Trump deletes tweet after complaints of anti-Semitic imagery

(CNN) Donald Trump on Saturday deleted a tweet critical of Hillary Clinton after he came under fire for evoking anti-Semitic stereotypes with a graphic that included dollar bills and a six-pointed star.

Before deleting the original tweet, which also contained the words “most corrupt candidate ever,” the presumptive Republican nominee tweeted the same graphic with a tweak: a circle instead of a six-pointed star, which evokes the Jewish Star of David.
The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment about the decision to use a six-pointed star and whether they were concerned about the potential for the imagery to evoke anti-Semitic undertones…

Abe Foxman, the director emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League, called the tweet “insensitive” but said he was reassured by the campaign’s decision to delete the tweet within a few hours.
“They realized it was edgy and could be abused. I’m not sure the intentions were there but there was certainly a lack of sensitivity,” Foxman said.

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Steve Sailer writes:

Obviously, Trump is using the red star to subliminally point out the fact that, as everybody knows, Hillary Rodham Clinton is Jewish!

Everybody does know that, right?

What? … Hillary’s not Jewish? … Really? …

Okay, never mind …

Hey! But what about red being the Jewish color?

Oh. I see.

Well … But what else could a six-pointed star signify?





John Rivers tweets: “Jews are the richest group in America.
Is there Jewish Privilege? Or just White Privilege?”

“Jews are 2% of America, but less than 0.3% of the US military.
Generally speaking, they don’t volunteer to fight.”

“Once we ban six-pointed stars, equilateral triangles, and the color yellow – the world will finally be free of Anti-semitism. Huzzah!”

“Since a Star of David is made from two intersecting triangles, we should probably ban them, too. Just to be safe.”


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Our 6th Infantry Division used the red, 6 pointed star as their shoulder patch from WW1 until 1994, when they were deactivated following the Cold War.

BTW, Trump’s twitter feed has replaced the star with a big red circle. So Trump backed down. He is better when he doesn’t back down.

* I laughed earlier today seeing the breathless Huffington Post on this. Just can’t get excited about these silly scandals any more, life’s short. My reaction was like yours, temporarily stunned that maybe had I missed the revelation this year that Hillary had Jewish ancestry? (Kerry had one of those in ’04.) Cuz that would be pretty sweet timing.

* In 1983 or 1984, all of us on the Procter & Gamble account got notified that P&G’s man-in-the-moon logo had nothing to do with Satanism (which none of us had ever heard before) and

* It’s a six-pointed star on a background of money. The words in the star say “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever” and this charge is based on claims that she has taken money from “special interests”, wealthy political donors, Goldman Sachs, etc. You don’t have to be a paranoid Jew to notice the imagery and connotations here.

* Any other candidate, Democrat or Republican, and I’d buy the (((antisemitic dog whistle))) charge. Trump? Nah. He had no clue.

That’s really the beauty of Trump’s campaign: He’s immune to the crypto-Nazi charge that usually bedevils Republicans, because anybody who’s watched more than five minutes of a Trump speech can see that if the guy really wanted to trash Jews, he’d just come right out and do so. There are no subtexts or codes or dog whistles with this guy.

The very idea of Trump sitting around like Lee Atwater or Karl Rove trying to cook up some sotto voce race- or Jew-baiting angle is comical.

* I remember a few years ago a clothing manufacturer made a line of T-shirts for children, with horizontal stripes, and a yellow star-shaped sheriff’s badge. They were caught in a shitstorm of publicity claiming they were imitating (or mocking?) the striped pajamas and yellow star worn by Jews in concentration camps. Despite the fact that the stripes looked nothing like the vertical stripes of the camp uniform, and the T-shirt star actually had ‘Sheriff’ written across it! But the company nevertheless withdraw the shirts from sale.

* Huffpo hasn’t twigged this sort of thing is counterproductive. I suspect more Jews will vote for Trump than voted for Romney, because they realise that mo Muslims, mo problems.

* A person who has 50/50 chance of being the next President tweeting an anti-Jewish image created by an alt-right message board should indeed be our new normal. Why would anyone question it?

Alt-righters are people, after all (well, sort of).

* The image originated at 4chan /pol, and is pretty clearly intended to say she’s bought by the Jews. Trump probably didn’t see it that way when he tweeted it, of course.

* So what?

The left is blatantly, explicitly, unambiguously anti-white.

And the right is supposed to bend over backwards to not even give the appearance of possible anti-”Semitism”?

