‘Tell me Michelle doesn’t look like she’s checked out of her marriage’


From the Chateau: President Gay Mulatto, as per usual, sits in the Supreme Gentlefag position. Does he see what’s going on? That face he’s making says he does, and doesn’t care. Their marriage is a loveless sham. Was the Presidency worth it?

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White Women, Yoga Pants, And Race

From the Chateau: On my travels to the four corners of the globe, I’ve noticed something very telling about the casual fashion choices White women make within different contexts. Yoga pants, as most of you know, have been staples of the White woman wardrobe for years. Basically, yoga pants are underwear, worn in public. Most styles are extremely tight, some have thigh cuts that are see-through, and all display the camel toe in its full glory, leaving little to the imagination. A few styles cut a crevice so deep in the ass cheeks you can just make out the rusty starfish.

So yoga pants are the striver class-approved slut outfit for SWPL women who want to flaunt their sexy bodies and then bitch about beta males, who have the gall to possess functioning libidos, ogling them. See, proles and SWPL ladies are more alike than not; their goals are the same, but they choose to achieve those goals via different pathways of expression.

Anyhow, to the chewy center bursting with Bartholin’s flavor. In the blacker neighborhoods — the ones gentrifying but still menacing enough to put a pep in the step of Whites who venture out after 7pm or have to walk past throngs of friendly “teens” — you will rarely see White women in yoga pants. They are more conservatively dressed. Jeans are common. Leggings with a long-ish dress or skirt over them are also common. In the heat, shorts are tasteful; no underbutt. I’m talking about SWPL White women here; the ones with mid-paying jobs, sterling Women’s Studies credentials, and big brains they drown in mimosa juice. I’m not talking about the mudshark dregs with the tattoos and needle marks.

In contrast, in the Whitest huetopias, the skin-tight, labia-compressing yoga pants are everywhere. Where da sluttily-dressed White women at? In White neighborhoods. What’s going on here?

I have a thought. Striver White women soaked in a lifetime of feminist tankgrrl indoctrination dress to attract alpha males (while having to deal with the risk of sending the wrong advertising signal to beta males), and they dress to flaunt the power inherent in their number one asset (their figures, culminating to a point at the mons pubis). In White neighborhoods filled with hirsute hipster goons concealing weak jawlines, White women feel unrestricted freedom to flaunt their creases and cracks. This freedom makes them power-drunk, and they love the torment (or thought of it) that they can cause to erupt in the silent skullcases of fearful beta males ogling them from a safe distance.

In the blacker zones, this strategy doesn’t work. Way too risky. Black-on-White women rape is epidemic (leftie White women know this even though they’d never admit it). A darkpool of dindu nuffins loitering on a street corner, veins coursing with the liberating elixir of low impulse control, will not let a yoga pants sloot, with looks that shame the mammoth black beasts the brothers are used to boffing, walk by unmolested. One thing blacks don’t do: cast sidelong, shy glances from a distance while pretending not to notice the lingerie show strutting down the street. They will let a slutty White women know, in so many jungly hoots and howls, that her goods are the sheeeeiit, and they intend to sample them.

Naturally, there will be no White hipsters to white knight for her. And justifiably so. What noodle-arm would risk a five-on-one swarm because he stood up for the honor of some cunty careerist feminist White woman who thought it would be a good idea to display the contours of her vagina to the Congo line?

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Trump & The Judge

From the Chateau: Some Mexican–american judge is set to rule against Trump in a lawsuit concerning Trump U. Trump went to the samizdat airwaves to claim, rightly, that the judge’s Mexican heritage means there’s a really good chance the judge could not be impartial in his ruling.

Commenter Rum cogently explains the essential truth of Trump’s charge against the judge, and how that truth is becoming truer in our polyglot, Babelling post-nation. For this brilliant insight, Rum walks off with the coveted Chateau COTW.

“DTs recent comment about the judge overseeing one of the lawsuits he is dealing with struck me at first as being off-key.
He repeatedly called the guy a “Mexican” although he was born in the US and is, of course, a citizen.
And there is the fact that challenging the fitness of a judge on the basis of heritage or personal politics has long been considered out of bounds.
Then it occurred to me. Yes, that would be out of bounds in a coherent nation state. But what if we now live in an emerging multi ethnic empire? That is a very different thing.
I think that DT is throwing down another gauntlet. He is saying, in effect, “Reverse the move toward being a multi-ethnic empire or we (his supporters) will start acting on the premise that the USA actually is one.” That is, “white” people will begin to manifest concern for their explicit self interest just like any other group.
In other words, the meaning of “we” changes when an historic nation state turns into something else.
He is calling their (the elites) bluff.


