Pamela Geller, Breitbart: On Trump and the Jews, David Horowitz Is Right

Pamela Geller writes: David Horowitz is under heavy fire from the Republican establishment for his article “Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,” in which he points out that, as the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump is “the only obstacle to the party of Obama and Hillary and Huma Abedin, of the Iran deal and the appeasement of Islamic Jew-hatred beginning with the Hamas terrorists of Gaza and the Fatah terrorists of the West Bank.”

David Horowitz is right.

It’s revealing how weak, spineless Jews go off when a proud Jew calls out them out. That’s what happening now in this brouhaha between Horowitz and Kristol. The GOP elite — The Weekly Standard, National Review Online, et al — has betrayed our key principles for years now and has gotten away with doing so. The Republican establishment has now jumped the shark with the #NeverTrump movement — happily throwing Republicans under the bus because Trump isn’t “controllable” or one of them.

Breitbart readers know that I have been a vocal supporter of Ted Cruz, coming out and endorsing him early, back in May 2015. I was and am critical of Donald Trump because of his dangerous and reckless remarks about the First Amendment and our Muhammad Art Exhibit in Texas and his personal attacks on me, as well as his position on eminent domain, free trade, etc. But the fact is that Cruz lost, and I will support the GOP nominee.

But instead of throwing their support before the man whom Republican voters have chosen out of a crowded field, GOP elites including Kristol and Mitt Romney are talking about an independent party run. What hubris. It is the height of stupidity and arrogance. Acting more like Democrats then Republicans, the #NeverTrump RINOs mean to upend the will of the people.

That is not who we are. The fact is that conservatives held our noses and supported RINO John McCain, and after that we supported weak sister Mitt Romney. Now it’s their turn, whether they like it or not. A third party run will destroy the GOP and hand the election over to the corrupt and criminal Clinton. See the groundbreaking film Clinton Cash to grasp the depth and breadth of Hillary Clinton’s crimes. There is no contest between Trump and Clinton.

Ben Shapiro also came out against Horowitz – yes, the Ben Shapiro who bravely staked his career on the laughable claim of assault of journalist Michelle Fields by a Trump staffer. Shapiro actually changed his Facebook description to “Michelle Fields’ former co-worker.”

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‘René and Juan Carlos set out to convert their Colombian megachurch to Orthodox Judaism. This is what happened.’

Essay: With its decaying two-story homes and grazing cows, Bello looks like just another sleepy suburb of Medellín, Colombia. Thirty years ago, though, it was known as la capital de los sicarios, the capital of the assassins. Pablo Escobar, the leader of the Medellín cartel, which supplied most of the world’s cocaine, recruited many of his sicarios from Bello, paying them to eliminate his adversaries. Mostly teenagers, they rode motorcycles, prayed to La Virgen María Auxiliadora, and killed their victims in the streets. René Cano grew up in Bello at the height of Escobar’s reign.
Born in 1978, René was the child of a textile factory worker and a housewife, both observant Catholics. At 13, he was so tall and self-possessed that he passed for an 18-year-old and, by his own description, was sexually precocious. He could talk anyone into anything. When his father announced one evening there was no money, nothing for dinner, René ran outside with a chair and came back with cash.
His cousins were sicarios and so were his neighbors; almost everyone he knew was on drugs. His mother understood it was only a matter of time before René would join them, and she feared for his life. “Don’t hang out on the corner,” she told him one day, “because they will come.” Five minutes after she called him into the house, men gunned down seven boys on the spot where he had been standing. The stench of their deaths lingered for weeks.

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This Is It!

Many would-be converts to Judaism think Judaism is it! Then they convert and their enthusiasm dies out. It’s like a man chasing a hot woman. Once he gets her he wants something else…

FFB friend: “If only you had the capability of showing these pathetic people the truth.”

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Steve Sailer: The O.J. Simpson Story Is About Violent White Racism Toward Black Bodies

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* To be fair, Black men beat the ever loving hell out of Black women way more than they do white women. Black women are almost totally inured to it. Many, if not most, Black women have been repeatedly beaten by one or more significant other. They also know, that most of the time, said significant other will stop short of killing them, so they don’t necessarily make the leap from jealousy based abuse to murder. That is why Blacks on O.J.’s jury were not impressed by Nicole having a few bruises on her face, that just means love to them. Black women are incredibly loyal to Black men. I often think they are trying to make up for how often they (willingly) consorted with the slave masters and the slave masters’ sons. In any case, we white women could take a leaf out of their book and be more supportive, loyal and faithful to our white men.

