Tchernovitz, Bitzaron and Israel Stiefel

Jay Stiefel (jrstiefel at emails: Hi, Luke-

I enjoyed reading your thumbnail bio about Chaim Tchernovitz, founder and publisher of Bitzaron, the international Hebrew monthly. My father, Israel Stiefel (1898-1966) was its chairman during the period that the Rav Tzair’s son Maurice ran it. He also contributed articles to it, including one on Joseph Klausner whom he first met at Bialik’s house in Odessa and befriended on their aliyah on the Ruslan to Jaffa in 1919. Klausner became his favorite professor at the Hebrew Teachers College in Jerusalem. My father also established literary prizes for the best contemporary Hebrew short stories. The winners of the Stiefel Prizes were published in Bitzaron.

I am presently working in my father’s archive at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (collection 4025). Given his close association with the Tchernowitz family and Bitzaron, I wanted to make reference to any correspondence of his that may have survived in papers of that family or the publication. Have you any suggestion as to any repository or individual in that regard?

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Muhammad Ali’s complicated relationship with the Jews

How can any gentile proud of his racial, national or religious identity not have ambivalence and negative feelings about Jews? How can any Jew proud of his Jewish identity not have ambivalence about goyim?

The Nation of Islam is a powerful group strategy for blacks.


Adopting Arab causes after his retirement from the ring, ‘The Greatest’ frequently clashed with the Jewish people, accusing ‘Zionists’ of world domination, even as some notable members of the U.S. Jewish community were his fervent admirers.

Boxing great and cultural icon Muhammad Ali, who passed away on Friday aged 74, was known for his quick and darting technique in the ring and his ability, as he put it himself, to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. 
That gift for stinging characterized Ali both in and outside the ring, where his quick tongue and stinging repartee made headlines no less than his fists – and sometimes with greater effect. He became a symbol for black liberation during the 1960s by standing up to the U.S. government and refusing to enlist to the army for religious reasons, famously saying: “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong. No Vietnamese ever called me a nigger.”  
His conversion to Islam in 1964 – accompanied by a name change from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali – and his subsequent sympathy for Arab causes made Jews a frequent target of his silver tongue, even as several Jews were among his long-time supporters and admirers. It made for a complex relationship between the boxer and world Jewry.   
When Ali made his triumphant comeback to the ring in Atlanta in 1970, after being out of action for 43 months on draft-evasion charges, he commented on the possibility of another bout with long-time rival Joe Frazier by saying: “To those who might want it, the fight will come. All those Jewish promoters – they’ll see that it comes off.”
Though a reporter said Ali was smiling as he said it, boxing insiders criticized him for insulting “the guys who went to bat for him” – specifically. Harry Markson, the boxing director of Madison Square Garden in New York, and Sam Massell, the mayor of Atlanta.

After announcing his retirement from the ring in 1974, Ali lost no time in throwing right hooks at Zionism and embracing the Palestinian cause. Talking to reporters in Beirut, Lebanon, at the start of a tour of the Middle East, Ali said that “the United States is the stronghold of Zionism and imperialism.”
On a subsequent visit to two Palestinian refugee camps in southern Lebanon, the former heavyweight boxing champion was quoted by a news agency as saying: “In my name and the name of all Muslims in America, I declare support for the Palestinian struggle to liberate their homeland and oust the Zionist invaders.”
Ali even visited Israel, coming to “arrange for the freeing of the Muslim brothers imprisoned by Israel” in 1985, when some 700 Lebanese Shi’ites were detained in the Atlit camp, against the background of the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon. 
Ali wanted to discuss the release of “all 700 brothers” with the “very highest level in the country,” but Israeli officials politely declined to enter the ring. 
In 1980, during a visit to India to promote a boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow after the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Ali maintained that Zionists “control” America and the world. 

