jews and Judaism.

Goodman does not say this, but I infer it, correctly I hope, from the facts and the gist of his argument. First, it was advantageous for pure nationalist xenophobes that there were no Jews in Japan. They could hate them as much as they wanted, malign them to their hearts’ content; their Christian teachers, occupiers, and models would have found little to object to in this, in as much as it imitated widely accepted Christian views of the matter. Apparently, the alien Christians did not realize that “Jews” really signified “all foreign devils,” including themselves. It is even possible that the Japanese themselves were not consciously aware of the equation. No matter. Now they could at once hate Christians and the West, the modern World, and yet dress it in a Jew-hatred acceptable to the West itself. (I find this hypothesis helpful in explaining the curious fact Goodman records concerning the disinterest Japanese antisemites have so far shown in allying themselves with various worldwide antisemitic organizations.)

A second component of the mythology for the Japanese students of Christian missionaries (largely American and mostly Evangelical Protestants in the modern era) involved a not uncommon redefinition of themselves as “Jews.” As with some American Christians, the Japanese converts thought of themselves as the “real” Jews, part of the continually rediscovered ten lost tribes of Israel, or as possessors of a truer tradition than modern Talmudic Jews. This, too, was acceptable to their Christian mentors. Thus, even though imported into Japanese culture, the complex relationship between Christians and Jews, the loves, hates, and competitions, were all present in the development of antisemitism in Japan.

Given the absence of real Jews, this emotional platform could sustain any number of scenarios, most filled with inner conflicts and logical contradictions. Xenophobia, nationalism, and opportunism combined with traditional ethnic ideology to reinforce a strong pre-Christian belief in the Japanese as a chosen, holy people living in a promised land, created for them by their own deities. Meanwhile, a universal imperialistic, Western Christian world and industrial technology lay ready to be appropriated and mastered. Fortunately, indeed, a specific holy/unholy people, “the Jews,” also stood ready to take the blame for all the difficulties, frictions, and dislocations involved in this transformation of traditional Japan. Naturally, inhabiting such a cosmic drama as this, the Japanese have shown no signs of being interested in, or much influenced by, living Jews or Judaism, at home or abroad. Nor, given the popular practice of invoking conspiracy theory and “hidden powers” to explain their own history, was there much pressure for the Japanese to find proof that a small and shadowy group of Jews provided the puppet-masters of all Western governments.

This indifference further suggests the need for Albert Lindemann’s theories, as recently discussed in Esau’s Tears, to be tested against a situation that appears to contradict them. What seems a perfect laboratory example of demonological epidemiology in our species, age, and clime, may turn out to be just another exception that keeps on proving the rule. An actual Jewish contribution or non-contribution to Japanese antisemitism may yet be discovered, but it is certainly difficult to find in Goodman’s book.

To my mind the most significant paradox that Goodman’s book raises is the use and non-use the Japanese have made of their antisemitism. Japanese antisemitism, he argues in Chapter 4, has historically been used against the Japanese themselves, to crush domestic dissent in the name of national unity of belief at times of crisis (World War II, disturbing fluctuations in the Yen, and other economic and political uncertainties). Like other nationalistic antisemitisms, it blames the Jews for every economic, political, and cultural discomfort. International Jews, pulling the strings of Western governments, banks, communications, and industry, are out to destroy Japan. This is the usual paranoia, readily observable in the West.

What is unique about Japanese antisemitism, however, is that unlike most other nationalistic xenophobic antisemitisms it apparently–and very illogically–has NOT been used against living Jews. This failure to harm actual Jews is even stranger given that the particulars of Japanese ideological antisemitism entered Japan during the Manchukuo Occupation. It was then that the Japanese came into contact with the most successful contribution of White Russians to humanity, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the literary fraud that encouraged Eastern European pogroms and Western European indifference to the Nazi persecution of Jews.

