What If the Orlando Murderer Were a Christian?

Dennis Prager writes: Islam has never been a religion of peace. It began as a warlike religion, and throughout its history, whenever possible, Muslims made war on non-Muslims, from the polytheists of North Africa to the Hindus of India. A reported 60 to 80 million Indians were killed by Muslim invaders during the hundreds of years of Muslim rule there.
So, while the left would emphasize a murderer’s Christian faith, it denies that Islam plays any role in the vast amount murder, torture, enslavement, female genital mutilation, unparalleled subjugation of women and rape committed by people of the Islamic faith. Virtually every American and European student learns of the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Christian West’s role in slavery, but nothing of Muslims’ centuries of mass slaughter and vast enslavement of Europeans and Africans.
Why? Because the truth about Muslims’ historical record of violence would shine a light on the Christian West’s far-superior moral record. So the left employs a dual-sided tactic: portraying Islam as benign and Christianity as malicious.
I am writing this column in Rome, where I’m staying at a hotel located one block from the American embassy. The embassy is draped in an enormous gay liberation flag.
Three questions come to mind:
Why does the embassy have such a flag? Does it have any other giant flag besides the American flag on hand?
Are all embassies currently draped in this flag? For example, are the American embassies in Muslim countries draped in it?
My third and most relevant question is: Had a Muslim targeted and murdered scores of Christians, would any American embassy anywhere in the world be draped in a flag depicting the Christian cross? In fact, in light of the one and only ongoing genocide in the world, that of Christians in the Middle East by certain Muslim groups, why aren’t American embassies draped with a flag bearing a cross?
We all know the answer.
Christians must be portrayed as villains, not victims.

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NYT: To Beat Anti-Semitic Trolls Online, Some Co-Opt Their Weapons and Mock Them

New York Times:

Now, a wide swath of Twitter users, both Jews and gentiles, has also adopted the parentheses, hoping to spread awareness of the issue and make it more difficult to target individuals. In an interview, Mr. Rosenberg said it would also allow more people to see the parentheses and ask what they’re all about, turning anyone into a potential educator on anti-Semitism.

He said the typical cycle of exposing bigotry — someone says a dumb thing, the target retweets it, other people get outraged — is a bit of a downer, and typically reaches people who are already aware that bigotry is bad. Instead, he prefers to mock the vile attacks he receives, hoping humor will help him find a wider audience and increase awareness.

“The only thing you can do is mock it, and show these people: ‘You are outside our discourse,’ ” he said.

Gentile Professor says: “It’s so bizarre. Do they realize that the alt-righters think Jews and NYT writers are ‘bigots’? Do they really think that anyone in our world today doesn’t realize that ‘bigotry is bad’? When you’ve been outside the mainstream discourse for long enough it becomes very hard to understand what these people are thinking (or pretending to think). What is ‘bigotry’ for them? It’s ‘bigotry’ to say that Jews are powerful and ethnocentric and over-represented in various fields, but it’s not ‘bigotry’ to say similar things about whites. So what is it? Just whatever claims elite Jews or liberals or minorities don’t like? Their discourse seems so irrational that it becomes hard to believe that _they_ really believe what they’re saying. And yet, it really does seem that they believe it, or that lots of them do anyway. E.g., that ‘principled conservatives’ really do believe their gas about the constitution or individual rights or whatnot, while at the same time they think it’s best to align themselves with BLM and Hilary Clinton rather than Trump.”

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Should We Import More Muslims Like Omar Mateen?

Feb. 7, 2016: The rabbi who rallies American Jews for the global refugee cause

People like HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) and its HIAS vice president, Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, want to flood your community with poisonous snakes like Islamic Orlando killer Omar Mateen.


The Times of Israel:

The Syrian refugee crisis keeps Rabbi Jennie Rosenn up at night. However for her, the worry goes beyond personal concern to professional responsibility. As the relatively new vice president for community engagement at the refugee assistance organization HIAS, she is tasked with mobilizing the American Jewish community in the face of the world’s largest refugee situation since World War II.

Before arriving at HIAS in 2014, Rosenn, 47, played a leading role in the field of Jewish service as the director of the Jewish Life and Values Program at the Nathan Cummings Foundation.

