Something’s Got To Give

Fred Reed writes: From the Drudge Report, America’s thermometer, regarding the disruption a campaign rally for Trump:








Enough. This can’t last. If people want to demonstrate against anything at all, fine. If they detest any politician at all, fine. If they are vulgar subliterate rabble, let them be vulgar subliterate rabble where I am not. But when they run wild over and over and shut down politics, they need to be stopped, right now, with nightsticks and dogs and long jail sentences.

A country that allows a feral underclass to run unchecked, to attack and beat anyone it doesn’t like, to loot and burn and disrupt political rallies, to block highways and intimidate the citizenry, will not last. It is time to put an end to it. If we still can.

Look at them. They are the muck at the bottom of the national drains, stupid, half-educated at best, without regard for notions of law or democracy. Many couldn’t spell democracy. They need to be stopped, hard.

They do it because they can. They know there won’t be consequences because governments are afraid of them. They sense it and do as they please. They will do so increasingly. They are in charge, and they know it.

These things are no longer incidents in the cute “culture wars,” half amusing and half-exasperating. We see something more like Weimar Germany, with organized mobs making targets of politicians and breaking up rallies. It is a deliberate, conscious assault on what America is supposed to be and to a reasonable approximation, was.

Somebody needs to take command to end this nonsense before it becomes irremediable. But is it possible? There is no nice way to do it. The scum will ignore niceness. The police would have to beat the living dog-snot out of rioters, charge them with assault, and put them in slam for the maximum. Controlling them would require martial law in cities in insurrection and the shooting of arsonists and looters. Universities would have to expel without recourse of misbehaving college children. These would take stomach, which we do not have.

It is probably too late.

Yes, there is a culture war. Behind the rabble, and supporting them, are the media, New York and Washington and Hollywood, the open-borders crowd, the racial lobbies and etiolated epicenes of academia, Obama and Hillary and the Neocons and Wall Street.

Asserting control would not be easy. The cities are powder kegs. The rioters hold too many hostages. If police shoot one black criminal, a city burns. Politicians know it. If Latinos become another hostile racial group, Katie bar the door. We face as part of the larger conflict a tricorn race war of, now, low intensity. This makes no sense as most of all races just want to live in peace, but the civilized inevitably get sucked into hostility started by extremists. White nationalists are spoiling for a fight, as are Black Livists and an indeterminate number of Latino hot-heads.

Latinos are key in what is coming. There are at least 55 million in the US–I suspect the numbers are deliberately understated by the government–and most, being legal, are not going away.

Cracking down appears to be beyond the powers of governments whose politicians will temporize, back away, make polite noises, and hope it doesn’t blow on their watch. If we have Hillary, she will do nothing. It is not clear that Trump could change much, though he would try.

The  new Brown Shirts. Trump supporter being attacked by the mob. There is a large racial element in the social battleground no matter how much we pretend otherwise.

The new Brown Shirts. Trump supporter being attacked by the mob. There is a large racial element in the social battleground no matter how much we pretend otherwise.

Race is only a part of the onrushing disaster. America is no longer a country, but a riot of hostile races, sexes, and political extremes, of self-serving politicians and extractive corporations of the extremely rich who have no attachment to the US. The mild competition between Republicans and Democrats of the Fifties has given way to hard Right and weird Left who bitterly hate each other. They are irreconcilable.

Somebody has to win. There is neither a desire for compromise nor room for it. Those who regard universities as centers for infantilism, inclusiveness and narcissistic political theater cannot live side by side with those who want rigorous schooling for the qualified. It is one or the other. A belief in free discourse is not compatible with firing people who say things offensive to the sacred sensitives. No happy mean exists between affirmative action and advancement by merit. The ghetto cannot cohabit amicably with the library.

America has become a three-ring circus run equally by Goebbels, Barnum and Bailey, and Caligula. Something is seriously out of whack when the President of the United States insists that boys pee in the girls’ room, when the National Basketball Association threatens to pull the All Star game from North Carolina unless it allows integrated urination. Does basketball now dictate to the states? Arrayed against these are people who believe in what was once called common decency. They do not want their daughters of twelve years going to a ladies’ room in which predictably will be hanging out men of doubtful intentions and intense interest.