Chapter 5 treats the domestic use of antisemitism during World War II as a means of thought control. In the process, the book describes one of the rarest, most strikingly decent behaviors by a government that must nonetheless be thought of as antisemitic. The Japanese government and army ignored the German example and Nazi pressure, choosing instead, as Goodman points out, to protect some 25,000 Jewish refugees in Kobe and later Shanghai (thereby giving refuge to a greater number than Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India combined).

Goodman refuses to romanticize this episode, arguing that the rescue was done from political pragmatism, self-interest, and, to my mind, a “reverse-English” peculiar to Japanese outlooks. Apparently the Japanese thought that if the Jews were really running the world behind the scenes, it was politic to behave decently to them. But the book may not give the Japanese enough credit in this case. There is always a gap between theory and practice, it seems, bridgeable only by acts of will. And the Japanese, in this case, willed decently.

Chapters 5 and 6 detail the use of antisemitism at home to repress dissent against extreme nationalism, and after the war to allow the Japanese to ignore the Jews while supplanting them in their own mythological history as the real innocent victims of the war, particularly of its nuclear conclusion.

(A more personal aside here: it is not clear to me just what the Japanese would have done had there been no Holocaust to co-opt, no Hiroshima to blur the horror and their responsibility for Asian suffering. Why is there so little anti-Japanism, considering the well-documented horrors of the war? What little anti-Japanese feeling exists is clearly a result of economic preeminence. Why, in contrast, is there so much antisemitism despite a much less obvious contribution by Jews to their own or other people’s suffering?)

The last chapter on “Japan’s Jewish Problem: Implications in a Multicultural World” is less persuasive than the rest of the book. In part this may be the result of my own failings in matters of arithmetic. Be that as it may, I cannot assess the actual proportionate influence of antisemitism on the general attitudes or behavior of literate Japanese adults. Just how worrisome is it today and for the future? Part of the problem is, of course, the difficulty of predicting future behavior on the basis of history or even on current beliefs (as revealed in public opinion polls).

But the urgency of Goodman’s appeal in his concluding chapters for changed behavior on the part of the Japanese government and leaders depends heavily on just such a clear estimation, as does the plangency of the book’s last chapter. The importance accorded to Goodman’s plea depends on whether or not the reader shares his assessment of the dangers of Japanese antisemitism. His assumption that a change will necessarily benefit Japanese national interests is also problematic. I, for one, do not disbelieve the accuracy of Goodman’s picture and interpretation in chapters 7 and 8 of Japanese postwar hypocrisy toward Jews, particularly its fashionable dabbling in anti-Zionism as a transparent ploy meant to protect economic interests. But in all fairness, I just don’t think Japanese postwar antisemitism as applied to Jews and Israel was or is significantly different from that of France, England, Russia, Canada, or others. If anything, it seems less harmful.

And it does not follow necessarily that using antisemitism for controlling domestic dissent must harm Japan any more than it has harmed Europe or the Americas. It does not follow therefore that diminishing such antisemitism is in the interest of any government whose primary interest is remaining in power: that is, all of them. The change of policy would certainly be desirable to Jews, but is it as pressing a need for Japan as Goodman urges on the reader? Historically, at least, the only instance where government antisemitism could have been deadly was the moment when the Japanese, for whatever selfish or self-deluded reasons, behaved demonstrably more morally towards Jews than most other nations at the time.

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S.E Cupp: I’m Sick Of ‘Cuckservative’ … And Trump Supporters

Breitbart: CNN pundit S.E Cupp has had enough of Trump fans calling her a “cuckservative.”

Cupp lashed out at the people who criticised her and other conservatives for attending a behind-closed-doors meeting at Facebook’s headquarters earlier this week, to address concerns that the company has a liberal bias. Headlined “Conservatives need Facebook, and Facebook needs us,” Cupp called for more conservative engagement with the social network while attacking Trump supporters for allegedely sowing division within the movement.

Cupp began her article by highlighting some of the abuse she’s received on social media since the meeting:

This week I went to a meeting at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California. And then I became a bimbo, a cancer, and a scumbag. Behold Twitter:

Working on the assumption that most of her critics were Trump supporters, Cupp expressed her growing frustration with the presidential candidate’s loudest fans. In particular, she critiqued their use of the word “cuckservative” and their willingness to attack others in the movement.