Are the few hundred openly anti-Jewish anonymous NEET /pol/tards living in their parents’ basements throughout the Anglosphere the single greatest threat we face as a civilization?

Will they come to dominate the earth if anyone retweets an ambiguous image?

One could be the single most Hebrewphilic person in existence and still notice and condemn the double standard.

Unless one considers Jewish interests and white interests to be fundamentally and diametrically opposed. In which case maybe the anti-”Semitic” have a point.

* I actually think this is a weak attempt to convince the alt-right crowd that You Are Not Forgotten. He actually called Israel a great ally in response to a heckler recently. The guy knows he has a mandate to deport *illegal* Mexicans and bar Muslims from entering, and that’s what he’s running on.

Antisemitism is kind of a nonstarter with the general public. Hollywood’s too good at what they do, and…what’s the last time *you* got mugged walking through the Jewish neighborhood? A lot of the behind-the-scenes cultural manipulation stuff is of interest only to cultural conservatives, the USS Liberty was a while ago (I’ve actually seen on more liberal comments sections: ‘A possibly mistaken attack 50 years ago? That’s the best you can do?’), there’s plenty of goyish blame to go around for the Iraq War, and with the current crop of ‘diversity’, people admire immigrant groups who actually try to assimilate and work hard and go to school. (You don’t see much resentment of Chinese-Americans, for example.)

Hell, non-Jewish people are trying to get on JDate. I wouldn’t wish Jewish women on anyone (OK, my mom is a nice person but she wasn’t born here), but there’s enough guys with cuckold fetishes and paying dominatrices that I guess there’s some niche appeal.

* I doubt Trump was trying to connect Hillary with Goldman Sachs money and with Jewry — but maybe he should have.

Hillary’s daughter is married to former Goldman, Sachs employee Marc Mezvinsky. Mezvinsky ran a hedge fund in which he tried to game the Greek financial crisis and lost 90% of his investors’ money. There is suspicion that Hillary tried to use her position as Secretary of State to get inside information on the Greek bailout to assist her son-in-law’s hedge fund.

Chelsea’s father-in-law, Ed Mezvinsky, did prison time for running a financial scam.

* That kind of graphic design (highlighting something inside a star for pizzazz) is so old-fashioned that I think it was intentional, although I don’t think Trump is “anti-Semitic”. I’m pretty sure the Curiel comments were intentionally provoking too. I think Trump plays a dangerous game. Curiel probably hurt him, while it’s not clear what he was trying to do here, so difficult to tell with this one.

Gideon Resnick writes for The Daily Beast:

Trump’s Star of David Hillary Meme Was Made by Racist Twitter User

The image using an anti-Semitic trope to attack Clinton appeared on 8chan after a vile Twitter user created it two weeks ago.

The meme Donald Trump put on Twitter on Saturday that has been called anti-Semitic for featuring a six-point star like the Star of David was first created by a racist Twitter account.
On Saturday, his campaign tweeted an image co-opting a graphic depicting Hillary Clinton proudly looking off into the distance with the words “History made” emblazoned across it. Except this version featured a background made entirely of money and prominently included what appeared to be a red Star of David with the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” written inside.
The earliest iteration of the questionable picture seems to have come from the Twitter account @FishBoneHead1, which tweeted the image on June 15.

From there, the image found its way to 8chan, a gurgling cesspool on the Internet that is currently devoted to celebrating the death of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. As reported on Sunday, the image was posted there on June 22, featuring the file name HillHistory.jpg which could be a reference to the Neo-Nazi code "HH," short for "Heil Hitler." 

Trump’s campaign quickly took down the meme after backlash but then put up a new image with a circle pasted over the star, whose points could still be faintly seen.

@FishBoneHead1 describes himself as a "comedian" who will "probably offend you if you are Liberal, Politically Correct, Feminist, Democrat." The account has created or shared several racist memes bashing Clinton, Muslims, and other minorities.

Another tweet from the same account includes a garish cartoon depicting a Muslim man carrying a severed head with an upside down sign reading "Refugees Welcome." 

* Hey Jack, can you clue us in on all the other “Jewish things” out there.

We would all like to avoid being anti-semitic and it would really help to have an official list.

* The picture was obviously meant as another in a long line of winks to Trump’s alt-right fans, because he has to keep suckling at their teet for more votes, I guess.

It’s just major enough so they’ll notice it (and they have) and just minor enough so it’s not outright offensive-looking to all people.

Trump has done this through his twitter account roughly a dozen times now. Once or twice might be an accident. But these accidents just keep happening.

