Zakia Belkhiri Took a Selfie of anti-Semitism on the Left

Another Jewish woman has a hard time understanding that different groups have different interests.

The Coalition of the Fringe (the make-up of all left of center parties in the West) may be fraying.

From Haaretz:

Last week a Belgian Muslim named Zakia Belkhiri posted a cheeky selfie that nearly broke the social justice internet. Belkhiri, an attractive young hijab-wearing woman, took a picture of herself flashing a peace sign in front of a wall of anti-Muslim protesters. Her sly smile in the face of overwhelming hate caught the attention of millions and the picture went viral. Her message was powerful — the antidote to hate was not more hate, but laughter. 
I was one of thousands who shared Belkhiri’s snap on various social media platforms. I’m a part of the Jon Stewart generation. When confronted with the fact-resistant, primal pleasures of hatred (so notably practiced by Fox News) the obvious answer is righteous laughter. 
Belkhiri’s photo wasn’t just funny in the way it cut anti-Islamic protesters down to size. There was something moving about the image. The French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas wrote that it is the face-to-face encounter that makes us responsible to each other — “the face is what forbids us to kill.” Belkhiri’s selfie hinted at a vulnerability in tension with the frivolity inherent in the selfie, something that might make each side see each other as human, rather than monolithic. It was a deeply hopeful moment of distinctly contemporary resistance. 
Only a few beats in the news cycle later came the disappointment. The inevitably incriminating social media was dug up, complicating the nervy woman in the selfie. Numerous tweets and Facebook posts showed Belkhiri might be against Islamophobia, but also unashamedly dabbling in anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Her most devastating tweet being “Hitler didn’t kill all the Jews, he left some. So we know why he was killing them. #fuckrs.” As the news filtered out about Belkhiri, I was disappointed, but not surprised.  
The Belkhiri story illustrates the failure of intersectionality, perhaps the most important critical tool of the New Left. 
Intersectional analysis understands oppression as multi-dimensional and privilege as contingent. A white Jewish woman in America may experience white privilege, but she still has to fight against sexism and global anti-Semitism. 
Yet, over and over, Jews and Jewish oppression get left out of that intersectional analysis. Jewishness is conflated with whiteness, with the bizarre results of seeing the Holocaust described (and dismissed) in certain circles, as “white on white” crime. 
Belkhiri’s stumble wasn’t an exception in the contemporary social justice narrative, it was another example of how the global Left systematically fails to include the Jewish struggle for self-determination both cultural and political within its framework of national and personal liberations. 
After World War II, particularly in America, anti-Semitism was often seen as no more than a distasteful kind of bourgeois country club exclusion, a result of Jews’ perceived operationalizing of postwar economic mobility and white privilege. It was not taken seriously as a real threat to individuals, their bodies and livelihoods, or as a threat to a minority group’s right to practice its religious, cultural or national expression.
The New Left has always had its ‘Jewish problem’, something we’re seeing in the latest flap within the British Labour Party. Today it’s often boiled down to the question of whether anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. But the problem isn’t anti-Zionism, it’s the obsessive focus on the Jewish state to the exclusion of much else.

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REPORT: Migrants Committing Disproportionately High Crime In Germany While Media And Govt Focus on ‘Far Right’ Thought Crimes

Breitbart: A massive, migrant crime wave is surging across Germany according to figures buried in a new report released by the country’s Interior Ministry. The data reveals that without migrants considered, crime rates in Germany would have remained roughly static since 2014. But, in fact, the country recorded an extra 402,741 crimes committed by migrants.
While much of this criminality concerned illegal border crossings, German authorities instead talked up a “record surge” in crimes by “right wing radicals”.

Concerning statistics from the 135-page report reveal that 70 per cent of pickpocketing, one of the crime types on the rise, was committed by non-Germans. Of this figure, 34 per cent was committed by recent asylum seekers, with the rest committed by “non-Germans”.

Foreign nationals are thought to account for around 11 or 12 per cent of the total population of Germany, but were over-represented in every area of crime.

Illegal immigrants and asylum seekers account for around 2.5 per cent of Germany’s population, but were also massively overrepresented.

