WP: Suspects charged in Pittsburgh cookout shooting that left 5 dead, led to anchor’s firing

The journalist was fired for being right. The truth is not politically correct. She committed the crime of noticing patterns.

Washington Post: Three months after gunmen descended upon a family barbecue in a Pittsburgh suburb, opening fire on nearly a dozen people with an assault rifle and a handgun in an orchestrated attack, authorities have charged with homicide two men they have suspected nearly all along.

On Thursday, Allegheny County officials announced at a news conference that Cheron Shelton, 29, and Robert Thomas, 27, each face five counts of homicide, six of aggravated assault, six of recklessly endangering another person, conspiracy and criminal homicide of an unborn child.

One of the fatal shooting victims was eight months pregnant…

About two weeks after the March 9 attack, WTAE-TV anchor Wendy Bell, who had covered the shooting and the city of Pittsburgh for nearly 20 years, opined in a post on her professional Facebook page about the profiles of the shooters. At the time, police had not released suspect descriptions or names.

“You needn’t be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killers who broke so many hearts two weeks ago Wednesday,” Bell wrote on Facebook, words that were later deleted.

“They are young black men, likely in their teens or in their early 20s. They have multiple siblings from multiple fathers and their mothers work multiple jobs. These boys have been in the system before. They’ve grown up there. They know the police. They’ve been arrested.”

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Ryan Landry: ‘Is there a single Jewish pundit applauding #Leave?’

Ryan Landry posts: The Brits came through, and if the exit polls are any indication, the old Brits came through and “Leave” won. How much pain and anguish was there last night? Pundits were throwing out “dark days like 1914” or “oh no this is the darkest time since 193X”. Let’s calm down. It was one vote with no set timetable for leaving the EU.

This vote will be something the EU will throw every single trick in the book to delegitimize, force a revote (note age splits) and refuse to implement. I did not think Leave would win and that even if it does, the forces of control will not execute on the plans. Then the EU Road War would change everything. There have been other European nations that voted against centralization but those did not count. The voting continues until the USG empire gets the result it wants. In case you missed the financial news last night, the markets immediately tanked on Leave Wins hints and results. The system will hold people hostage but the system forgot how many people they have impoverished, flooded with 3rd worlders and rubbed it in their faces.

There is one big difference. The EU of 2016 is not the EU that it was in the ’90s or ’00s. The forces that were supporting centralization and running roughshod over people are not as strong. Look at what is happening all over the continent. The Austrians had to rig absentee votes to prevent a win by a “far right”, in reality nationalist, party. Even the brainwashed Germans have witnessed the explosive birth of AfD, which if women ever voted beyond their vaginas might see tremendous gains.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that last night no Jew cheered on the results. Rootless cosmopolitans cry at the slightest threat to their ability to bounce between nations and scam yokels. I need to take that back. There was one: Luke Ford. It might be possible that Luke Ford is the Chosen One of the Chosen people. Thank you Luke.

Nationalism vs. Globalization, decentralization vs. centralization, the battle of sovereignty. Natives vs. Liberal Natives + their 3rd world pets. I was a doubting Thomas. These are fun times.

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‘Graph of Mother Jones mass shooter database by ethnicity’



“Currently awaiting the results in his underground bunker, ready to lead the ground assault on London.”



“Feminism Sex Party”


“An overview of today’s Trump article in the Washington Post”




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The Epidemic Of Immigrant Mass Murders

Ann Coulter writes: With the media frantically hiding the content of Donald Trump’s terrorism speech from last week, he should respond to every question with the central point of that speech: How does this kind of immigration make our country better? How does it make the country safer?

Media: Show us your tax returns!

Trump: Show me how our immigration policies are good for the people who already live here.

Media: Tell us why you fired Corey Lewandowski!

Trump: Tell me how our immigration policies are making the country safer for the people who already live here.

Media: How are you going to match Hillary’s corporate fundraising?

Trump: How are our immigration policies helping the people who already live here?

Sooner or later people will say, “That’s a good question—why is this necessary?”

When the Third World immigrants admitted under Sen. Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act—as well as their children—commit mass murder, the government and media tell us it’s a gun problem. Or it’s “our” culture. Or it’s “homophobia.” Or we have to keep admitting millions of Muslims because otherwise the ones already here will REALLY hate us.

Isn’t that extortion? We’ve already admitted millions of Muslim immigrants, but if we don’t take in millions more, the ones we’ve admitted will go on killing sprees?

How did we get in the position where we’re screwed if we’re not in the good graces of the Muslim community? Maybe we should stop doing that.

As any competent health professional will tell you, prevention is always better than a cure. No one says, Go ahead and have sex with that syphilitic whore—we’ve got a cure! You don’t need to worry about a leaky roof—we’ve got mops!

They know that’s not a good argument, which is why the media refuse to tell you what Trump actually said in his terrorism speech.

Like defendants with a losing case being forced to cough up bits of discovery, it took the FBI a week to release a redacted transcript of the Orlando shooter’s 911 call pledging allegiance to ISIS. Even then, the first version came from George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth: “I pledge allegiance to (omitted), may God protect him (in Arabic), on behalf of (omitted).”

That was too much even for Speaker Paul “That’s Not Who We Are” Ryan, prompting the FBI to produce the full version of at least one of Omar’s calls. (It turns out, he wasn’t pledging allegiance to Wayne LaPierre or Phyllis Schlafly.)

To hide the epidemic of immigrant mass murders, all the lists have to include massacres from a time when there weren’t many immigrants here—before Kennedy’s Immigration Act had fully kicked in and overwhelmed our country with the Third World. Fox News ran a chart compiled by Mother Jones magazine that includes mass shootings from the 1980s. Why not the 1960s? Why not include Bonnie and Clyde?

Could we look at mass murders from the last decade?

Those include:

  • 2016: Orlando, Florida, second-generation Afghan immigrant Omar Mateen—49 dead;
  • 2015: San Bernardino, California, first- and second-generation Pakistani immigrants Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook—14 dead;
  • 2015: Chattanooga, Tennessee, Kuwaiti immigrant Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez—5 dead;
  • 2014: Isla Vista, California, half-Malaysian immigrant from England, Elliot Rodger—6 dead;
  • 2013: The Boston Marathon, Chechen immigrants Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev—4 dead;
  • 2009: Fort Hood, Texas, Palestinian second-generation immigrant Nidal Hasan—13 dead;
  • 2009: Binghamton, New York, Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong—13 dead;
  • 2007: Virginia Tech, South Korean immigrant Seung-Hui Cho—32 dead.

In the same time period, about a half-dozen mass murders were committed by American white men in their own country, where—despite Teddy Kennedy’s best efforts—they far outnumber Vietnamese, Pakistanis and Afghans. Read on.

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“MADE IN USA!” | Donald Trump Rally | Phoenix, AZ | June 18, 2016

0:33 – “Go fucking cook my burrito, bitch!”

Posted in America | Comments Off on “MADE IN USA!” | Donald Trump Rally | Phoenix, AZ | June 18, 2016