Questioning the Trump orthodoxy (which, incidentally, is rarely intelligible if ever at all conservative) is the thing that now makes a conservative a “cuckservative,” a pejorative term to describe a weak, emasculated “sell out” to the establishment wing of the party. This now includes conservatives like me, with previously pristine records of right-wing fanaticism, at least as classified by the mainstream press, and ranging from Glenn Beck to the National Review, Ted Cruz to Paul Ryan.

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The Disease Of Underearning

Lecture 68 with Geoff from CA:

When I came into Underearners Anonymous, all I knew was that I didn’t have any money and I didn’t feel comfortable asking for money.

I learned that underearning is a disease that goes back to childhood. I grew up in an alcoholic home. In that environment, I got wounded. I was a wounded animal. I didn’t realize I got wounded. I got into a great college. I got great grades. As I got older, the things that worked for me in childhood, how I managed my environment, no longer worked, so that by the time I was in my 30s, I had a small life. I couldn’t build a career and I couldn’t have a relationship.

Underearning is cave-dwelling. Growing up in a household, we developed a wound and became scared to get out into the world with the other healthy animals, so I retreated into the cave. I feared playing with the healthy animals in case I got hurt or killed. The problem with living a small life is that it is unfulfilling. Recovery is uncovering those wounds and healing those wounds.

When I recover, I can step out into the world and become more visible.

How this disease manifested in my life was a sapping of vitality in pursuing my vision.

As I got older, I saw friends getting married, I saw friends getting promotions, and I couldn’t seem to get off the ground. I’ve come to realize this is not my fault. I had this weird patterns that would not permit me to tap the energy in my life.

I moved to Los Angeles to become a writer. In the beginning, I did OK. I would attract toxic bosses. I would attract in toxic work situations. I got an agent who wouldn’t work for me. I was always sabotaging myself. I sold a movie script for all this money and at the same time, I got into a dysfunctional relationship and it took my attention off my writing and getting bigger with my career. I was scared to get bigger. Every time I had an opportunity to get bigger, somehow it didn’t work out. My life kept getting smaller. In my 30s, I had $37 in my bank account and I was two months late on my rent and I didn’t know what to do.

My Al Anon sponsor told me about DA (Debtors Anonymous). I didn’t really click with the symptoms of DA. I was an under-earner. I lived in extreme deprivation. I started hearing about under-earning. Underearners Anonymous had a share day in Los Angeles. I learned that this disease was about time and an inability to build a life.

Some people can take the right steps to get bigger. They can market and get bigger and I couldn’t do that. The symptoms of underearning really connected with me.

1. Time Indifference – We put off what must be done and do not use our time to support our own vision and further our own goals.

2. Idea Deflection –We compulsively reject ideas that could expand our lives or careers, and increase our profitability.

3. Compulsive Need to Prove – Although we have demonstrated competence in our jobs or business, we are driven by a need to re-prove our worth and value.

4. Clinging to Useless Possessions – We hold onto possessions that no longer serve our needs, such as threadbare clothing or broken appliances.

5. Exertion/Exhaustion – We habitually overwork, become exhausted, then under-work or cease work completely.

6. Giving Away Our Time – We compulsively volunteer for various causes, or give away our services without charge, when there is no clear benefit.

7. Undervaluing and Under-pricing – We undervalue our abilities and services and fear asking for increases in compensation or for what the market will bear.

8. Isolation – We choose to work alone when it might serve us much better to have co-workers, associates, or employees.

9. Physical Ailments – Sometimes, out of fear of being larger or exposed, we experience physical ailments.

10. Misplaced Guilt or Shame – We feel uneasy when asking for or being given what we need or what we are owed.

11. Not Following Up – We do not follow up on opportunities, leads, or jobs that could be profitable. We begin many projects and tasks but often do not complete them.