Amongst total offences, non-Germans accounted for 27.6 percent while illegal immigrants and asylum seekers accounted for 5.7 percent. Of homicides, the figures are 29.3%/8.2%, and of sexual assaults, the figures were 20.5%/4.8%.

In all of these cases as well as those indicated in the chart below, non-Germans and illegal migrants outstripped their proportions of crime to their representation in German society.

Non-Germans accounted for 38 per cent of all robberies, 38 per cent of thefts, and 43 per cent of thefts that involved a level of aggravation such as assault or force.

They accounted for 40.2 per cent of burglaries, 43.5 per cent of shoplifting, and a whopping 75.7 of pick pocketing or purse snatching.

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Tabletmag: ‘Austria’s Incredibly Narrow Escape From Neo-Fascism’

That’s a tad hyperbolic, no?

The Austrian president is a largely ceremonial position.

Subhead at Tabletmag: “Dispatch from Vienna, where a closely contested presidential election may be a bellwether for an increasingly xenophobic Europe”

Has the writer ever studied Torah? It tends to have frequently a xenophobic attitude to non-Jews. Every proud group has a somewhat xenophobic view of strangers. If you want to protect something, you must discriminate.

Tabletmag: “Austria has dodged a bullet after voters elected the Green Party candidate Alexander Van der Bellen to be their next president over the nominee of the far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), Norbert Hofer. In a contest that sharply divided Austria along gender, educational, and geographical lines, Van der Bellen beat Hofer in the closest presidential contest in Austrian history. Thirty years after Kurt Waldheim—a former member of the SA and an accomplice to Nazi war crimes in Serbia as a Wehrmacht intelligence officer during the Second World War—was elected to the same post, Austrian voters narrowly prevented a neo-fascist from entering the Hofburg.”

And we all remember the genocides that Kurt Waldheim launched while president.

Tabletmag seems to be displaying a real xenophobia against many of the non-Jews of Austria who wish to preserve their heritage and their gene pool just as much as Torah wants Jews to preserve their heritage and gene pool.

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America’s Bright Transgendered Future

Comment: …sort of mind boggling:

A newly formed pro-transgender political action committee has sent out a questionnaire to each of the major 2016 presidential candidates — but only Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders has responded.

The Trans United Fund, launched in April with the goal of building the transgender community’s political power, sent out a questionnaire to campaigns for both Hillary Clinton and Sanders. Although the Clinton campaign initially signaled it would answer the questions, the campaign has yet to return the questionnaire, the committee says.

The 15-page questionnaire prepared for the candidates covers a range of transgender issues, seeking candidate’s positions on transgender employment as well as access to transition-related health care, education and housing.

Why do transpeople need education and housing? I mean, anymore than anyone else?

In his responses, Sanders affirms support for trans rights in each of these areas. Additionally, he volunteers a proposed executive order requiring all federal employees to have access to workplace facilities consistent with their gender identity and to establish an interagency working group to increase opportunities for the trans community.

Okay, bathrooms again. How do we increase opportunities for transpeople?

The candidate also recommits himself to fighting HIV/AIDS in response to questions on the epidemic and pledges to work to reform state HIV criminalization laws, which to varying degree penalize the transfer of HIV.

WTF, I thought knowingly transferring a deadly infection was criminal, and it should be.

Sanders identifies as his greatest achievement for transgender people his role in enacting the Affordable Care Act, which he says secured $11 billion to expand the network of Federally Qualified Health Centers to assist minority communities like transgender people.

$11 B is not enough.

But Sanders didn’t respond to all of the questions. One on whether he has employed a transgender person to work for him in a government and business context, and another on whether he supports the legalization of sex work were left unanswered.

What does TG have to do with prostitution (sex work)? Apparently, a lot; perhaps these are the opportunities previously referred to. I was right, others were wrong: legalized prostitution is apparently next, call it WWP.

Many of Sanders’ answers reflect his responses during an interview last year with the Washington Blade in which he promised to make transgender people visible in his administration and became the first presidential candidate to endorse openly transgender military service.

