Why Orlando Massacre Has America So Angry With Itself — Guns, Islam and Especially Homophobia

J.J. Goldberg writes: For all the rancor in our national discourse over the past decade, it’s hard to remember a moment so dominated by vitriol and mutual loathing as the aftermath of the Orlando shooting. It’s almost as though we’re angrier at each other than at the murderer.
In part it’s the toxic impact of Donald Trump. But he’s merely sharpening the faultlines. Half of us, liberals, are outraged that America still doesn’t face up to the gun problem. The other half, conservatives, are appalled that we don’t look radical Islam square in the face and call it by its name. Those who think it’s all about guns dismiss the very notion of radical Islam problem as a bigoted distraction. Those who think it’s about radical Islam think the gun talk is just liberal whining.
Actually, both explanations are true. Both problems — guns and Islamist radicalism — are real, urgent and maddeningly complicated. Each side has something to teach the other. But that’s not how America works anymore. No, we line up with our teams and fire away at the opposition.

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How a Jewish Con Man Tried To Get Herbert Hoover To Think in Yiddish

Walter Shapiro writes: “Not political by nature, Freeman grasped the biggest truth about presidential campaigns— millions of dollars flowed through party coffers with minimal accounting. That’s why he had tried to sell the Democrats in 1916 on paying him to produce a movie glorifying Woodrow Wilson. Now with Hoover running in 1928 against New York’s Democratic Governor, Al Smith, Freeman concocted a Jewish angle to pick up some Republican coin.”

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Rabbis: Why We Shouldn’t Force Hasidic Jews To Offer Secular Education

There’s not a word in this essay about what is plainly in America’s interests. Clearly, America benefits from a population that is literate in its national language, English, and knows basic math and history and other secular subjects well enough to make a living.

America does not benefit from people who can’t read and write in English and thereby are less likely to live honestly and honorable. The rabbis are signing off on Hasidic Jews living like parasites. They’re fine with the heimish sucking off the welfare teat.

The welfare of America does not matter to these rabbis. It’s not even a consideration.

Marc B. Shapiro writes: “Two people have asked me to comment on Rabbis Yitzchok Adlerstein’s and Michael Broyde’s article here arguing that hasidic schools shouldn’t be forced to offer secular education. While the Seforim Blog is not the place for commenting on these sorts of matters, after reading the article I felt I had to make one point. Adlerstein and Broyde cite the famous Supreme Court case which allowed the Amish to opt out of secular education and they apply this logic to the hasidic communities. While it is true that if it went to court the hasidic communities would probably prevail, there is a big difference between the Amish and the hasidic communities. The Amish do not take welfare, food stamps, and other forms of government assistance. Thus, they make choices and live with the consequences. However, the hasidic communities refuse to provide their children with the basic skills needed to function in the modern economy, and as a result rely heavily on the welfare state. No one who believes in limited government and is opposed to the welfare state can support a situation where kids are allowed to grow up almost guaranteed to be in need of public assistance.”

Yitzchak Adlerstein and Michael J. Broyde write: More generally, many civil-liberties-minded Americans are skittish about any and all government regulation of religious practice. Since Employment Division v. Smith allowed the government to curtail religious rights incidentally, all religious liberty has been tenuous; the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and its progeny have generally demanded of states and the federal government accommodation for sincerely held religious beliefs unless there is no other way to accomplish a very important governmental goal, and even then, no targeting of religion specifically is allowed. But supporters of religious freedom know they’re skating on thin ice all the time.
Satmar shares enough characteristics with the Old Order Amish that we think they would have little problem arguing in court that compelling secular education will destroy its basic religious values. This is reason enough for Jewish organizations not to rally to the side of New York State. In a legal showdown, Satmar will prevail: Yoder controls as a matter of law and denies the state the ability to force Satmar children to go to any school. If forced, Satmar can direct that its children go to an unlicensed Satmar yeshiva with no secular education at all and the Constitution protects that: A Satmar yeshiva is as protected as an Amish farm.
There is yet another good reason why Jewish organizations have not spoken up on the side of the State. While Satmar can challenge the curricular intrusion under Yoder, the State can push back by connecting any financial assistance to the teaching of the New York curriculum. This would, of course, be completely constitutional — even as the State cannot force children into schools if they do not want to go, the State is under no obligation to pay for a yeshiva education, just like it does not have to pay for Amish to work the farm.
The difference is government funding. The Amish were not funded by the state. Not so Satmar: Its yeshivas are beneficiaries of the many different programs the State and City of New York provide to private schools, from money for lunches for poor children to transportation assistance to many more programs of great value.
If there is a battle, the yeshivas will stay open under Yoder, but no state aid will be provided to such yeshivas, because they will not be recognized as schools. “Until now there were also strict laws, but because we live in a kingdom of benevolence, to put it bluntly they simply turned a blind eye to what’s going on by the Jewish children,” said Satmar Rebbe Aaron Teitlebaum in a May 4 address. That’s where Satmar is vulnerable — and might have to make a painful decision.