Asked for his thoughts on the Iranian hostage crisis by India Today, Ali denounced the Iranians as “fanatics,” but still managed to blame the Jews.
“Religion ain’t bad; it’s people who are bad,” he said. “You know the entire power structure is Zionist. They control America; they control the world. They are really against the Islam religion. So whenever a Muslim does something wrong, they blame the religion.”
Despite his frequent jabs at the Jewish community and Israel, Ali couldn’t seem to alienate some of his most fervent Jewish admirers, among them Hollywood star Billy Crystal.
Crystal’s 1977 impression of the boxing legend deciding to convert to Judaism and change his name to Izzy Yiskowitz became legendary on its own right. Fifteen years later, Ali had the pleasure of having Crystal perform at his 50th birthday party.
Sportscaster Howard Cosell, born Howard Cohen, was perhaps Ali’s biggest defender. Unlike many others, Cosell immediately called Ali by his new, Islamic name after he changed it from Cassius Clay, and also stood up for his right to resist the draft. The Jewish journalist and the Muslim champion had a rapport that was evident in post-fight interviews, where they exchanged barbs and bantered, drawing in enchanted viewers.

Ali mellowed in his autumn years, perhaps partly due to becoming “zaidy” to a Jewish grandson, born to his daughter Khaliah Ali-Wertheimer and her husband Spencer Wertheimer. Ali was there to witness little Jacob Wertheimer “becoming a man” at Philadelphia’s Congregation Rodeph Shalom in 2012, and, according to his daughter, was nothing but respectful of the bar mitzvah ceremony.
“My father was supportive in every way. He followed everything and looked at the Torah very closely. It meant a lot to Jacob that he was there,” she said.
But Ali expressed tolerance well before that, when in 1996, before lighting the Olympic flame at the Atlanta games, he declared: “My mother was a Baptist. She believed Jesus was the son of God, and I don’t believe that. But even though my mother had a religion different from me, I believe that, on Judgment Day, my mother will be in heaven.
“There are Jewish people who lead good lives. When they die, I believe they’re going to heaven. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, if you’re a good person you’ll receive God’s blessing. Muslims, Christians and Jews all serve the same God. We just serve him in different ways.
“Anyone who believes in One God should also believe that all people are part of one family. God created us all. And all people have to work to get along.”

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Scott Adams Endorses Hillary Clinton

Scott Adams blogs:

I’ve decided to come off the sidelines and endorse a candidate for President of the United States.

I’ll start by reminding readers that my politics don’t align with any of the candidates. My interest in the race has been limited to Trump’s extraordinary persuasion skills. But lately Hillary Clinton has moved into the persuasion game – and away from boring facts and policies – with great success. Let’s talk about that.

This past week we saw Clinton pair the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.

That is good persuasion if you can pull it off because fear is a strong motivator. It is also a sharp pivot from Clinton’s prior approach of talking about her mastery of policy details, her experience, and her gender. Trump took her so-called “woman card” and turned it into a liability. So Clinton wisely pivoted. Her new scare tactics are solid-gold persuasion. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see Clinton’s numbers versus Trump improve in June, at least temporarily, until Trump finds a counter-move.

The only downside I can see to the new approach is that it is likely to trigger a race war in the United States. And I would be a top-ten assassination target in that scenario because once you define Trump as Hitler, you also give citizens moral permission to kill him. And obviously it would be okay to kill anyone who actively supports a genocidal dictator, including anyone who wrote about his persuasion skills in positive terms. (I’m called an “apologist” on Twitter, or sometimes just Joseph Goebbels).

If Clinton successfully pairs Trump with Hitler in your mind – as she is doing – and loses anyway, about a quarter of the country will think it is morally justified to assassinate their own leader. I too would feel that way if an actual Hitler came to power in this country. I would join the resistance and try to take out the Hitler-like leader. You should do the same. No one wants an actual President Hitler.

So I’ve decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for President, for my personal safety. Trump supporters don’t have any bad feelings about patriotic Americans such as myself, so I’ll be safe from that crowd. But Clinton supporters have convinced me – and here I am being 100% serious – that my safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump. So I’m taking the safe way out and endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

As I have often said, I have no psychic powers and I don’t know which candidate would be the best president. But I do know which outcome is most likely to get me killed by my fellow citizens. So for safety reason, I’m on team Clinton.