* When you meet a black person who was an adult at the time and the subject of the OJ case comes up, ask them 3 questions:
1) do you think O.J. did it?
2) (if they say yes) when did you arrive at that opinion?
3a) (if they said some time before the end of the trial) when did you first tell a white person that you thought he did it?
3b) (if they said some time after the trial) what new evidence changed your mind?

* I will never understand “white guilt” over slavery. Africans sold each other into slavery. They were purchased by Jews, Whites, Arabs, and other Africans. Why should only Whites be blamed?

* There’s an amusing phenomenon where young liberals assume that America was under control of a Nazi-sympathizing segregationist government until *maybe* 5 or 6 years ago, and things have only started to turn around thanks to campus SJW activists and the Black Lives Matter movement.

So you have people sharing videos of Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton speaking out in favor of civil rights or feminism back in the 80s and 90s, and acting like that makes them heroic trailblazers. “OMG they were saying discrimination is bad back in the 80s! Incredible!”

* The issue concerning this trial was not whether O.J. did it, but whether an African-American, for once, could get away with it — sort of like the affirmative action of criminal justice — because white people had gotten away with it so many times. The most awkward moment in People vs. Simpson was when Simpson, after his acquittal, says “We should find the culprit, or culprits” to a room full of people. There’s an awkward silence in the room, because everyone implicitly knew that O.J. actually did it.

In his original incarnation, OJ was custom made to give proof to White America’s delusional narrative that “clean, well-spoken negros who shed ghetto culture and are ambitious” can succeed in life.

This fantasy view of an equal opportunity America was of course was forgotten the instant he was seen as an abusive, murdering thug, whose supporters were blind to justice.

* Actually the black women on the jury pretty much despised Nicole, which was well known to the defense team and missed by the clueless Marcia Clark, who fantasized she had some kind of “connection” with black women. The black women deeply resented what they saw as a white gold-digger who had ‘stolen’ a rich, successful, handsome black man from them.

* I’m sure there were some who wanted him to get off whether he did it or not. Still others tried their darndest not to think about whether he really did it. However, there was a substantial portion of the population who truly believed the LAPD set him up. Just like there are people now who think Mike Brown had his hands up and Trayvon Martin was ambushed on his way home to study for AP Chemistry, or whatever.

* And don’t forget the self-aggrandizing District Attorney who moved the trial from Santa Monica where it should have been conducted to the Central courthouse so he could be on TV regularly. The Santa Monica jury panel is wholly different from the downtown panel.

* The prosecutors decided to have the trial in the Central courthouse because (especially after Rodney King) they thought it was important to have a “representative” jury.

* I remember watching a low budget Lifetime film in the 1990s where a Mulatto woman played by an actress named Jasmine Guy, marries a White man she met in the military.

He ends up becoming an abusive alcoholic husband, beats her, and eventually murders her. It’s like the OJ case, except the races are reversed. It’s a man bites dog film.

* I was in Philadelphia the day after the verdict. All the black folks I encountered were bubbly and smiling, it was weird. I almost got mad for a minute, but then, whatever. I will say I have never invested in a capital case of any kind since then. I just assume the jury will get it wrong.

* A friend of mine, when he was a young doctor doing his residency, worked in the ER at a large public hospital in Baltimore. He used to see all sorts of victims of marital violence. One regular was an older black male who often ended up at the ER after a dust-up with his wife. He’d slap her around, and when she had enough, she’d stab him with a paring knife. The wounds were typically messy but superficial. He’d then come into the ER via the “amberlamps” to be patched up, and when the cops asked him if he wanted to press charges, he always declined.

The last time they fought, his wife’s aim was deadlier. She cut a major artery, her husband bled out, and was dead on arrival at the ER. The police went to the house to inform his wife of this, and that she was under arrest for killing him. Her response, according to my doctor friend:

“He die? He nebber do dat befo’!”