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JJ: New head of Anne Frank Center wants a rights agenda as aggressive as he is

Many people don’t know that gay rights were Anne Frank’s passion.

Jewish Journal: Garden State Equality helped pass hundreds of gay-rights laws in New Jersey, including allowing same-sex marriage in 2013. Goldstein, however, sees himself as an advocate for social justice broadly — and says he’s “18 times more Jewish than gay.” LGBT rights, he says, aren’t even his top issue. That would be pro-Israel advocacy.
“It reminds me of actors who are associated with one part for the rest of their lives,” he said. “Jerry Seinfeld will be associated with his character on ‘Seinfeld.’ There’s absolutely nothing he can do about it. I never wanted to spend my life as a gay civil rights leader.”
Now Goldstein has the chance to play a new part. Starting Tuesday, he’ll be the executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, a relatively obscure Holocaust memorial organization based in downtown Manhattan. Goldstein wants to turn it into a national leader in fighting hate and discrimination of all kinds.
Founded in 1959 by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, the center was originally the American counterpart to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. The house shows visitors where the family hid during the Holocaust, along with running educational programs about the Holocaust and the dangers of anti-Semitism and racism. It has run programs in more than 50 countries, from Japan to South Africa.
Goldstein plans to expand that mission by establishing five institutes, led by prominent activists and academics, that will focus on civil rights, human rights, women’s rights, religious discrimination and journalism. He plans to release policy reports on those topics.
He also aims to open offices in Los Angeles, South Florida and a dozen other cities with large Jewish communities, and hold annual conferences for youth and women’s rights activists. He wants to support young filmmakers documenting social justice struggles.
His philosophy, in three words: “Bigger is better.”
“It’s not about are you going to do this over that,” he said. “For those who say you can’t do it all at once: first of all, watch. Welcome to Steven-land.”
Goldstein’s allies say he’s got a flare for the big. When he and Loretta Weinberg, a New Jersey state senator whom he says is “like a mother to me,” got a same-sex civil unions bill passed in 2006, he offered to host a small gathering at her Teaneck office. When Weinberg arrived, she saw teams from every major TV network.

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The Plight Of Christian Arabs

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Sadly, almost no one is particularly interested in the plight of Christian Arabs.

I don’t think it takes much analysis to see why Obama’s lack of interest in Christian Arabs is not much different from Dubya’s lack of real interest. Most humans have a “bully” instinct, an instinctive contempt for losers and failures. Christian Arabs are the losers of the Middle East – once dominant, then living for centuries at the mercy of their Muslim overlords. Even in the 19th century most European Christians never seem to have had much sympathy for them.

* When Trump referred to the Orlando terrorist as “an Afghan” in his speech on Monday, journos jumped on Twitter to correct him: “He was born in America!”.

Now we hear the killer referred to Afghanistan as “my country” and claimed affiliation with the Islamic State. Had he called himself a woman, the PC left would insist he was a woman. But Trump calling him an Afghan is a mark of ignorance.

* For today’s “left,” if you’re born with male genitalia but identify as a woman – you’re a woman. On the other hand, if you’re born in America but identify with your Afghan ancestors, your an American. (At least, if you do anything bad).

* The Obama administration, including Hillary Clinton, blamed the 9/11/2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. ambassador to Libya in Benghazi on a Coptic Christian’s YouTube video. Copts are Egyptian Christians though the Obama administration appears to consider them to be Arabs (viz. “Arab Spring”).

An analogy would be if in the 1930s, the U.K. ambassador in Germany was murdered by a group of Nazis and the U.K. prime minister blamed anti-Hitler literature, produced by a German Jew living in the U.K., for the murder. How would “history” view this Prime Minister?

* During Ottoman times and presumably before, Christians and Muslims were viewed as separate groups. The people who today we identify as Christian Arabs would have considered themselves to be Assyrians, Chaldeans, Copts, Maronites, Greek Orthodox, etc., but not Arabs. Arabs were Muslim.

However starting in the 1920s, Arab nationalism was invented by a few intellectuals and some Christians in these regions began identifying as Arab. After the rise of secular dictators in the 40s and 50s, these regimes had an interest in promoting a supposed shared ethnic identity among the people and suppressed separate identifications. Many Christians became enthusiastic participants in the new nationalistic Baathist regimes, the PLO and so on.

Now with the rise of Islamism the Christians of the region have discovered how the Muslims actually feel about them, and it is often not as fellow co-ethnics. As the old Muslim saying goes ‘First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People,” meaning once the Arab countries have been rid of Jews, which was accomplished after 1948, they can be rid of Christians. At this point they largely are. For example Jordan has gone from 30% Christian in 1950 to 5% today. ISIS may be removing the last traces of the 2000 year old Assyrian Christian community from its territory.

Lessons of history usually go unlearned, but many people in the West would benefit from understanding what happened to the Christians of the Middle East. They tried to ally with Muslims only to find out that the alliance was all take and no give.

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