My prediction remains that Trump will win in a landslide based on his superior persuasion skills. But don’t blame me for anything President Trump does in office because I endorse Clinton.

The rest of you are on your own. Good luck.

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ABC’s Costa Giorgiadias Of Garden Australia Visits Tannum Garden Centre


Chaim Amalek: You should move back. You are fifty. Long past time to think about how you will spend your remaining years. Why not spend them with your family, helping out with the family business?

Lewis Fein Are you advocating that he move into assisted living?

Chaim Amalek In a way, yes.

[Paul] is good looking, smart and successful family. All in Australia waiting for your return. I say this is your best bet.

Just think of the fascinating stories you will have to tell your townsfolk. Everyone will seek you out just to hear your take on things here. You can be a big(ger) man there than you are ever going to be here. I say do it! Make that move.

Susan Williams What could Luke do at the nursery like is a Jew with physical abilities or would he drive off the customers explaining tzitzit to young ladies who come in to buy a terrarium?

Chaim Amalek He could be their house raconteur, regaling the customer with tales of America. But also, whatever manual labor they can give him to do. He’s been around enough Mexicans to see how it is done.

Susan, everyone knows that Aussies are a bunch of wankers. Which means they consume lots of porn, an area on which Luke, though rusty, is still expert. He could give public talks on the porn trade. And charge an admission fee to porn hungry Aussies. Or switch the topic to Jews and Judaism.

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Many LA Jews Back Trump

From the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles:

For Edo Cohen, a local 36-year-old head of a digital marketing agency, his main issue, too, is immigration.
“The biggest threat to the Western world is a demographic threat,” Cohen said, pointing to the influx of Arab immigrants to Europe as an example. “When people lose their borders and lose their identity, they slowly lose their country.”
While he liked Cruz for being a “constitutional conservative,” Cohen said he thinks conservatives sometimes “obsess a little bit too much on that.” Cohen sees domestic issues such as fiscal and economic policies as being reversible, while demographic transformations are irreversible.
“To me, the most important thing, and the thing you can’t reverse — you can always reverse economic policy — but you can’t reverse an invasion,” Cohen said.
Asked how his friends, Republicans and Democrats, view his decision to vote for Trump, Cohen said most of his Republican friends plan to vote for him, too, while his Democrat friends “are not very happy about it.”
“They think he’s a racist, and they think that he’s dumb, but I think that’s what they thought about every Republican candidate, so I don’t see the difference,” Cohen said. “The veil that Donald Trump is lifting on the political correctness front, on the nationalistic front … the fact you’re allowed to say things like, ‘This is my country, and I want to keep it’ — that’s the real appeal that I have for Trump.”


* Trump needs no apologists, His record as a businessman speaks for itself. There are many ‘celebrities’ out there that have turned personal millions into personal bankruptcy. Trump, on the other hand, turned his ‘silver spoon’ into billions. Dumb? We all should be so dumb.

Foreign policy? Whatever that is. Many of his business entrprises are located in foreign lands. Countries where business practices are often radically different from those we have here. Trump has succeeded.

Relationship with Israel and Jews? The apple does not fall far from the tree. His daughter converted to Judaism, and not just to Judaism, but to Orthodox Judaism. Yes, her father in law has a stain in his past, but compare it to a similar relationship in the Clinton family. But for a presidential pardon that father in law might still be in jail.

A misogynist? A woman hater? A racist? Look at his businesses, and those in high positions. Of course, his mantra is”produce’, or. You’e FIRED!’. Expect him to do the same as POTUS.

And then there is Hillary. Her claim that she left the White House broke. And the government had to recover the items that she stole when she left. A degree in Law, but she could not pass the bar exam, until her husband became governor. Fired from the Watergate staff for lying. Became Senator from New York, without ever having lived there previously. Is there a reason that she was not the Senator from Arkansas? And then there is Secretary of State. Need one list all of her failures in that position?

Sanders? He is not worth the ‘ink’ to describe him. Just ask his last private sector employer.

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