12. Stability Boredom – We create unnecessary conflict with co-workers, supervisors and clients, generating problems that result in financial distress.

It was suggested to me that I read the symptoms to a friend and share on them. I did that. Every one resonated. Especially time indifference and isolation.

Nothing really changed…until I got a sponsor and worked the steps. I realized this was life and death. I started going to the 5:30 am meeting on the main phone line. That meeting is my rock.

The Tools are wonderful unless I really work the 12 Steps, unless I can establish a spiritual foundation and look at all of my fears and resentments.

1. Time Recording – We must be conscious of how we spend our time. We keep a written record to increase awareness and support our focus on goals and the actions required to achieve them.

2. Meetings – We attend UA meetings regularly to share our experience, strength, and hope in order to help ourselves and others recover from underearning.

3. Sponsorship – We actively seek sponsorship with someone who has worked the Twelve Steps in UA and is willing to guide us in our recovery.

4. Possession Consciousness – We routinely discard what no longer serves us in order to foster a belief that life is plentiful and that we will be able to provide ourselves with what we need.

5. Service – Giving service is vital to our recovery. It is through service to others, and to the Fellowship, that we keep what has been so generously given to us.

6. Goals Pages – We set goals for all aspects of our lives, write them down, measure our progress and reward achievement.

7. Action Meetings – We organize action meetings with other UA members to discuss our earning concerns and to generate actions that will bring more prosperity into our lives.

8. Action Partner – We connect regularly with action partners regarding earning concerns in order to provide each other with accountability, continuity, and support.

9. Solvency – We do not debt one day at a time. Debting leads to underearning.

10. Communication – We contact other UA members to seek support, to diminish isolation, and to reinforce our commitments to action.

11. Literature – We read Twelve-Step literature to strengthen our understanding of compulsive disease and the process of recovery.

12. Savings – Saving money demonstrates faith in the future and acceptance of the fact that money is a tool vital to our prosperous vision. We create and follow a savings plan on whatever scale we are able.

It’s not what I can take from life but what I can put into life. Before the program, my life was about looking good.

When I get scared, I need to throw myself deeper into the program and put in more service.

I was spending my time in traffic and I had no energy to pursue my vision.

You don’t have goals, you just want to get rid of the pain for today.

I rented a room in Glendale. I had a mattress on the floor. My printer on the floor. Mismatched lamps. No furniture. My landlord has thrown out the mattress and I had taken it from the garbage and there was a coil sticking out of the mattress and it was scrape against my thigh and I would wake up bleeding.

My life looks very different. I got a job. It came from an action meeting. I told my action partner what I wanted to make in a month and he said [looking at what was being earned in various odd jobs], you need a job. I wouldn’t have come up with that on my own.

I need all of this program. I need the tools.

They call underearning a disease of confusion. I use the time sheets to map out my week. I don’t just fritter my time away.

I wanted my time to be more conscious. They say in UA that if you are recording your time, you’re doing it right.

I’m bringing people into my recovery. I’m 35 yo and I have it in my head that the period in which I was supposed to make it as a writer is over and it is too embarrassing to market myself and try to reconnect with alumni, but if I bring people into my recovery, and say I have no artistic community, and a woman in my action group said you can make five outreach calls.

My to-do list doesn’t come from me. It comes from people outside of me who have a better grasp on it.

I heard in a workshop that as underearners, we lack the tools to navigate our lives and to take the right steps. We bring other people into our recovery to get the ship out of the port. I have a sponsor and action partners and an action group.

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What’s With All The Blacks Named ‘Dante’?

Steve Sailer writes: “First names that begin with D are kind of a black pride thing these days, kind of like certain first names that begin with J are a Jewish pride thing lately (e.g., Joshua). “Dante” is a good choice for black parents who want to signal black pride to other blacks via a D name without sounding ghetto (Dantevious, however …). The cultural connotations of “Dante” are as classy as possible.”

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From Desegregation To Disinformation: The Decline Of The Virginian-Pilot

From 2012: As a local newsman, I have been particularly interested in the Virginian-Pilot’s now-notorious attempt to suppress the story of a black mob’s beating two members of its own staff, Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami.