How do you make TG’s “visible” in your administration? As for the armed services, I have my doubts.

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The War Over Language

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* In my lifetime, the politically correct term for black people has changed maybe four or five times, from colored people to Negroes to black to African-American to people of color (which is good but colored people is bad – go figure). I may have missed a couple in there – I think there may have been a short period where it was Afro-American instead of African-American. A lot of this is just shit testing for loyalty to the party line – the powers that be change the acceptable name and you have to signal your virtue and hipness by following the party line that is current this week. Maybe next week the correct term for blacks will be “sun people”. If you don’t follow along with this, you can be accused of being racis’, not to mention “childish, passive aggressive, and effeminate”. Maybe some people don’t want to play this game anymore.

* The reason these names keep changing is because a word designates an object, and if an object accrues bad associations, then by re-naming the object, it is thought that you remove the bad associations. But the bad associations always come right back, because it is the object, not the word, that is creating the problem. The first person I know to point this out was Schopenhauer, 150 years ago (Section 285a in the Parerga and Paralipomena).

All social justice re-naming (including the current jihad against “oriental”) is similarly motivated and will require similar re-naming every cycle.

There’s an amusing anecdote from the Falkland Island War that recaps this: Supposedly the British troops began referring to Falkland Island natives as “Bennies”, which was a way of calling them idiots, and the high command got word of this and commanded that they stop using that word. So they started calling them “NB’s” with the same disparaging tone. A commander asked, “what does NB stand for?” “Not Bennies” replied the soldier.

* Liberal love blacks, browns and Muslims so long as they act just like white liberals. Otherwise, liberals get very frustrated and, most often, move to a less diverse neighborhood. Funny that.

* One of Fox News Channel’s token liberals is one of its celebrity Blacks, Juan Williams. He is actually an immigrant from Panama! Nonetheless, he is usually referred to as “African American”– as are people like Colin Powell, whose parents were from the Caribbean. Juan Williams is actually a Black Hispanic, or an Hispanic Black, but I never have heard anyone refer to him as such.

My problem, however, is not with immigrants who are naturalized, much less the native-born children of immigrants, being called “African American” (i.e., despite their not having any ancestors who were slaves in America). My problem is primarily with people exchanging two words with seven syllables for a single, monosyllabic word– even though they call the majority “White” instead of “European American.” In the words of ‘Judas Iscariot’: “It doesn’t help us if you’re inconsistent!”

Actually, I find “African American” more objectionable than its mere length: It also is inaccurate, in that the natives of northern Africa are not black (negroid), and are (for the moment, at least) classified as “White or Caucasian” by the government itself. Even worse, of course, is the moronic use of “Asian” as a “racial” designator, as if Afghanis and Japanese were of the same race. Sigh….

* During the Winter Olympics a few years back when a Jamaican won a medal in some sport the NBC commentator described her as being “the first African American, from any country, to win a medal”.

* African American is a treadmill euphemism. When a group can’t meet societal norms they simply change their name hoping that will alleviate the stigma of belonging to the group. There is no use examining the term “African American” because it will soon fall out of favor and some other term will take its place. The New York Times now asks people, or blacks at least, how they describe themselves. In one article five people of African descent are described as black, African American, Afro Caribbean, Tunisian and Egyptian, or mother from Barbados. LINK.

The terms idiot, imbecile, and moron changed to mentally retarded which changed to special needs and in many places is now called exceptional.

* RE the group of a thousand names, I think the main thing is connotation. They want to keep the name a moving target, so the negative connotations can be ditched for a while. It’s like if Chipotle (was having much bigger problems and) changed their name and brand. It wouldn’t really promise anything new of substance, but a lot of people would fall for it. Eventually, every name given to blacks becomes a word a certain type of non-black spits. When that type hits a certain critical mass, it’s time for a brand change. African American might have staying power, because it’s long enough to appeal to blacks’ grandiose tendencies.

* Lots of interracial marriage among powerful families in America in the latest generation.

John Boehner’s daughter – black man
John McCain’s son – black woman
Al Gore’s daughter – Asian man
Barbara Bush – brown guy from Panama

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