Underlying all is the clash over dictatorship of the proletariat, the rule of the underclass. The culture that approved taste, learning, careful English and manners confronts the the slums which increasingly prevail. Filth and illiteracy are not just tolerated but exalted.

Lyrics from the gutter, specifically 2LiveCrew, a rap group.

“Bend over and spread em, girl, Show-w-w me those pussy pearls, Rub that ass and play with that clit, You know I like that freaky shit” and so on.

Today’s America.

The intellectual and moral level of these bottom-feeders is not compatible with civilization, yet the country is bathed in their outpourings. To take it out of passive voice, the music industry of New York bathes the country in it. There is no nice way to escape because the courts will uphold the industry.

The conflict is between freedom and social totalitarianism. Remote bureaucracies with whom localities have nothing in common write their children’s textbooks and decide what morality they should be taught. People who want a say in the schooling of their children, who want to choose where and with whom they live, find themselves pitted against a political ruling class with power to decide almost every aspect of their lives.

Something has to give.


* America is like one of those novels where the first few chapters are great but becomes unreadable and you just want to get it over with and read the ending already.

Let’s just rip the bandaid off now.

* The authorities will do nothing because they approve of these attacks. See the mayor of San Jose. Many of the people who were assaulted were attacked directly in front of lines of armored police. We are approaching a situation similar to Weimar Germany, where factions engaged in political street warfare until one side won the war and imposed a dictatorship.
There are two major differences today in the US. First, in Germany the socialists and fascists were in equally dire economic straits and existential despair, had little to lose, and were desperate for change, therefore they went at each other with equal abandon. Here the fighting is one-sided. In the US people like Trump supporters are law abiding folks who still believe in the rule of law and civility, are trying to cling to a middle class life and afraid of losing it by fighting back. The brown shirts attacking them have no such inhibitions and know they have the backing of the power structure including government, the media and the legal system. There isn’t going to be any crackdown. The people who could order it, like what they’re seeing.
For their part, the victims won’t respond in kind until they have been driven to the wall and realize they are about to lose everything anyway. I think we are still a long way from that, but we’ll see after eight years of Hillary in the White House and maybe another stock market collapse.

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Martin van Creveld, Pussycats: Why the Rest Keeps Beating the West—and What Can Be Done about It

Martin Van Creveld writes: In the kingdom(s) of the West, something is rotten. Collectively, the countries of NATO are responsible for almost two thirds of global military spending. In terms of military technology, particularly electronics, communications and logistics, they have left most of the rest so far behind that it is no contest. Yet since at least the end of the Korean War back in 1953, almost every time they went abroad and fought non-Westerners they were defeated and had to withdraw without achieving their objectives. As happened, to cite but two recent cases, in Iraq and Afghanistan; and as may yet happen if and when Islam keeps spreading into Europe, as it is doing right now.

What went wrong? How did the ferocious soldiers, who between 1492 and 1914, brought practically the entire world under their control, turn into pussycats? Readers of this website will recognize some of my earlier attempts to answer these questions; now those answers have been extended and put together in a single book.

Chapter I, “Subduing the Young,” focuses on the way Western societies raise their scanty offspring. Protecting and supervising them at every step; depriving them of any kind of independence; forcibly preventing them from growing up; and, if they refuse to sit still for so many hours as to drive any adult out of his mind, pathologizing them and dosing them with Ritalin (a close relation to cocaine, incidentally). Briefly, in the words of a recent American best-seller, turning them into “excellent sheep.”

Chapter II, “Defanging the Troops,” shows how the same is happening in the military. Troops may be, and routinely are, ordered to go to the other side of the world so as to kill and, if necessary, be killed in turn. Depending on the army in question, though, they may not be allowed to be in the streets after 2300 hours, drink a beer, wear uniform in public (lest they become a target for terrorists), watch pornography (lest the sensitive souls of their female “comrades” be offended) or visit a brothel. Briefly, they are not allowed to be men; notwithstanding that proving their manhood has always been, and always will be, one of the most important factors that make soldiers fight.