* I worked with a few blacks at that time in the 90′s. They were all convinced that OJ was innocent. Reasons? Nope, they just “felt” it. The cops were all racists. All cops everywhere are racist.

* “Everything in our age conspires to turn the writer, and every other kind of artist as well, into a minor official, working on themes handed down from above and never telling what seems to him the whole of the truth.” (George Orwell)

* Blaming everything on white people is its own kind of white supremacism – the only kind still allowed.

* What OJ Simpson taught me was that blacks do not care about justice or right and wrong, and only care about their own skin color.

* I have a friend whose wife beats on him occasionally. He said he does not fight back because 1) he was taught not to hit women, and 2) he will be the one going to jail if she calls the police. Because, as we all know, women never lie.

* Geez, talk to your friend. I supposed it’s possible that both he and his wife are on opposite ends of their respective sex’s personality spectrum, and this relationship could be “stable”. But from the huge majority of relationship observations I’ve made in life, a woman being able to roll right over her man–essentially not having a man that is her superior–is very unstable. It violates female hypergamy. Mostly when a woman loses respect, it just snowballs–gets worse and worse, onto contempt and more–into divorce.

Unless they are in some bizarre stable kink, i’d suggest when she tries to beat on him, stop her, flip her over and give her a good spanking. I think the marriage from that point on will be a lot better. It might be what she’s actually looking for from him–boundaries.

* I was happy to see OJ found not guilty. It confirmed my views of our culture while demonstrating the results of our leftist media and education complex .

In addition the trial highlighted the dangers white females face when they associate with blacks. Nicole was a gold digger, she was not a sympathetic character. In many cultures Simpson’s actions would be seen as justified. She dissed OJ, while she continued to take his money and flaunt her slutty behavior for all to see. If I was on the jury I would not have convicted OJ of murder.

* I’ve done plenty of stupid things in my life, but a default requirement for a woman is to make reasonable choices about romantic\sex partners. For a white woman, a black ex is a giant “fail” and a signal of a bunch of character flaws that you do not want in a woman you’re investing any time in.

Despite the general decline in the quality of white women’s behavior, since “liberation” or whatever you want to call it, there are still plenty of quality white women out there, who, with strong guidance from a man about what’s required to merit his continued attention, can make fine girlfriends, wives, mothers. No need for slumming.

* OJ had a young white girlfriend during and after his trial. One might think that a person who murders his significant other might be a bad choice for boyfriend. Yet here we have white women lining up to date this negro murderer. What is wrong with this segment of the white population? Their parents must be proud.

* Black women are deadlier. I remember seeing a statistics that black women kill their partners more often than vice versa. We do not hear much about it as it does not fit to the feminist narrative.

* For blacks the thinking was, “black people have been losing in America for 300 years. He’s our chance to win one for the black team.” Actual justice for Ron and Nicole was much less important to them than racial justice for all of black America. It was nothing personal. I’m sure that if OJ had been white, the black jurors would have had no problem finding guilt. Juries usually get it right but this was an unusual case in that the defense was (assisted by the idiot judge – Asians can sometimes be as stupid as Jews when it comes to these matters and the clueless prosecutors who allowed the trial to take place downtown instead of having OJ judged by a jury of his Brentwood peers) allowed to make this case about racial justice. The system breaks down mainly in these kind of high profile cases – everyday juries are usually commonsensical.

* It’s ironic because Santa Monica would have been truly a jury of OJ’s “peers”. OJ never wanted to have anything to do with black people before he was arrested.

Although leftists pretend not to notice things like black criminality, in fact they are keenly aware of them (you can see from things like their revealed preference in where they send their kids to school) and take them into account in their decision making, just not in a way that conforms with justice and common sense.

* The apple never falls far from the tree.

Nicole’s folks aren’t wholly blameless. She wanted to leave O.J. years before she did, but they pushed her to stay so they could keep on milking the Juice.

If your wealthy son-in-law were beating your daughter, would you tell her to grin and bear it for the sake of your bank account? If the answer is yes, then you’re a POS.

* “Nicole’s folks aren’t wholly blameless.”

An understatement. They pushed her to “get back together” after O.J. cut them off when they divorced.

Detectives Lange and Vanatter felt Nicole’s father didn’t accept she was dead or that Simpson was guilty.Marcia Clark was amazed that Lou Brown seemed totally indifferent to his daughter’s murder, wasn’t mad at Simpson, and refused to help the prosecution.