“I moved to HIAS and refugees because I sought to get closer to the ground on a real issue,” Rosenn said in a recent interview with The Times of Israel.

The timing was auspicious, as the global refugee crisis could not be more urgent than it is right now, with the events of the last months having made Rosenn’s job easier — and also much harder.

On one hand, Americans’ attention was captured by media coverage last year of more than a million Syrian and other Middle Eastern migrants and refugees making perilous sea journeys to reach European shores, and flooding across borders on foot. And after photos of drowned three-year-old Kobani-born Alan Kurdi were shared widely on social media, sympathy grew further for the refugees.

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Who Wants More Muslims In The West?


Dec. 23, 2015: British Jewish organizations lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees


The Times of Israel:

British Jewry is vowing to not stand idly by as restrictive British asylum policy prevents all but a tiny trickle of today’s refugees to legally reach the shores of the United Kingdom.

Earlier this month, during Hanukkah, three of Britain’s Jewish religious movements released a video announcing the launch of a campaign to reinstate private sponsorship for refugees, a mechanism that disappeared after WWII.

Like the private sponsorship of refugees currently underway by Canadian Jews, the British scheme would involve synagogues, community organizations and individuals taking responsibility for resettling Syrian families fleeing the four-year-old civil war in their country.

“One of the things that has united the Jewish communities here is the refugee crisis. Religious and lay leaders are speaking out. Nothing has been as deeply resonant for us,” said Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, a senior British Reform rabbi.

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Why Not Have Borders?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Why do the wealthy live in gated communities and walled compounds? They want to live within borders and boundaries. Also the Secret Service is going to be increasing the height of the fence (border) around the White House.

* They also want to take away your right to secure the space around yourself.

While they go around protected by Praetorian guards.

It’s a global empire.

* DNC to Build a Wall for Security During National Convention in Philadelphia

* Worth bearing in mind that the latest islamist terrorist’s parents would not have been in the US at all were it not for the US regime’s choice to use jihadism as a tool of its own interventionist policy in Afghanistan, and he is also on record as feeling (entirely understandable) resentment about US behaviour in Afghanistan.

* Here’s the reality:

I lived in pre-1965 America. There was no airport security, no railway security, no X-ray machines, no Government goons pawing through our luggage, no Moslems in hijabs wanding our grandmas or absconding to foreign countries to wage jihad. Our country and our countrymen were high-trust – because we Americans were then One People.

I miss pre-1965 America because Open Borders Perpetual Mass Third World Imminvasion destroyed that America – destroyed that Great America. Today I don’t even recognize this country as America, because it’s full of and continues to fill up with people who are not American and who never will be American.

Those never-will-be-Americans are why we Americans are now subjects under a police-surveillance-security regime – and those never-will-be-Americans are why today, at every place we Americans go to in what is supposed to be our country, we are now also subjected to private security of every description and level of stringency.

So, yes: let’s have a border, and let’s police it, let’s defend it, let’s keep the global hordes of never-will-be-Americans the hell out of OUR country.

It is that simple.

* On the CBS News tonight they tried to do a tribute to what wonderful people were lost. De mortuis nil nisi bonum (of the dead speak only well) but to be honest, it was a very unimpressive group of (mostly) Hispanics. There were no Feynmans or Hawkings lost in that group. We have been lucky that for every violent Muslim we let in there are a hundred Dominican telemarketers and Mexican Disneyland ride operators but honestly what the hell have we been doing for the last 50 years? The next flying car or interplanetary space ship is not coming from this bunch. We could have done so, so much better but we didn’t even try. It probably wasn’t really a great idea to totally transform the ethnic composition of America to begin with but if we were going to do so anyway, couldn’t we have made it more like Seoul or Singapore and less like Mexico City?

* There are plenty of borders and plenty of border enforcement in a borderless world. They surround and protect the growing increasingly filthy rich increasingly disconnected increasingly bubble-fied international elite.

* In other words, in order to be blessed with the “liberation” of open borders we have to accept authoritarianism within those borders. That might be a bargain people living outside of those borders are thrilled to accept, but why should someone who is already a U.S. citizen accept that “bargain”?

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