Chapter III, “The War on Men,” examines the way in which the forces are being feminized affects, indeed infects, their fighting power. In theory female and male soldiers are treated equally as they should be. In reality the former are privileged in many ways. First, the system of “gender norming” means that the standards required from female soldiers during all kinds of training, courses, and tests are lower than those men must meet; with the incidental result that everyone’s training suffers. Second, when it comes to pregnancy and delivery female soldiers enjoy privileges male ones do not have. Third, various factors have created a situation where, in quite some militaries, it is now easier for a woman than for a man to gain a commission with all the advantages that the latter brings. The further removed any arm of service from the front, the truer this is. Worst of all, though everyone knows these facts, no one is allowed to mention them even unconsciously; meaning that the entire military is based on a lie so big as to undermine the foundations on which it is built.

Chapter IV, “Constructing PTSD,” looks at the history of post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD, as it suddenly emerged during the American Civil War, is not so much a medical phenomenon as a cultural one. It is the product of a society which tolerates it and, all too often, encourages it and even celebrates it. It does so partly because the idea that war is bad for the soul is taken very much for granted; and partly because of the fear of litigation. Whatever the reason, things have got to the point where American troops returning from places like Afghanistan are now obliged to undergo annual testing for PTSD. Instead of feting its heroes, society, treating them like damaged goods, does what it can to humiliate them.

Chapter V outlines the emergence of modern societies which, exalting rights and forgetting about duty, have come very close to delegitimizing war itself. Especially in Europe, to use armed force for any purpose, specifically including self-defense or correcting a manifest wrong, has become almost taboo. For soldiers to express their pride, let alone joy, in their profession has also become intolerable.

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Chaim Amalek: ‘When Moshiach comes, every day will be like an inner party.’

Chaim Amalek: “And no, the goyim will not be invited to attend. They will have their own, inferior parties, but ours will beat theirs because at ours, we will learn torah all day long.

“The only woman I ever met in New York who could be called a racially conscious White woman with a nationalist outlook was mentally ill. She heard voices in her head. Voices that she claimed were of alien reptilian invaders from outer space. Yep, for the racially conscious white man, the pickin’s are pretty slim. But the women are not.”

I email a Jewish friend Yggdrasil’s review of Eyes Wide Shut.

He responds: “I used to read him years ago. Is he still publishing new stuff? I thought he retired or stopped posting stuff? With the changes in the white identity/white nationalist movements in the past couple years, is he still relevant?”

Luke: “I think he has retired but I think his work is still relevant. What would you say are the important changes in the white nationalist movement the past couple of years?”


I think that much has changed.

The old line “intellectuals” including William Pierce, persons such as Yggdrasil, Willis Carto, Tom Metzgar, David Duke and Edgar Steele have either died, retired or been pretty much bankrupted or marginalized.

Certainly we have never lived in a time where racism or anti Semitism engenders such a vitriolic public reaction as now.

However, privately, more and more whites are aware of the disparity in criminal behavior, educational achievement and interracial crime emanating from non Asian minorities against whites. The ubiquity of cell phone cameras and the willingness, primarily of blacks, to post acts of violence they film on the web and the ability of whites who are the victims of this violence to communicate it to others via the internet, means there is a vast number of persons who are exposed to this but who used to rely on the mainstream media as honest gatekeepers.

It is on this contradiction between what information persons see they are allowed via typical television and newspaper reporting and what they see unfiltered on the web that spurs newer and younger white identarians.

I don’t know how many persons read Steve Sailer, but I definitely sense his influence is growing, probably because of his association with Unz rather than running his own blog. I often see themes he has raised being repeated, without attribution by Ann Althouse, Glenn Reynolds, and even Powerline.

None of these persons wants to be associated with Sailer, because they know that will allow at least some of their readers to dismiss what they have to say, however, there are some persons, such as Rod Dreher, who does cite Sailer.

It would be easy to dismiss the Alt Right as direct descendants of David Duke, but the writers and thinkers under the alt-right umbrella are smart enough to know that would allow critics to “point and sputter” and dismiss them as mere knuckle dragging racists. Instead they focus on scientifically sound and empirically established racial differences ranging from athletic ability to IQ. They are willing to discuss that different cultures have different values and that different cultures have a right to practice and enforce their values in their home countries, but that the United States is a powerful country at least in large part because of its culture and they don’t like this culture to be subordinated to cultures with antithetical values.