This is from their books. Lou Brown seems to have gone beyond what you call a “POS.”

* EVERYTHING must serve the globalist/radical agenda -Sports are the perfect place for that :

a. people who watch are ‘addicted’ and invest emotionally in ‘their’ teams. It’s worked since the roman empire. So you have a literally captive audience. and the audience, as you noted is the one that needs the most reeducation -because they have become effeminized by watching other men instead of hunting or some other character building activity , it’s the perfect place for it.

b. what better place to prove black prowess? if only whitey wasn’t keeping blacks down in the silicon valley the %s of minority startups would be as high as the black % of the NBA.

c. large number of sports journalists are …. “scots-irish” and carry the same radical politics. Also the media companies that own these sport channels are carrying out the same radical/globalist agenda literally on ‘all channels’.

* My rule is: no tattoos or piercings on a woman. Those are the marks of a slut.

* A jury in Santa Monica would very likely have consisted of pretty much the same racial mix. The city of Los Angeles is not all that black, I think even then it was about 15%. (Even less now since Section 8 plus ethnic cleansing of Blacks in Watts by Latino colonists). The jury was unrepresentatively black because the defense wanted nullification, while the prosecutors didn’t want to look like racists who had him convicted by a White jury, and figured Black women would vote guilty anyway. In LA County jury pools are drawn from very large geographic areas. I live in the Beach cities and have served on juries in downtown LA more than 20 miles away. A jury pool in Santa Monica would have had about as many black prospective jurors as one in LA and the lawyers would have empaneled the same mix.

* Read Daniel Petrocelli’s book on the civil trial. The original jury pool in Santa Monica was about 40 % black. During voir dire, nearly all the black prospective jurors were so openly pro-Simpson, they eliminated themselves and only one black made the trial panel.

* People need to remember two things:

(1) how incredibly popular “the Juice” was in 1992. He was a popular actor and was one of the greatest RB in Football history. Unlike Jim Brown, he wasn’t “angry” but came off as likable and gregarious. And non-political.

(2) how overwhelming the evidence against him was. The Bronco chase, the bloody glove, the DNA evidence, the bloody shoe prints, the expensive Italian gloves, the cut on his hand, the cap left at the scene with hair that matched his, the limo driver, the bloody sock, the lack of an alibi.
Short of having a picture of him slitting Nicole throat, there’s been few murders with so much evidence showing one man did the killing.

And therefore, how incredibly shocking the verdict was to most White Americans.

* A true story: On old guy I once knew, a retired widower, hard of hearing, Reagan conservative, got involved with a divorcee, she a Hillary / Obama supporter. She did have going for her that she wasn’t grossly fat and ten years younger. He was lonely, you know, whatever.

They didn’t cohabitate, both of them owning their own houses, but they each had a key to the other’s house and would go traveling together.

One day this nutjob divorcee got ticked off because she decided the old gent hadn’t been paying her sufficient attention and deference of late. So in the middle of the night, she unlocked his house door, crept into his bedroom where the old guy was snoring, and commenced screaming and beating him with her purse.

He woke with a start, naturally, and it being dark and him hard of hearing, he didn’t initially understand who it was or what was happening. He jumped out of bed, swinging his arms. A few seconds later, having come fully awake and realizing it was her being a wildcat, he scooped her up in a blanket to stop her whomping on him, wooshed her out his front door (him in his underwear) and unceremoniously dumped her in the snowbank.

So what does the crazy old harpy do? She goes to the D.A. and files a “domestic violence” complaint.

You’d think the D.A. would laugh, no? After all, SHE entered HIS house and started it by smacking him with her purse. Nope. D. A. took the case.

This old guy in a panic, thinking, I’m retired, she’ll take me for all I have, asked her what it would take to settle.
Her price was ten grand. So he took a reverse mortgage on his house to pay her extortion fee.

Moral of the story? Stay far, far away from libtarded divorcees, even when you’re old.

* Whites were not particularly fond of Blacks until recently. Lincoln had highly negative things to say about Blacks, perhaps Blacks trying to kill him as a young man floating logs down to Baton Rouge had something to do with that. Dashiell Hammett is in bad odor with SJW because his stories portray Blacks negatively (criminal, stupid, low time orientation). The somewhat later and more upscale Rex Stout books have Blacks portrayed positively, though still subservient and lower IQ.