* You’re right, of course. It’s worth getting Jewish people all riled up (yet again), and getting himself labeled an anti-Semite, just to get the votes of a hundred thousand or so people who already refer to him as a god-emperor.

That makes total sense, and isn’t paranoid or ridiculous at all.

* If you actually went to the twitter feed of the guy who posted the picture, you would see that he’s simply a political troll, and anyone who took this tweet to be “anti-semitic” is just being trolled. It’s what happens on the internet.

Don’t get me wrong: there is such a thing as the alt.right. Sometimes the generally chauvinistic, nationalist tenor of the alt.right is anti-Semitic, and sometimes it is not, especially because there are plenty of Jews who buy into the chauvinist and nationalist point of view. If this picture used — I repeat, if — the Mogen David to troll Jewish sensibilities, it was not done to pursue some secret Nazi Protocols agenda. It was done to make fun of hypersensitive Jewish sensibilities. However, anti-semitism doesn’t mean that people have to respect the things that are sacred to you. To insist that that is the case is to buy into the whole justification for the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the need to shut down discussions about A because someone holds a belief B that is currently “unacceptable”, that prevents speakers, even pro-Israeli speakers, from holding talks on college campuses, which demands trigger warnings, safe spaces, a priori belief in all sexual assault claims, and much else besides.

In short, get over it.

* This is very unlikely to be an ultra-subtle anti-Semitic dog whistle, because Trump seems basically incapable of dog whistling. He openly says whatever idea pops into his mind, even if it gets him into trouble.

Back during the Bush administration, listening to the president’s speeches was like trying to read between the lines of Pravda. Bush would be giving a speech that was supposed to be about national security and he’d start rambling on about the Dred Scott decision.

In a Trump administration, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.

* I think this issue is totally much ado about nothing. These people must be really desperate if they have to go to such lengths to build up a case of anti-Semitism against Trump, whose daughter not only married an Orthodox Jew but converted to her husband’s religion. You can disagree all you want with Trump’s political positions, but please spare me the silliness that Trump is somehow a racist or anti-Semitic.

* The thing about Trump, whom I have a love/hate relationship with, is he has some very obvious personal weaknesses, among them that he’s an extreme narcissist who creates an echo chamber around himself.

Like today, the news that for his running mate he’s considering:

1. Newt Gingrich, the “I really am a secret Hillary plant and want to lose” choice. Here’s a refresh (2) on Gingrich’s popularity level.

2. Mike Pence, the “go completely off-message and make it a referendum on social issues, which would be a losing strategy even if the notion of Donald Trump as pious moralist weren’t beyond ludicrous” choice. Also, he looks like a mugshot on the sex offender registry. And he’s not even popular in his home (red) state of Indiana.

3. Chris Christie, the “Hillary won’t be indicted but your running-mate will” choice. Nevertheless manages to look like a sane pick compared to the other two, so of course he’s looking like the least likely.

I mean, it’s really something for the most unpopular nominee in history to nevertheless manage to choose a running-mate who’s a liability, and its all because he’s too narcissistic to consider anyone who’s criticized him.

So I don’t think it makes sense to view Trump’s actions as being motivated by a desire to appeal to the middle ground and win, so much as stroking his own ego. He clearly didn’t tweet the image as an intentional anti-Semitic dog-whistle, but the /pol/tard who created it and tweeted it at him in the first place did, and he carelessly sent it out again.

I read someplace that Obama has to have 7 people look at one of his tweets before he sends it out — you don’t necessarily need to sink to that level, but you do need to have someone prevent this kind of stupid own goal from happening, after it’s happened dozens of times. And the reason it isn’t happening is because his aides are too afraid of offending him.

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Hostile Mixed Race Couple In White Van Without License Plates Casing 90035 Shuls

A white van without license plates has been seen casing at least two shuls in 90035 and also it was spotted driving around a yeshiva. This has all happened in the past three weeks.

The van is driven by a black man and a latino woman. They often have their kid in the van with them.

The van will circle around a shul and the woman takes photos with her white iPhone. When told to move on, the black man yells, “My wife likes photography.”

The van has no license plates.

It was first seen, according to what I have heard, on Shuvuot and then again last Sabbath. A police report was filed.

The couple appear to be in their early 30s and seem aggressive and hostile. They remind me of the San Bernardino terrorists. Their identity is unknown.

Most major shuls in 90035 have armed security guards on Shabbos.