The issue of Jews is one that divides many of the white identatarians. You see that for yourself. On the one hand you have Kevin MacDonald and the whole Occidental Quarterly crowd who clearly believe that Jews are (to reduce it to its basest terms) a parasite that in a healthy host thrives, but then like a true parasite, gradually weakens and hollows out the host until it collapses while the Jews move on to a new friendlier host. Others, such as yourself, recognize and condemn the power of Jews for their failure to recognize that it is in their best interest to keep the host strong even if it means allowing the host’s culture to dominate.

Which way the dominant thinking in the Alt Right goes will be very important both for the future of the Jews in America and for America itself.

A guy like Milo is a diversion. He is a good writer and very intelligent, but his power rests in his willingness to challenge PC norms. I seriously doubt that many in the Alt Right think that the way he tries to avoid being labeled a racist, that as a gay man he enjoys sex with black men, carries much weight. Instead the Alt Right enjoys the way the left responds to his provocations.

I am concerned that with the passing of Phil Rushton, Arthur Jensen, that there are fewer young scientists who are willing to follow in their footsteps and face ostracism. It is important for the sake of intellectual freedom and scientific advancement that taboos on race related studies be shattered.

I hope that Trump whether he wins or loses will force American politics to deal honestly with the issues of the impact, economic and social, of unrestricted immigration and also to deal more honestly with the issue of what sort of assimilation will be required of Muslims who want to come to America.

I hope that Trump will also lead more Americans to understand that what may be good economic policy for the elite does not translate to good economic policy for the rest of us. This is a variation of the old Wall Street v Main Street divide among the Republicans, although now it applies to Democrats as well where the elite can espouse free trade (formerly a Republican provision) open borders, social justice and environmental justice, and provide a sufficient welfare state to hold the loyalties of the poorest, while squeezing the middle class. (Steve Sailer’s war of the high/low against the middle.)

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Your Skin Is Your Uniform

Vox Day writes: Everywhere you go, from San Jose to Melbourne, the race war will find you. Vibrants don’t give a damn that you are a good anti-racist. They could not care less that you deplore racism with every bone in your body. They are totally indifferent to the guilt and shame you feel over the actions of your ancestors. They understand, as you do not, that there is no such thing as racial equality, there is no such thing as a “proposition nation”, and there is no such thing as a Brotherhood of Man.

They hate you for the very simple reason that you are not them. And they will attack you, unprovoked, every chance they get.

A 14-year-old Melton boy has been bashed relentlessly in a shocking unprovoked attack at a Melbourne shopping centre. The horrific assault was captured on video by cowards who encouraged the violence instead of stepping in to stop it.

With his hands in his pockets, 14 year old Haydyn Wilson is kicked in the face so hard he falls to the ground.

He can do nothing but cover his face while the group of five continues to inflict shocking violence.

The screams in the video are coming from his girlfriend who witnessed the terrifying assault but could do nothing to stop it.

Homogeneous nations come out of heterogeneous ones. The demographic lines have been crossed, and now there will be no peace until the white nations are either a) predominantly white again or b) extinct. See: Rhodesia and South Africa.

Choose one. There is no other option. The situation is only going to get worse. Not only is there no virtue in virtue-signaling, because there is no virtue in denying reality.

There will be peace through segregation or there will be war for dominance and control. The various races can be friendly and respectful neighbors or they can be locked into a violent death struggle for power over one another. Whites from Australia to America must accept the simple fact that the fruit of the equality doctrine is a poisonous one.

And those who profess to believe in racial equality, civil rights, and immigration are going to have to come to terms with the fact that THEY are the party responsible for the evils that are already beginning to come to pass. The violent nationalists who WILL address the problems you caused are no more to blame for the necessity of their terrible actions than white blood cells can be blamed for the diseases they attack.


* An acquaintance of mine in my former home town was murdered by blacks last week. If I have the story straight he was collecting rent and 2 men attacked him. He was shot and they tried to cover up the crime by burning his body in a garage. He left behind a wife and 4 young kids. He was a good man and a Christian. We had some mutual friends. War is coming wether we want to believe it or not. Prepare yourself.

* A cousin of mine was murdered by blacks at a party 2 years ago. They hit him from behind, knocked him out on the first hit, and proceeded to stomp on his head. Dindu didn’t realize that stomping a person’s head could result in death, and therefor thinks he did nothing wrong.