As I argued here almost exactly three years ago, this sort of thing usually arises from the characteristic culture of the American newsroom. No marching orders to manipulate facts need be given. The newsroom worldview literally inoculates reporters and editors against ideas that might cause them to question the typical Main Stream Media narrative.

But I now must add this proviso: While the leftist worldview  drives  most news coverage in concept, and most reporters and editors do not consciously insert bias into most stories, in some cases, by omission or commission, they flat out lie.

Nothing else explains what occurred, for instance, in NBC’s editing of the audio tapes of George Zimmerman’s call to police the night he shot Trayvon Martin in self defense.

And nothing else explains why the Pilot buried the story.

Thus, for example the Pilot’s Editor, Denis Finley (email him), said in his memo to the staff trying to explain away his behavior:

Based on the facts, this story did not cross the bar to be published because as a general rule, The Pilot doesn`t publish stories about simple assaults. …

We have done our due diligence with the story. We have checked the police reports. I have read them. We have checked to see whether there is an inordinate amount of crime in the neighborhood where the attack happened. There is not.

 Pilot stands by handling of attack on staff members May 3, 2012

But the comment thread on Finley’s showed that his readers knew perfectly well that Finley was lying and had no difficulty proving it. One commenter noted that the newspaper’s job was to find out whether it was a “simple assault” and whether it was a racial attack. [Do your job! Submitted by JayDough May 9, 2012] Another exploded that Finley’s claim about the neighborhood:

“From`s story about the incident, ‘, using data from, looked into how many crimes are reported in the area of the April 14 assault. A report for the week of April 8 until April 14 shows 49 crimes were reported within a one mile radius of the reported assault.’”[Disappointing Editor Submitted by ozzy4sure on May 4, 2012]


Anyone who has worked in a newsroom knows that a mob beating of any two people, reporters or not, is news. Had a group of whites attacked two black reporters leaving an all-white “enclave,” as the media like to describe white neighborhoods, you can bet the story would have been on the front page. The Pilot would have been beside itself with rage.

That leaves the question of why an editorial writer broke the news in an opinion column. [A beating at Church and Brambleton,  By Michelle Washington, The Virginian-Pilot,  May 1, 2012] My guess: after holding the story for two weeks, the newspaper couldn’t report the attack as news. And perhaps the news staff, knowing the attack was no “simple assault,” rebelled against the newspaper’s editorial bureaucrats. Yet if what Finley claimed was true—that the crime was not racial and really was a simple assault—then he is left with the problem explain why he permitted a columnist to write about it at all.

Given the Virginian-Pilot’s history, a lie on behalf of the city’s angry black majority would be no surprise. The longtime owner of the paper, Frank Batten Sr., was a staunch desegregationist at a time when such an editorial position was quite unpopular in Virginia. It won a Pulitzer Prize  for its editorials on the subject.

Batten created a media empire that turned into Landmark Media Enterprises. He founded The Weather Channel.

But don’t expect the Pilot to report on the black storm raging across America in such fronts as the knock-down game, Polar bear hunting, and flash mobs, all of which involve a beating at best or a murder at worst.

The Virginian Pilot’s editorial about this scandal said the crime means “Norfolk needs a civil conversation.” After several paragraphs uncivilly suggesting that readers unhappy with the coverage are racists, it concluded that no one really knows what happened or motivated the crimes and then sallied forth with this idiocy: “Race doesn’t define us. It doesn’t define who we are.”

Tell that to Al or Jesse and those, like Spike Lee, who wanted George Zimmerman strung up from a lamppost without a trial.

Many years ago, the late newsmen Peter Jennings and Mike Wallace declared that they would not, in covering a war, alert American GIs to an enemy ambush. They were reporters first, they said, and Americans second.  

One wonders if their contemporary counterparts would warn an elderly white couple if a black flash mob was about to attack.  

We already know they wouldn’t report it.

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