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From the Notebooks of Sabrina Rubin Erdely …

Steve Sailer writes: Keep in mind that Jackie Coakley isn’t some kind of criminal mastermind. She’s a super-girly ditz. What little there is inside Jackie’s head is from watching TV. Her stroke of genius was just to replay back to Erdely all the ludicrous mainstream media nonsense that people like Erdely already believe in for psychological reasons of their own…

How could Jackie be lying when we’d all just seen her virtually identical story on Law & Order? To doubt Jackie would be to raise doubts about the empiricism of the Messages in the last several decades of television!


* It just so happens I watched the SVU episode, “Girl Dishonored” with my wife about a week ago. Episode concerns a frat where the guys get sorority pledges drunk and then gang rape them, on a bed, three at a time. Since most of the later Law and Order franchise episodes are tied to current events, I just assumed this episode was “inspired” by the UVA rape. Little did I know that this was the inspiration for the UVA rape.

I can just imagine watching an SVU episode and having one of my daughters say, “That happened to me.” I don’t think we’d be watching the rest of the episode.

The reason Sabrina stopped being a good reporter is because she fell in love with the story. It’s that simple. She could have just written off the six months or so she had invested so far and done something else. But she wanted this story. When she started fact checking, and querying Jackie on her sources, that’s when she found out that Jackie was adamant about not naming names or getting her three former friends involved. She should have quit instantly.

* She could never have been a good reporter because she wasn’t interested in reporting a story based on facts.. Her interest was in crafting a narrative based on anti-white male prejudice.

She fell in love with the story because of her animus toward white males, specifically white frat boys.

There would have been no story and no love if some college girl claimed a group of black males raped her.

I have nothing but contempt for her.

* Apparently the airing of “Girl Dishonored” on Law & Order: SVU was a big deal in SJW land; it provoked a lot of articles. This one at Jezebel gives a good plot rundown.

What’s interesting is that in the TV show it’s the school’s Dean who’s ultimately the villain. He dismisses the victim as a kook, downplays the rape threat, and finally gets convicted in court for being an “accessory to rape” — in a bureaucratic way. His portrayal may help explain why Jackie’s dean became a target in Rolling Stone’s writeup.

* Jackie is not a girly ditz. She spent 5 long months stringing along a con in front of a reporter who was trying to gather a story for a well-known magazine. The reporter took 431 pages of notes. That’s an entire novel of talking out of Jackie obtained over a long period of time. That’s a hell of a lot of effort and work on the part of Jackie.

My own limit when it comes to pulling the wool over someone’s eyes is about 5 minutes. Then I give in to impulse and reveal the truth. That’s because I’m normal.

Jackie is just a plain, garden-variety sociopath. This is how a sociopath behaves, and this is what they’re like. The boy she was chasing and trying to con with the same story was simply another of her victims.

Normal people do not make up stories about serious crimes such as murder, robbery, or rape and try to use these stories to manipulate and con other people. Don’t let her off just because she’s young, female and smiling and simpering at you. People like Jackie can wreak havoc.

* A very good rule for dating today is to figure out how much Law & Order: SVU a woman watches.

If she’s never watched the show and refuses to: marry that broad.

If she’s occasionally watched it, but makes fun of it as a drama-filled cheese fest: long-term possibilities.

If she watches it weekly: pump and dump.

If she sets on the couch all weekend watching the marathons on USA: RUN!!!!!

* Good detective fiction always includes subtle hints unconsciously revealed by the perpetrator to the investigator. Jackie to the reporter: “I just kind of wanted him to never exist again.”

* The more and more I live, the more I think the Amish got it right for a successful marriage: no TV, no movies, no radio.

* I am really starting to see how the Salem Witch hysteria might have been solely the product of a society so in deference to young female privilege that literally anything they said was treated as Gospel truth.

Seriously, what else does “Yes means Yes” lead to but the conclusion that unchallenged “spectral evidence” is now all you need to convict a man on college campuses?

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Japan’s top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country’s Muslims

Paul Ciotti: The story says it’s not legal for a country to curtail the freedom of some citizens just because other citizens are afraid. It may not be legal but that’s what happened in the wake of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. When one Japanese pilot was shot down he got help in escaping from three Japanese Americans on the island. Later, when Roosevelt interned mainland Japanese American citizens in concentration camps, the traitorous acts of those three Japanese Americans was one of his justifications–that ethnic pride in some groups would overwhelm their loyalty to America.

>Surprised Japan never gets accused of being an apartheid state.

I think most informed people know about Japan’s policies but they don’t bother to try and make Japan change because they know most Japanese would simply tell them to go pound sand.

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Scientific Knowledge By Race


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