* Why do you rule out Brazilification – a relatively peaceful descent into third world squalor where whites wall themselves off in wealthy enclaves or rural heartlands but are generally subsumed through mongrelization with the foreign hordes? There is 50 years of precedence for this but none of violent resistance in recent (post 1965) US history. I hope you’re right but it seems the outcome will depend on various political, ideological and demographic factors rather than being the natural reply of a race that has been driven from most of its main cities and the Southwest without much of a fuss.

* The German classicist, Prof. Werner Jaeger, encapsulated the Doric philosophy in the Laconic style: “Life is War”. He writes:

“It is simple enough, the Dorian ideal of arete taught by Tyrtaeus’ poems and by the Spartan and Cretan institutions. It is this: Life is War.”

From Plato’s Laws: Clinias the Cretan, a true philosopher, to wit, when the Athenian stranger asks him what is the basis of their laws:

He meant, I believe, to reprove the folly of mankind, who refuse to understand that they are all engaged in a continuous lifelong warfare against all cities whatsoever.”

Change out the word “city” and replace it with “race” and you get the picture. The goal of the Enlightenment is over—the supposed atheist utopia building “Enlightenment” and all of its proponents MUST BE repudiated. Real World events such as Lebanon, Yugoslavia and what is going on in this country have shown that a country must have homogeneity of religion, race, culture and any subset must be ghettoized, or live in federations such as Switzerland. The Jews must be suppressed and discriminated against.

Now, the only thing that matters is racial/national preservation. Life is War.

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Is this like the eternal struggle between Jews and goyim?

Maybe different groups have different interests?

The Atlantic:

The Very Long War Between Snakes and Newts

The two have been locked in an evolutionary arms race since before they even existed.

In the mountains of Oregon, there are newts with so much poison in their skin that each could kill a roomful of people. There are also snakes that eat those newts; they’re completely resistant to the toxins. The two are locked in an evolutionary arms race. As the newts become more toxic, the snakes become more resistant. One team of scientists has been studying this evolutionary conflict for five decades, and they’ve now shown that its seeds were planted 170 million years ago—before either snakes or newts even existed.

We know about this ancient conflict because of a young undergraduate student named Edmund “Butch” Brodie Jr. In the early 1960s, he heard a local legend about three hunters who were found dead at their campsite, with no sign of theft, struggle, or foul play. The only thing amiss at the scene was a dead roughskin newt, which the hunters had accidentally boiled in their coffee pot. These dark-backed amphibians have vibrant yellow-orange bellies, which they display to predators by arching their heads and tails over their backs—a clear sign that they’re poisonous. Perhaps those poisons killed the hunters.

Butch tested this idea by collecting newts, grinding up tiny amounts of their skin, and feeding the extracts to other animals. Everything died. The newts proved to be absurdly lethal. Another team of chemists showed that they carry tetrodotoxin (TTX)— the same poison found in the skins and livers of pufferfish. It’s ten thousand times more toxic than cyanide, and among the deadliest substances in nature. Each newt seemed to carry enough to kill any predator hundreds of times over. Why were they be so ludicrously toxic?

Butch found a clue when he checked one of his traps and found a common garter snake devouring a newt. Overcoming his mild phobia of snakes, he collected some and found that they resisted amounts of tetrodotoxin that would kill far larger animals.

While Butch focused on the newts, his son, Edmund Brodie III, became fascinated by the snakes. Together, they showed that throughout western America, places with mildly toxic newts also had mildly resistant snakes. Meanwhile, hotspots with unusually lethal newts also had snakes that withstood staggering levels of tetrodotoxin. The two species were locked in a beautifully coordinated arms race of toxicity and resistance.

But what set off the starting pistol? How did the first snakes survive their encounters with the first newts? To find out, the team needed to understand how the snakes came to shrug off the poison.

Tetrodotoxin kills by corking molecular pores on the surface of nerve and muscle cells, which act as channels for sodium ions. If these ions can’t traverse the channels, muscles can’t contract and nerves can’t fire. Paralysis ensues, breathing ceases, and death follows. In 2005, the Brodies found that garter snakes avoid this fate by changing the shape of their sodium channels, so that tetrodotoxin no longer plugs them.

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