I think the shift came in during WWII, when Blacks were needed as laborers and Dems needed their votes as servicemen were overseas fighting. But the inflection point was probably pro sports, not Jackie Robinson but likely the 1960s with Professional and College Football players. “Paul Kersey” at makes the point that college and pro sports are the true opiate of the people, and positive views of Blacks correlates highly with their dominance, near total, of college football and pro football.

This is somewhat of an accident, baseball was never committed as pro football was to nationally televised games on a regular basis; and college football also filled the need for programming by the networks while other sports fell by the wayside (like Boxing). College and Pro Football fed a fantasy of a “respectable” Black athletic hero who was tougher/faster/stronger than White players but just as Middle Class White in behavior and attitude.

I think this aspect is dying, rapidly:

1. Increased integration for all but the higher income SJW/SWPL elites means more thug street Blacks in real life to offset TV fantasy Blacks.
2. Whites turning off from TV mainline sports that cost as incomes decline in favor of free/low cost online stuff like racing, extreme sports, etc. ESPN has seen declines in viewership/carriage fees strong enough to push Disney stock down despite a new Star Wars movie and Marvel movie.
3. Competition for the scarcest of resources, attractive young women. Nothing can turn a young White man into hate like losing a girl to a Black man. That’s just human nature. Humans are genetically hard wired that way.

This last is key. I’ve seen more and more mulatto babies with White mothers, Black father half around, half not. With the obesity epidemic hitting White women too, just not as hard as Black women, and Black women being both generally unattractive, and the very few who are preferring violent Thug Black men and being also unavailable save to a few celebrities like Robert DeNiro or the late David Bowie, the sexual competition aspect is IMHO a main but poorly recognized or understood driver of White American (men anway) not really having favorable opinions of Blacks.

Loot at Television. That’s a female/gay ghetto, though the drive for mass in reaction to carefully quantified demos via online advertising is changing things (the new Nancy Drew reboot starring Sarah Shahi was dumped after pilot because it “skewed too female”). But for now it remains startlingly female (around 85% of sitcom audiences are female IIRC). The sexy Black love interest for the White woman remains an audience staple. One bound to offend White male potential viewers; and cord-cutting (no more lucrative carriage fees — in 2013 CBS got half its revenues from carriage fees), online competition mean the 1980s Brandon Tartikoff NBC strategy of fewer viewers but more upscale income won’t work. Not the least of which real disposable income is declining for almost all but the top few percent.

The future of Black/White approval is likely to be White women, gays, upscale elites in elite zip codes, highly approving of Blacks and desiring approval backwards, and most White men having little to no interest to outright hostility over women moderated by ever eroding social control of angry professional White women and increasingly effete and inept elites.

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Condi Rice For VP


* Does Condi Rice have much appeal to anyone but neocons? One of the problems with her is that black politicians are disinclined to stick with the program if it’s going to get in the way of their blackness. Didn’t Condi imply that she voted for Obama?

* Apart from other considerations, it would be hard to attack Hillary on her Iraq vote in the Senate with one of the major architects and promoters of the Iraq War on the ticket as VP running mate. Preposterous suggestion. As was the suggestion by the earlier poster of Newt Gingrich. While I enjoy hearing his very intelligent discussion and analysis of the political situation on Fox News, I strongly opposed Gingrich in 2012 because he was too wedded to the neocon foreign policy (he was largely financed by Sheldon Adelson after all) and too tied up with the Washington establishment. You can tell that Gingrich is dying to be named #2. A much better pick, imo, would be Mike Huckabee. Although I have never been a fan or supporter, I have long been an admirer of his political skill. He is very articulate and gets his ideas across in a very pleasant way. He was probably the best natural politician running in 2012. His religion comes across in a much more acceptable way than Ted Cruz’s. So he would be a real way for Trump to heal any problems with the evangelicals. His experience in Arkansas against the Clintons would prove handy against Hillary. He’s only 60, just the right age for a running mate. A long shot, for sure, but I hope he is on Trump’s short list. Otherwise, I am at a loss to come up with an acceptable running mate.

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