Trump is playing the long game, and the elite don’t know how to respond except with recourse to their tired, worn-out quiver of empty smears: racist, sexist, pro-white-ist. All it took was one man with brass balls to, as Rum wrote, throw down the gauntlet and shove the consequences of a multi-muddy third worldifying America into the faces of the effete white libfags who claim to admire their grotesque creation. Let them choke on it.

As for the details of the Trump U case, a judge having nonWhite genetic lineage isn’t necessarily disqualifying from ruling on cases in which the defendant has expressed tacit pro-White America feelings, but it is surely a leading indicator that the judge will rule in a biased manner, consistent with the natural, emotional tribalistic baggage he autonomically brings to the court.

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‘How Normal Are You?’

From the Chateau: The first thing you’ll notice after dropping a qualification MOAB on a woman is how eagerly she steps to the challenge. It’s as if she’d spent her whole life up until she met you trapped in a purgatory with men who had no idea she needed to feel like she was working for their interest.

As a seduction technique, qualification is an accelerant. As a tool for achieving life goals, it’s indispensable. That’s right, the same pickup wordplay that will arouse a girl’s romantic curiosity is the frame of mind that will help a man find the right woman, the right career, and the right friends for himself.

Boldly and unapologetically exploring the subjects of, for example, a woman’s religion, worldview, values, strengths, and weaknesses will help a man better screen out incompatible lovers for long-term commitment and identify those women (or that one special woman) who best complement his life and his ambitions, and vice versa.

You aren’t just qualifying women to improve your odds of getting laid; you’re also helping yourself find love and happiness.

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The Sad Squeaks Of An Aging Starlet’s Rationalization Hamster Spinning Its Final Wheel

From the Chateau: Sharon Stone is a long way from her star turn in the movie Basic Instinct as a femme fatale who flashes her vaj during an interrogation. Thirty years on, paying audiences don’t want to see her vagina anymore. And, if the bitterness and sour grapes that drip from this recent interview with Stone are any indication, not many quality men in her real life want to see her vagina either.

After two divorces and decades in the business, Sharon Stone isn’t looking for a casual romance.

How convenient.

The 58-year-old actress opened up to AARP magazine about the effects of aging on both her personal and professional life.

“Obviously it’s pretty easy to get a date,” she said. “But to me, my life is so full. I don’t want to take time out to just go on a date, or to just have sex with a stranger.”

Translating from the hamsterese: “There’s a whole world between ‘sex with a stranger’ and involuntary solitude, but I can’t access it because obviously it’s pretty hard to get a date with a man who doesn’t eat his own boogers as a woman over 50.”

“At this point, I get more satisfaction – physically, spiritually, emotionally – from a smile, a laugh, a warm conversation or a really sexy look,” she told the magazine. “You know the way a man can look at you? Where you know he really sees you? I don’t want to be with someone unless it’s like that.”

The above is what age-related low libido looks like in words.

The aging beauty claims to seek romantic perfection as an ego emollient to avoid the crushing reality that imperfect romance isn’t even an option for her anymore.

Why pick on Sharon? Isn’t her personal torment enough punishment? The problem is that, unlike most aging women who must nurse their fantasies and shill their platitudes in private or to a small audience of immediate family and close friends who know better, Stone has a public platform to spread her lies to impressionable younger women who can’t see through the bravado to the sexual market rejection hurt underneath. At the margins, some younger women could be convinced, to their detriment, by Stone’s false pride that playing the field until late middle age is a viable route to life happiness, instead of what it really will be: a big mistake.

Making an example of Stone is a lesson for the others to avoid the same lonely fate. Prime fertility women need to know with the utmost seriousness that it will NOT be easy for them to get a date at age 58, with ANY man, and an old lady saying otherwise is blowing smoke up their skirts. Platitudes are cute when no one really believes them, but they’re downright malevolent when asserted with righteous authority as truth.

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